This is what the Kong Wobbler looks like in action! It’s like a giant Weeble filled with a portion of his lunch. As he smacks it around some kibble will fall out in varying amounts.
I hope you are enjoying your day as much as our friend Frankie is enjoying this mud she found on our hike! 🦛😂
A wonderful student brought cupcakes to class today to celebrate Rious “graduating” to remission! It was a HUGE tray so we had some fun tonight! 😂🧁
Apparently this didn’t post yesterday. Here is our very last run. As I fell apart he just couldn’t hold his stay. You can see the creeping concern he had. My best boy! ❤️❤️❤️
Rious initiated a chase game with Ruby tonight for the first time in a week! It did my heart good to see that! Pardon the noise in the background, my daughter was on the trampoline!
Ruby is the master of making you pet her! While Sam is reading to me I had the audacity to stop for a moment! Lol, no problem, she just wedges that needle nose under my hand and flips it right back onto her! Oh how I love this funny, sweet little dog!
Rious’ latest trick is getting pretty good! His aim has increased dramatically!
Here is a snippet of my daughter and Rious practicing rally over the weekend! Send my best boy some good vibes today. He’s going in for bloodwork this afternoon for some random tummy troubles. My best boy, it makes me sad to see him feel anything but as perfect as him!
Ever wondered what it looks like to run a rally course? It’s sort of a “Go Pro” type view, but seriously, how could I not enjoy this gorgeous face staring at me while we work?! 😍❤️
The smartest boy is a responsible citizen and advocates always cleaning up after your pets!
Muzzle wearing, another important skill EVERY dog should know! Muzzles are not for bad dogs! Muzzles are a safety tool that may be needed in a huge variety of situations. The response to a muzzle should be no different than the response to a collar. At the end you can see Rious picked it up and handed it back to me because he wasn’t ready for the game to be over!