Mylee the Chihuahua

Mylee the Chihuahua Little Dog. Big World. September 10th, 2009, Mylee was born. She proved she was worth fighting for. This is her story....

A runt of the litter she broke both front legs as a young pup (not abuse nor a pure accident, something was wrong with her development as a young dog). She also survived being poisoned by a human who did not like her owner and lived to tell that tale. As a result of her age and breed she developed Congestive Heart Failure and sadly passed away from multiple organ failure; she later developed Kidney Failure.

As most know I’m not here often, it’s not hard to come here. I just don’t have much to say or offer. This is the second ...

As most know I’m not here often, it’s not hard to come here. I just don’t have much to say or offer.

This is the second “Mylee” hair I’ve found in the last few months so she’s still visiting me here and there. What a welcome site and it’s just a single hair. 🥲🌈🐾

My friend has joined me 🌈🐾 at the  . We aren’t sharing blankets because (who shares blankets 👀) but we are sharing our b...

My friend has joined me 🌈🐾 at the .

We aren’t sharing blankets because (who shares blankets 👀) but we are sharing our beautiful ☁️ bed, I really enjoyed snuggling with Zarah and I missed her so much. I hope to show her so much of what she’s missed not being here with me. We have a lot to see and do and hopefully she doesn’t forget to send my gramma and granpa the signs. I send them to my mom every now and again. . Sometimes she sees them. She will talk to me and I hear her. Sometimes those signs make her cry. I don’t mean to make her cry but I guess it happens when you are an 😇. We’ll talk more later but for now, my sister has arrived.

So much love from the , love Angel Mylee and Zarah 🐾☁️🌈😇

My friend and sidekick has been sick with Kidney Disease over the last few years and it has become evident that her time...

My friend and sidekick has been sick with Kidney Disease over the last few years and it has become evident that her time on Earth is almost done.

My gramma and granpa are taking her on one last Camping trip this weekend and then sending her back to me; to steal my bed and snacks. We’ll share the sun together and finally I have someone to spend time with when I just want alone time — she was the best at cuddling!!

See you soon, Zarah! 🌈🐾

I have a little house guest named Luna, tonight. We’ve discovered her love for the KONG. I stuffed it with a freeze drie...

I have a little house guest named Luna, tonight.

We’ve discovered her love for the KONG. I stuffed it with a freeze dried Chicken Heart, to which she hasn’t left it alone and is now carrying it around, empty. 😂🐾😘


I’ve lost quite a few of the succulents over the past year but I’ve grown to love cactus. Some days I feel like that’s a sign from Mylee. She was spicy. 😂🪴🌵

Today we celebrate Zarah’s Gotcha!!! She came to us scared and without any idea how much she’d be loved. She was maybe t...

Today we celebrate Zarah’s Gotcha!!!

She came to us scared and without any idea how much she’d be loved. She was maybe two but she has spent the last 12 (yes, 12) years being loved by all of us, my mom the most because she naturally was and is attached to her! She has barely any teeth and has kidney issues but she’s still as weird and hyper as an old dog could be!!

We love you, Z!!!

Please share so Juno's Place can get us more pizzas up here. I’m starving. 🍕🤤

Please share so Juno's Place can get us more pizzas up here. I’m starving. 🍕🤤

Hey Pack…
It’s me Juno.
How has everyone been?

I came for a visit and to help with a fundraiser for Sweetpea Friends of Rutland Animals.

So here is what’s been going on here at the bridge!

First off You are not allowed to push cats off the bed here, even if the beds are soft like clouds, there is still no pushing.
So that was a shock!
And I was thinking since we were The Midget Brigade on earth, I would start “ Juno’s Angels” here, however I was told there is no gang activity allowed.
Then they took away my tire iron and copy of mom’s credit card and said if I continued to not follow the rules they would limit my time that I am allowed to go back to earth and visit my pack and see my Mom.
So I am TRYING to be good.

The other issue is they limit our pizza, ice cream and latte’s.
We do get them but for me and my pack and new friends it is just not enough!

So I figured out a way to help me and Sweetpea at the same time!

Check this out…
You can send me food virtually.

For $10.00 you can send us a whole pizza.
$3.00 you can send is a slice of pizza.
$3.00 you can send a latte
$3.00 you can send a small ice cream sundae

This will go to the end of the month!
Here is the link to donate and send virtual to food for me and the pack and all my new friends at The Rainbow Bridge

I got the wreath I wanted and it is absolutely perfect!!Thank you again, Krooswyk Creations. 🐾🐶

I got the wreath I wanted and it is absolutely perfect!!

Thank you again, Krooswyk Creations. 🐾🐶

Sure wish this was a thing when Mylee was alive but I hope this helps take some of the burden from service members who m...

Sure wish this was a thing when Mylee was alive but I hope this helps take some of the burden from service members who may be likely to give up their pet due to their service commitments.

