Zeb - The Coolest Guy in GQ

Zeb - The Coolest Guy in GQ It’s me! Zeb! I’m the coolest guy in GQ! Come check out my friends - the Farkus Boys and Cleo.

Love life is just grand! I miss my human friends in the GQ but man, oh man, i got it all now. Deb, and a few others who ...

Love life is just grand! I miss my human friends in the GQ but man, oh man, i got it all now. Deb, and a few others who like to be a bit flirtatious. I’m quite handsome, we all know this. I did want to plug for Arts In The Park at Lake Park in Granite Qaurry, my hometown! Zebs a beauty, isn’t she? Thank you to Dillyah and Laree in getting me to my new life!


A big, HUGE shout out to people who are, who they REALLY are! You are AWESOME!


Hey GQ, hey! Miss it there tremendously! Not those Farkus boys so much. Loving life here at CWR, the girls, oh the girls! I get to see Dillyah and Laree. I am living the life I was meant to to be. Stay safe and sleep well.

As for me and Deb, things are great! It is so awesome to be surrounded by so many Pekin ducks like me and we all get alo...

As for me and Deb, things are great! It is so awesome to be surrounded by so many Pekin ducks like me and we all get along so well. Can’t say enough about the girls either! One day, I’ll share pics with you. 😎

Hey GQ, Farkus boys here. Those Canadians, we’re having to draw some lines. We think we can take Maverick, but we have to team up. Scutt likes picking on little Goose, she’s not quite as protective as Maverick. We have to be envious and somewhat jealous at their ability to just fly off at will. They’re amazing to watch.😊Don’t forget to plan on attending Arts in the Park on May 6th! GQ has a lot of other wonderful events going on in the community, so check out our town site. Stay safe and we send loud and big quacks out to Carson, as today was her first day back to work after maternity leave. She nailed it as we all knew she would. “A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty. —Anonymous” check out our morning and evening sky, gorgeous! 🌿🐓🐓🦃 ❤️

GQ, you have the Farkus’ here tonight to update you on this beautiful Saturday night. We were busy birds, outnumbered by...

GQ, you have the Farkus’ here tonight to update you on this beautiful Saturday night. We were busy birds, outnumbered by Canadians earlier in the day but we are partial to the three pair. We would really love to have proper signage on feeding guidelines, because a lot of bad stuff and trash food is thrown over the fences. We ducks are brighter than those geese, they literally eat about anything and everything. So for their safety and to keep the bug and ant hills down, larger e signage would go a long way. We have some great community members here in GQvthat would love to help make that happen. Then, shelters that are pleasing to the people, us and don’t disrupt our vista here. We have to keep the fountain happy…if we can make that happen, we can add some more ducks. We will try to be nice and be examples of good leadership. We will try but you know us, can’t promise that. We do miss Zeb and going back, Trapper, Elon, Little Mama, Little Mama 2 (twin), Esther and all our turtles. They are slowly coming out, as are the fish. Our water snake pair are making a few appearances and people enjoy watching them. They are quite fun to watch when they are hunting the goldfish, and just hanging out in the sunshine! Hope to see you all out tomrrow and NO bread, crackers, chips, etc. stay safe! Don’t forget to check out our events her in GQ at https://www.granitequarrync.gov/Community/Events. “What did the duck say after she bought chapstick?
Put it on my bill!” 🌿🐓🐓🦃 ❤️


Hey GQ, