Pet Life Veterinary Clinic

Pet Life Veterinary Clinic Pet Life Veterinary Clinic offers high quality medical care for small animals!

Gum disease is extremely common in cats and dogs. According to the Merk Veterinary Manual, gum disease is caused by the ...

Gum disease is extremely common in cats and dogs. According to the Merk Veterinary Manual, gum disease is caused by the accumulation of bacteria (plaque) at the gum line due, in part, to a lack of proper oral hygiene. Other contributing factors may include breed, genetics, age, and diet. As the number of bacteria below the gumline increases, bacterial waste products, such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, acids, and other compounds, accumulate and cause infection (inflammation); this infection often spreads deeper into the tooth socket, causing further damage to the supporting tissues of the animals tooth, and destroying the bone. There are 2 forms of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontitis. Both can wreak havoc on your pets oral and overall health if left untreated.

If your dog or cat needs oral care, don’t miss your chance to save on it! During the month of September, we are offering $100 OFF DENTAL PROCEDURES!

Send us an appointment request today!

Hoping to see you soon,
Your Pet Life Staff 🥰

Starting our dental discount month off strong with Mully! ❤️ Mully’s mom saved $100 on her dental for bringing her in du...

Starting our dental discount month off strong with Mully! ❤️
Mully’s mom saved $100 on her dental for bringing her in during the month of September! 🤩

If your pet needs dental care, now is the time to do it!

Call and schedule an appointment today if you have concerns about your pet!

Much love from Mully, and your Pet Life Staff 🥰

Did you know your pets oral health plays a huge role in their overall health? Dental problems can cause, or be caused by...

Did you know your pets oral health plays a huge role in their overall health? Dental problems can cause, or be caused by, other health problems.

If your pet needs dental care, take advantage of our SEPTEMBER SPECIAL! We are offering $100 off dentals during the month of September.

Signs of canine dental disease include:
•Bad breath
•Loose or broken teeth
•Refusal or inability to eat or drink
•Painful or bleeding mouth

Signs of feline dental disease include:
•Difficulty swallowing
•Loose, losing, or broken teeth
•Preferring only wet food
•Pawing at face / mouth / head
•Decreased or lack of appetite
•Weight loss

There are various other signs your pet can display if they are struggling with dental disease. The best way to help ensure the health of your dog or cat is to have them examined by your veterinarian yearly. Every examination includes an oral evaluation!

If you have concerns or notice any of these signs in your dog or cat, please call and schedule an appointment today!

-Pet Life Veterinary Clinic 🥰

Does your cat venture outdoors? Even if it’s just to the backyard, it is recommended to get your feline friend the FeLV ...

Does your cat venture outdoors? Even if it’s just to the backyard, it is recommended to get your feline friend the FeLV vaccination.

FeLV stands for Feline Leukemia Virus. According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, cats affected by FeLV can develop anemia (a low red blood cell level), cancers, and / or suppression of the immune system which can cause multiple other health issues. There is increased risk for the disease among outdoor cats, unneutered males, and cats with other diseases (especially respiratory disease, mouth diseases, and abscesses).

It is transmitted between cats through infected saliva and urine. Direct contact with these body fluids by mutual grooming, shared litter boxes, food / water dishes, and fighting (bite wounds), all exposed uninfected cats to the virus. The virus can also be passed from a mother cat to her kittens through her milk.

Unfortunately there is no cure for Feline Leukemia, and it is usually fatal within 2.4 years after diagnosis. It is important to discuss your cat’s lifestyle with your veterinarian so they can help you make the right vaccination choices based on risk / exposure. FeLV can be prevented!

Call today to schedule a vaccine appointment and get $5 off EACH vaccine before the end of the month!

We’ll see you soon!

-Well wishes from your Pet Life Staff 🥰

Zuko’s dad saved $15 on vaccines this month! Also, Zuko COMPLETED his vaccination series and is excited to go on new adv...

Zuko’s dad saved $15 on vaccines this month! Also, Zuko COMPLETED his vaccination series and is excited to go on new adventures! 🤩

Only 5 days left to get $5 off EACH vaccine during the month of August! Don’t miss your chance to save on your dog or cat’s vaccinations!

We can still get you in, call us today!

- Sending head tilts from Zuko, and love from your Pet Life Staff 🥰

Influenza is commonly known as “canine flu”, and is highly infectious. Brachycephalic (short snout) breeds such as pugs,...

Influenza is commonly known as “canine flu”, and is highly infectious. Brachycephalic (short snout) breeds such as pugs, bostons terriers, shih tzus, bulldogs, pekingese, and boxers are at higher risk; as well as dogs with heart or respiratory conditions, that travel or show, and are frequently boarded or go to dog parks. Symptoms can include fever, dry or wet cough, poor appetite, and lethargy. Although most dogs develop a mild form of influenza and recover without complication, some dogs may develop severe and life threatening pneumonia.

It is important to discuss your dog’s lifestyle with your veterinarian when getting them vaccinated to ensure that they are being adequately protected based on their exposure / risk.

Only 7 days left to take advantage of our August special and get $5 off EACH vaccine! We hope to see you soon!

-Love from your Pet Life Staff 🥰

*This information, and more, can be found at*

Do you ever think about your pet’s future? Do you know whether your pet is prone to arthritis, hip dysplasia, joint cart...

Do you ever think about your pet’s future? Do you know whether your pet is prone to arthritis, hip dysplasia, joint cartilage, ligament, or tendon damage?

If you think your pet is prone to the ailments listed above, it’s time to consider preparing for their future with Ardent’s Bank Now Save Later Program. This program allows you to ensure that your pet receives the most advanced care available when it’s needed.

Here’s how it works:

We collect cells from your pets fat tissues during a routine anesthetic procedure such as a spay or neuter in their younger years, and it gets banked with Ardent for the entirety of your pets life, to be used as a treatment option if your pet gets injured or begins displaying the effects of old age. The cells collected hold regenerative abilities that help to heal / treat your pet in a less invasive way than surgery, and more affordable way than expensive long-term medications.

At Pet Life Veterinary Clinic we value the quality of your pets life, and strive to offer as many treatment options as we can to help your pet now and later.

Ask us about stem cell banking at your next visit!

-Kind regards from your Pet Life Staff 🥰

We always LOVE seeing Abby!! 😍 Her mom saved $20 on vaccines for coming in this month! Don’t miss your chance to save on...

We always LOVE seeing Abby!! 😍 Her mom saved $20 on vaccines for coming in this month!

Don’t miss your chance to save on your pets vaccinations! Call and schedule during the month of August and get $5 off EACH vaccine!

Sending love from Abby, and your Pet Life Staff! 🥰

Some owners might think that because their cat stays indoors at all times means that they’re not at risk. The truth is, ...

Some owners might think that because their cat stays indoors at all times means that they’re not at risk. The truth is, all cats, whether indoor or outdoor, are susceptible to harmful bacterias that we may track into our homes on our clothing, shoes, and skin.

FVRCP protects against 3 serious diseases in cats: feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR), feline calicivirus (C), and feline panleukopenia (P).

Let’s break it down:

Feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR) is herpesvirus in cats. It is the leading cause of upper respiratory disease and conjunctivitis in cats. The virus can infect cats of all ages.

Feline calicivirus (C) is one of the more common and HIGHLY infectious agents isolated in cats with upper respiratory infections. When an infected cat sneezes, viral airborne particles can be sprayed several meters through the air. This specific infection can cause symptoms such as conjunctivitis, congestion, sneezing, and ulcers on the tongue, hard palate, gums, lips, and nose.

