I always say there is something to be grateful for in every situation. I’m having to practice this so much lately. It’s seems like everything that could go wrong has been. That’s obviously not 💯 true, but it sure feels that way.
It’s been break down after break down trying to get hay baled.
Storms causing damage and power outages.
We had to call the fire department today because our carbon monoxide detector went off. Turns out our standby generators exhaust was coming into our basement because the foundation is old and has gaps in it.
There just isn’t enough time or money to get everything fixed. I don’t say this because I’m looking for anyone to feel sorry for us, just being real. Life sometimes can so hard.
I know God is in control and He has our backs. I heard somebody say recently “We get to experience God on the mountain tops, but we get to know Him in the valleys.” Or something like that. It’s so true, that the difficult times are the times we draw closer to God.
I know that everything will be fine, but boy has it been discouraging lately.
Gods got this, and I trust Him. He has been faithful in the past and He’ll be faithful again. I will praise Him, even in the storms of life! 😊