? As of January 1, 2024, military Service members going through a PCS within the continental United States can be reimbursed up to $550 for one household pet, either cat or dog, and up to $2,000 for moves to or from a location outside the continental United States to cover costs related to the transportation of a pet.


I’ve blocked so many people on my page in the last three days. Please DO NOT respond to them and don’t tag me. I’ll eventually delete and ban them from the page but just don’t respond to the foolishness. . They want attention and we need to stop giving it to them! Thank you. 🙃



'Twas the night before Christmas, at Rainbow Bridge too.
We Bridgekids were thinking as always of you.
We'd seen how the holidays weren't bright this year,
Heard you whisper so often, "I wish you were here!"

We know how you wish you could just stay in bed
And sleep through the holiday lying ahead,
When all celebrate with their loved ones so near...
Unless they have loved ones on this side this year.

But we're no less alive here, on the other side.
If you could just see us, you'd've laughed and not cried.
The dogs all in harness, pulling the sleigh.
The cats all in Santa hats pointing the way.

The pet birds all flying back over the rainbow,
Bound homeward in spite of Earth's darkness and snow.
All the pets that you've lost, pets for whom you've cried,
Flying home on this Christmas to be by your side.

If you feel warm fur brush you when no pet's around,
Hear a soft bark or purr, just a ghost of a sound,
We're trying to tell you we're visiting this way,
And our visits, even rainbows, can be on any day.

But for Christmas we have something special to do,
A sleighful of happy dream visits for you.
On doggy, on kitty, on winged friend and ferret!
The love that you lavished, we mean now to share it!

We're fetching that love home, the way we once played,
With the closeness we shared and the memories we made.
Our Earth lives with you were too short for us, too,
And on this Christmas Eve we have so much to do.

So all through this night as you sleep in your beds,
Sweet visions of furbabies dance in your heads.
This one special night we can bring you Home for a while,
Your true home in Heaven, where again you will smile.

Over the rainbow you'll fly, for a short while this night,
Hours that you'll be happy, hours that will feel right,
Hours to cuddle and hug us, to run and to play,
Before the return to Earth in our magic way.

And when you awaken and face Christmas Day,
We pray you'll remember your trip on our sleigh,
But in case you forget, just remember our love.
Remember us watching you, your angels above.

Sending love wrapped in rainbows, shining and bright,
Love that will guide you through the darkest night,
Love found in each memory unwrapped through the year,
Replacing dark sorrows with Christmas cheer.

Leave the toys to St. Nick, we Bridgekids bring dreams,
Sweet visits to remind you all is not as it seems
When you look all around you with tired Earthly eyes.
If you saw as we do, there'd be joy and surprise.

There are furangels waiting by those Christmas trees,
Always there for you and hearing your pleas.
We're never more than a thought away from your home,
You're never forgotten, you're never alone.

Nor are we alone here, with our Rainbow Bridge friends.
We know only joy here, the celebrating never ends,
And after our reunions with you Christmas Eve,
We Bridgekids will party like you'd never believe.

But we'll slip away often to be by your side.
Sitting there watching you, eyes open wide,
Praying you'll be able to catch a glimpse of us, too.
But whether or not you see us - Merry Christmas to you!

Juno's Place has come to the 🌈🐾 bridge. She was welcomed by so many friends before her. It’s a party here!!!

Juno's Place has come to the 🌈🐾 bridge. She was welcomed by so many friends before her. It’s a party here!!!

Good Evening Pack
At 7:55pm tonight I was guided to the entrance of The Rainbow Bridge.
I haven’t crossed yet because I have been sitting out here thinking about how was going
tell all of you.

First of all the decision was right and I was ready.

I lived the best life and am so happy with what we have done with Juno’s Place, which brings me to my next statement…..
Juno’s Place will always be Juno’s Place and my family will be stepping in and taking on some of my responsibilities… They know the assignment.

So I hope you all stick around to see what happens next..
I hope it’s not a dumpster fire
Anyway… I am sure it will be ok!

Tonight we celebrate my mere fifteenth years here and just remember, I truly appreciate all of you.
You are my pack, my friends and my extended family.
We had good times, sad times, great times, sadder times and some pretty downright amazing times and we did it all together.

I can ask you not to cry
I can tell you that I am ok
I can tell you I will be overseeing things when I can and am allowed.
I can tell you I love you all and always have… I told you with every goodnight post.

I am going to have to get going now
They are throwing a party in my honor at The Bridge tonight.
And I thought it was knew celebrities on earth!!!
You should see the ones up here…
Spike Taylor, Emmitt, Noodle the disabled dachshund, Buddy
Twinki Gurl, Wyatt, Olivers’s Clubhouse, Emma from My GBGV life, Maddison Mission, Snarf, Pixel Blue Eyes, Destiny from Destiny the Pibble, Baxter from Baxter Wag and Roll, Gabe to the Rescue,Glady’s glorious angelbull, Mojo, Dozer, CC Rider, Tucker, Noel the Alaskan Chihuahua, Oogy the former bait dog, Puppy Doe, Piper the one eyed painting bulldog, Dracco, and so many others.
My pack is here to of course…
I can see Axel running in circles and repeating “I too love Juno.”