Feline panleukopenia (P), sometimes called feline distemper, is another HIGHLY infectious disease. Panleukopenia refers to the decrease of white blood cells, which makes an infected cat EXTREMELY susceptible to other infections. There is a broad variation of clinical signs due to the weakened immune system, but most cases include vomiting and diarrhea. In young kittens with severe infection, sometimes, the only clinical symptom is sudden death.

Vaccinating your cat is an extremely effective way to prevent him/her from contracting contagious and life threatening diseases. Help keep your purrfect companions healthy by bringing them in to get vaccinated!

Call and schedule during the month of August and get $5 off EACH vaccine! We look forward to seeing you!

-Your Pet Life Staff

*This information, and more, can be found at and*

Does your old dog have lumps and bumps? Does your old cat have a hard time eating? Don’t be discouraged when other clini...

Does your old dog have lumps and bumps? Does your old cat have a hard time eating?

Don’t be discouraged when other clinics turn you away because your dog or cat is too old. If your elderly pet needs a surgical procedure or dental care, Pet Life Veterinary Clinic is here for them!

If you have concerns about your elderly pet, give us a call! We have same week availability!

Ending the day on a great note with a visit from Happy! Happy got vaccinated today, and his mom saved $10 on his vaccine...

Ending the day on a great note with a visit from Happy! Happy got vaccinated today, and his mom saved $10 on his vaccines for coming in this month! 🤩

Don’t miss your chance to save on your pets vaccinations! Call and schedule during the month of August and get $5 off EACH vaccine!

Sending love from Happy, and your Pet Life Staff!! 🥰

Refer a friend or family member and receive a $15 credit on your account! Hope everyone is having a wonderful evening 🥰 ...

Refer a friend or family member and receive a $15 credit on your account!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful evening 🥰

See you soon!

Da2pp (often called the distemper / parvo vaccine) - This combo vaccination protects against 4 common canine diseases, i...

Da2pp (often called the distemper / parvo vaccine) - This combo vaccination protects against 4 common canine diseases, including Canine Distemper, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus.

Let’s break it down:

- Adenovirus is infectious Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) in dogs. This virus often presents with various upper respiratory symptoms. Young dogs are at highest risk of contracting this virus, and in older dogs the infection may go unnoticed or be mild and resolve without medical intervention.

- Canine Distemper is a HIGHLY contagious and serious disease.The virus attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems of dogs, and is often fatal. All dogs are at risk of canine distemper. Those at particular risk include puppies younger than four months and dogs that have not been vaccinated against canine distemper virus.

- Parainfluenza is a serious respiratory disease that spreads easily through contact with other dogs; it spreads the fastest in environments with large quantities of dogs, like kennels and shelters. It is a highly preventable disease, but if contracted can make your canine companion very ill.

- Parvovirus (commonly called parvo) is another HIGHLY contagious virus that attacks the white blood cells and gastrointestinal tract of dogs. Puppies between 6 and 20 weeks of age, unvaccinated dogs, and INCOMPLETELY vaccinated dogs are at higher risk, although all dogs are susceptible. There are several symptoms, but the most common include vomiting, severe diarrhea, lethargy, and loss of appetite. Persistent vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration, and the damage to the intestines and immune system can cause septic shock which can be fatal within days. Parvovirus can be treated if caught early, so always bring your dog to the vet if you know they are at higher risk, or having any of these symptoms.

Help prevent these diseases by vaccinating your dog! $5 off ALL vaccines in the Month of August, call to schedule your appointment today!

**This information, and much more, can be found on**

Rabies is a disease caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system, ultimately causing disease in the brain and death...

Rabies is a disease caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system, ultimately causing disease in the brain and death.

According to the AVMA and CDC there are 59.000 globally reported cases of rabies deaths each year. Thankfully, in the United States there are only 4,000-5,000 reported cases each year, with 90% of the cases occurring in wild life, and 10% in domesticated animals. Only about 1-3 human rabies cases are reported each year, most caused by bat bites.

