Oliver had a good day today at the show in Huntingdon, Pa.
Show A: Daniel Barrett
Lone Oak’s Cadbury Egg - chocolate Junior doe 1st BOV
Woods Mill’s White out-white junior doe 1 BOV BOG
Lone Oak’s Blue River -blue otter senior buck 1st BOV BOG BOSB
Lone Oak’s All Shook Up- Junior black otter doe 2nd
Lone Oak’s Druella - black otter Junior doe 1st BOSV BOSG
Lone Oak’s Silver Lining- silver Marten Junior doe 1st BOV
Woods Mill’s Starman - broken black senior buck 2nd
Show B: Everett Hopper
Lone Oak’s Cadbury Egg - chocolate Junior doe 1st BOV
Woods Mill’s White out-white junior doe 1st BOV BOG BOB
Lone Oak’s Blue River- blue otter senior buck 1st BOSV BOSG
Lone Oak’s All Shook Up- black otter Junior doe 2nd
Lone Oak’s Druella- black otter Junior doe 1st BOV BOG
Lone Oak’s Silver Lining- silver marten 1st BOV
Woods Mill’s Starman- broken black senior buck 2nd
Northeast Mini Rex Specialty show: Samantha Perry
Lone Oak’s Cadbury Egg- chocolate Junior doe 1st BOV
Woods Mill’s white out- white junior doe 1st BOV BOG BOSB
Lone Oak’s Blue River- blue otter senior buck 1st BOv BOG
Lone Oak’s All Shook Up - junior black otter doe 1st BOSV BOSG
Lone Oak’s Druella- black otter Junior doe 2nd
Lone Oak’s Silver Lining- silver marten Junior doe 1st BOV
Woods Mill’s Starman- broken black senior buck 2nd
Congratulations to the other exhibitors today! Congratulations to Mason on his wins today with his broken bucks, way to go on BOB and BOSB with your broken Chocolate buck!
Thank you to everyone who helps Oliver through discussion, guidance, brood stock and cheering for him!