Saturday Morning Adventures 💜
Working with your youngest trying to teach him to walk over the poles sideways - With 1 hand 🤚🏻 😂😂🤚🏻 this was our 4th attempt
1st canter
It’s never about how quickly you can accomplish milestones, but the patience in perfecting, proper balancing coordination is all that matters
The moments that every instructors heart fills with happiness and joy to see their riders break through barriers. Many think riding horses is a simple and easy process without realizing the posture, balance, visual motor, motor planning, and cognition that all play an important part in the process that are all being developed and enhanced as you learn to ride and sometimes it’s months and years and NOT days and weeks.. This was nothing short of a lot of growing, patience, perseverance, and dedication and I’m so proud of her!! 💜💜
Morning warmup before Lessons begin at 9AM .. Daisy’s a little slow today 😂😂
Trotting in a bareback pad.. As a COTA I focus a lot on posture, balance and coordination.. This amazing riding demonstrated how well he has improved balance and coordination trotting in a bare back pad..
Go Daisy Go!!!
To watch Daisy transform grow and get better can make your heart happy!! She has progressed so far in the past 5 years
Nothing melts your heart more after a challenging day at work then seeing your therapeutic rider loving her new saddle.. The cutest 3-year old #therapeuticridingprogram #destinysride #therapyhorse
Learning to trot and post especially in the therapeutic arena.. He has made such progress
Cute moment listening to this little rider describing a horses whinny!
Sunday Funday Lessons
The great thing about me going to school for occupational therapy is being able to use what I’ve learned in didactic and now my fieldwork II practicals. Everyone had a successful day ending with Cayden trying to get me candy.. #therapyhorse #therapeuticriding #buildingcorestrength #bareback #destinysride
While Cayden heals from a fracture in his right front leg we will be using Cesar!! Such a sweet boy! A huge shout out to #eeef For letting us use him for the next 30 days ❤️❤️❤️
Sunday lessons.. Watching this little man putting it all together and trotting on his own as he learns to post, and the other getting into a canter from a walk!! Love watching these successful moments. #destinysride #sundayriding #therapeuticriding #therapyhorse
On Rainy days we all want to sleep in including Daisy Mae!! These are the days love and patience, and understanding pays off!
A little music during lessons makes a difference ~ 😊 even though you can’t hear it while I’m recording