Rabies is a very serious, but highly preventable disease.

Call today and schedule an appointment in the month of August and get $5 off EACH vaccine!

We’ll talk to you soon!

-Kind regards from your Pet Life Staff

** BIG NEWS!! **Doctor Notario has been working hard to provide quality care to as many pets as he can, and he is very p...

** BIG NEWS!! **

Doctor Notario has been working hard to provide quality care to as many pets as he can, and he is very proud to announce that he is opening a SECOND CLINIC in Paradise Valley!!

We have been working closely with new doctors and staff to be sure that the care you receive at Pet Life - Paradise Valley will be equivalent to the care you receive at Pet Life - Arrowhead. We are SO EXCITED for the expansion of Pet Life Veterinary Clinic, and hope you will join us at the OPEN HOUSE of our new clinic!

We will let you know more information once the open house date is confirmed, but wanted to share our BIG NEWS!

Feel free to contact us with any questions, and as always, thank you for trusting us with your pets care.

- Much love from your Pet Life Staff 🥰

Did you know that one of the most important things you can do to help your dog or cat live a long and healthy life is to...

Did you know that one of the most important things you can do to help your dog or cat live a long and healthy life is to ensure that your furry pal is vaccinated?

Vaccinations help prevent many very serious, and some fatal, diseases in our canine and feline companions. Schedule a vaccination appointment during the month of August and get $5 off EACH vaccine!

If you are unsure which vaccines your dog or cat should have, our veterinarian is happy to discuss their lifestyle with you and give an honest recommendation for what they need protection against.

Keep an eye out for our Facebook and Instagram posts for more information on vaccines throughout the month! We hope to see you soon!

-Your favorite Pet Life staff 😀

Did you know that dental health is a key part of your pet’s overall health? Dental problems can cause, or be caused by, ...

Did you know that dental health is a key part of your pet’s overall health? Dental problems can cause, or be caused by, serious health conditions.

By age 3, 80% of dogs have some form of dental disease, and 50%-90% of cats.
Fortunately, the most common dental diseases for both our canine and feline friends can be prevented or treated with routine dental care from your veterinarian.

Signs of canine dental disease include:
•Bad breath
•Loose or broken teeth
•Refusal or inability to eat or drink
•Painful or bleeding mouth

Signs of feline dental disease include:
•Difficulty swallowing
•Loose, losing, or broken teeth
•Preferring only wet food
•Pawing at face / mouth / head
•Decreased or lack of appetite
•Weight loss

There are various other signs your pet can display if they are struggling with dental disease. The best way to help ensure the health of your dog or cat is to have them examined by your veterinarian yearly. Every examination includes an oral evaluation!

If you have concerns or notice any of these signs in your dog or cat, please call and schedule an appointment today!

See you soon!

- Pet Life Veterinary Clinic

**Six more days to receive $10 off your dog’s Lepto vaccine! Don’t miss it! Here are some situations that increase your ...

**Six more days to receive $10 off your dog’s Lepto vaccine! Don’t miss it!

Here are some situations that increase your dogs risk of contracting leptospirosis:

-Exposure to or drinking from slow-moving or stagnant water sources, like ponds, rivers, lakes, or streams
-Roaming on rural properties (because of exposure to potentially infected wildlife, farm animals, or urine-contaminated water sources)
-Exposure to wild animals (especially rodents) or farm animals, even if in the backyard
-Contact with other dogs (such as in urban areas, dog parks, or boarding / training facilities)

Can’t make it this month? Don’t worry, more vaccine savings will be available August 1st! Keep an eye out for our SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT email and post!!

See you soon!

- Pet Life Veterinary Clinic

As temperatures continue to rise here in the Phoenix and surrounding areas, many of you may try to beat the heat by visi...

As temperatures continue to rise here in the Phoenix and surrounding areas, many of you may try to beat the heat by visiting lakes and rivers for a fun day on the water. Leptospirosis is a common bacterial infection often spread through contact / ingestion of urine and water in these areas.