So I leave you all tonight knowing that you loved me and please know that I love you too.
I will be around don’t worry!

I really gotta go my party is waiting….

**** Starts to walk away and turns around for one more glimpse at everyone… Gives little Juno smile … looks back to the bridge and starts running.. Right up and over the bridge she goes …. And slams the door on the other side.”

Roxie has gone to meet Mylee at the 🌈🐾 bridge. I didn’t often talk about Roxie as she was my older siblings dog who we d...

Roxie has gone to meet Mylee at the 🌈🐾 bridge. I didn’t often talk about Roxie as she was my older siblings dog who we didn’t often see. She was 15 and passed in her sleep. She will be missed for her sweet demeanor and her ability (with coxing) to sing.. 💔😪 (video in comments)

Zarah is the only remaining dog in our family — she has Kidney issues but as far as I’ve been told is still crazy, a slower crazy if there is one..


Just a reminder.

People are spamming comment sections on pages with groups to adopt or buy a breed of dog. Please do not interact with them and if they are bothering you on my page, message me and I will take care of it. I normally delete them or catch them myself but sometimes I don’t. I don’t interact and I block them. If anything report the comment.

If I had a dog biscuit for every one of those comments I’ve seen….. I’d be in a biscuit coma!


I do not get on here often, life as a military spouse is mind blowingly busy (especially if you work AND deal with your spouses crazy schedule). I don’t often say how thankful I am to have so many wonderful people still in my life!!

Mylee has been gone almost two years *crazy*. But every day I am reminded of the people who chose to stick by and read the story of a little dog who was born a little broken. She wasn’t the healthiest dog in the world, as a person with no idea what a whirlwind it would cost me, kept on. Almost losing her to Rat Poison at 6 and almost having to give her care over to my parents (she had already had heart issues and was potentially not able to make a big move), she was able to live and enjoy her final days in Fort Eisenhower where she enjoyed 100+ degree days and was lovingly let go when she had developed multiple organ failure.

Thank you so much for following, helping and just genuinely loving a dog I loved so deeply and is now missed so greatly! You are all a blessing and I am happy you are here. Happy Thanksgiving!!!! 🦃

Cha Cha Cha is available for adoption. Please share!!! Mac's Mission

Cha Cha Cha is available for adoption. Please share!!! Mac's Mission

Cha Cha Cha. Is available for adoption. Cha Cha Cha to it people!!!


Just tossing my doggie biscuits out there. I am still knitting and crocheting pretty regularly! I do take custom orders ...

Just tossing my doggie biscuits out there. I am still knitting and crocheting pretty regularly! I do take custom orders and this is the time of the year for doggie sweaters.

I don’t like to “promote” this type of thing here but it’s a side hustle I enjoy and love sharing for those interested. 😊 Mylee loved her sweaters so I try to share that talent with the world!!!


Please don’t click the spam people are leaving on my wall or in the comments. I have been removing people and weird accounts left and right. Please do not reply to their content!!!

If you can or you see it, please report it. 🙄

My swatting paws have come out to play!! 🌈🐾


I have a Birthday request!!!

I would be 14 this next Sunday, 9-10-2009. In celebration of my 2nd Birthday at the 🌈 I would love it if you gave this page a like and shared!!! 💕

Love from the 🌈 from the ‘almost’ Birthday girl, Mylee🐾

Hokie's Hounds Beagle Rescue Prairieville, LA is a 501(c)3 organization founded in Nov. 2002 dedicat


If you can help, please do. I sent some love from 🌈 bridge in the form of a full year of coverage. If there’s anything my mom was good at, it was never forgetting that monthly pill. 🙄 She’d harass me to ensure I in fact took said pill (why are moms so obnoxious).. anyways….

My love from the 🌈 bridge where I am, in fact, unbothered. -Mylee🐾

I don’t get on here often, life is so busy but I do want to share the garden. Mylee’s air plants are giving me new life;...

I don’t get on here often, life is so busy but I do want to share the garden. Mylee’s air plants are giving me new life; two pups on two air plants and I have been fortunate enough to gift four succulents to my friends!

Mylee helped me nurture these beautiful things. 🥲😍


Hello my friends!!!

I’m looking for recommendations on yard decor regarding dogs.. I’ve seen some stakes I like that I can add a name to and a date (which are sweet)..

What have you purchased dog-related for your yard?

I’m not looking for something enormous but I’d like to let people know dogs are welcomed and definitely spoiled here. ♥️

Do you have a senior pet or one that needs a little help? My friend Kimberly can help you get your pet moving comfortabl...

Do you have a senior pet or one that needs a little help? My friend Kimberly can help you get your pet moving comfortably and you can learn all the benefits of keeping your senior pet active! ♥️

This is "Introduction: Walking Your Senior Pet" by Heaven at Home Team on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Grand Rapids, MI



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