Sam Basso is a professional dog trainer and behaviorist, providing services to pets and their owners, primarily in the Phoenix/ Scottsdale metropolitan area. He is known for his fun, kind, intelligent, scientific and humane training methods. Lessons are geared towards practical obedience and behavioral modification for companion dogs. is built on a combination of common sense
training, scientific principles, animal welfare ideals, and Sam Basso’s unique personal touch. Sam Basso is unique in that his approach to dog training and animal welfare has such a broad appeal. He has appeared on his own TV show, has been a guest radio expert, gives seminars locally and nationally, publishes a dog related blog, and is active in promoting fair laws for dogs and dog owners. Founding of
Dogs had been a hobby of Sam Basso’s since 1986., as a concept, was founded by Sam Basso in 1996. First, Sam Basso was divorced in 1995. As many people do after a divorce, it caused him to examine many areas of his life, including his choice of career. Second, Sam Basso happened upon an autobiographical book, by a well known dog trainer. This book gave Sam the idea that he could turn his hobby into a career. Third, Sam Basso noticed an alarming trend that cities all across the U.S. were considering and passing breed ban legislation. Sam’s outrage over the mistreatment and neglect of dogs by their owners, and the overreaction by the public by banning certain breeds of dog, gave Sam Basso a mission: to educate the public about responsible dog ownership. Out of this was the creation of the concept of a different kind of dog training school. Sam Basso decided the focus of the business would be working with companion dogs and their owners, and Sam Basso would speak out for responsible dog ownership and reasonable dog laws. Sam Basso says, “In order to do a story on me, one needs to understand the reasons why I founded this enterprise, otherwise they can’t really understand my passion for what I do and why I do it.”
Statement Of Values:
1. It is essential to teach the highest standard of animal welfare practices to all dog owners and the public
2. It is humane to own dogs, provided they are properly cared for
3. Dogs have a proper, useful and continuing role to play in the life of humans
4. The domestic dog should be preserved within a variety of breeds and breed types using a combination of modern genetics, finding uses for the different dogs we allow to be born, and deploying dogs for roles ranging from pet to professional work. People take extra care of things they value, so it is important to always set a good example with our dogs, to show their value to society, and give people incentives to be responsible, to show how dogs can be useful
5. All dogs deserved to be well trained, loved, supervised, managed, groomed, contained, and socialized
6. Good care and training practices are always being developed, and we all have a responsibility to learn more so we can do better every day, every year, for our dogs
7. We should focus more on working to prevent problems with our dogs instead of concentrating on treating problems after they have developed, and that includes how we craft and implement veterinary practices, dog training methods, dog ownership practices, and dog laws.
8. We should do all we can to make dogs more welcome and integrated into human society
9. We should never lose touch with the idea that dogs are animals, not furry little humans. Good science should dictate how we deal with dogs, not the latest sensational article in the news media
10. Dogs deserve to be bred, raised, housed, and managed in a scientifically and ethically healthy manner
11. It is important to give time to rescue dogs, including donating services, time, effort, and money… and make it more about the dogs than about who gets credit, to stay out of the drama of personalities, and to ensure that we take care of those least fortunate dogs we encounter
12. It is OK for a dog to be a dog. For example, sometimes it is justified, and even desirable, for a dog to threaten, bite or attack
Services Offered
Sam Basso’s passion is working with companion dogs. This is what interests him the most. According to Sam Basso, there is no ˜one’ way that a person becomes a dog trainer. There isn’t a school or college degree that qualifies a person to be a dog trainer. Some people just grew up with animals. Others started out wanting to be a veterinarian, or they started out with competitive obedience. Sam’s reason? “I just did it because I cared about dogs as pets.” Thus, Sam Basso offers training that is tailored for pet owners. Here are the services offered:
HOUSETRAINING, PUPPY LESSONS, BASIC OBEDIENCE, ADVANCED OBEDIENCE, EVALUATIONS, BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION, PROTECTION DOGS, and SEMINARS. The common thread among all of the services offered is the focus on practical ownership and management of companion dogs.