Leptospirosis can cause various health concerns in your dog, and can lead to more serious health conditions like liver and kidney failure. Help keep your canine friend safe, and get them vaccinated before spending a day on the water!

There is still time to get $10 off the lepto vaccine during the month of July! We have availability this whole week! We hope to see you soon!

-Your Pet Life Staff 🥰

Good afternoon from Pet Life!The clinic will be closed tomorrow July 4th for the holiday, and will resume normal busines...

Good afternoon from Pet Life!

The clinic will be closed tomorrow July 4th for the holiday, and will resume normal business hours on Friday July 5th. Happy Independence Day! We hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday!

Additionally, due to doctor availability we will also be closed on Monday July 8th, and Monday July 15th.

In the meantime, if your pet has an urgent medical issue on any day we are closed, please seek care at Pet Urgent Care or one of the following ER's: AVECCC, Blue Pearl, 1st Pet Veterinary Centers, or VetMED.

Please feel free to comment here or call the office with any questions. We appreciate your understanding and continued trust in us!

Much love from your Pet Life staff!

Only 9 days left for our allergy testing discount! Save 15% on all allergy testing until the end of May. Give us a call ...

Only 9 days left for our allergy testing discount! Save 15% on all allergy testing until the end of May. Give us a call TODAY to schedule!

8 beautiful babies were welcomed into the world!

8 beautiful babies were welcomed into the world!

Can anyone guess how many puppies this beautiful girl had inside that huge belly??

Can anyone guess how many puppies this beautiful girl had inside that huge belly??

🎉 Huge savings in the month of May!! 🎉 15% off all allergy testing!! 🎉Let's get to the bottom of your pet's allergies th...

🎉 Huge savings in the month of May!! 🎉 15% off all allergy testing!! 🎉
Let's get to the bottom of your pet's allergies this year. A simple blood draw is all it takes for us to have an inside look on what could be causing your pet's itchy skin or chronic vomiting and diarrhea. Call us today to schedule a consult in May to see if your pet's health could benefit from allergy testing! ♥️602-807-4690 ♥️


Happy Friday! We are thrilled to announce that we have partnered with Chance Shelter of Surprise and will be at the Surprise Stadium for Pup Night 🐶 Pup Night is a great opportunity to come see the baseball game on March 5th AND March 20th from 6PM-9PM with your fur baby! All ticket sales will go towards helping pets in need through Chance Shelter. So load up your dog and bring them down to the pet-friendly lawn area at Surprise Stadium on March 5th and/or March 20th and say "Hello" to your favorite vet office! To purchase a ticket and for more information, click here : ❤

Pet Life is offering $100 off ALL SPAY AND NEUTERS IN THE MONTH OF MARCH!! Over population is just one great reason to s...

Pet Life is offering $100 off ALL SPAY AND NEUTERS IN THE MONTH OF MARCH!!
Over population is just one great reason to spay and neuter, but did you know that pets who have not been spayed/neutered have a lower life expectancy? Did you know they are more prone to certain illnesses and cancers? Need more reasons? Give us a call today and we'd be happy to discuss!

$100 off all spays and neuters in the month of March! Space is limited, give us a call today to reserve your spot!

$100 off all spays and neuters in the month of March! Space is limited, give us a call today to reserve your spot!


MYTH: My dog is on heartworm preventative, so he doesn't need to be tested.

Pet Life is now happy to offer easy financing options! 👍Does your pet have needs that don't seem doable due to finances?...

Pet Life is now happy to offer easy financing options! 👍
Does your pet have needs that don't seem doable due to finances? Give us a call today to discuss our instant approval, no credit check needed financing!
Remember to refer your friends so you can both receive $10 in credit on your next visit 😻


5940 W Union Hills Drive Ste D170
Glendale, AZ

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm


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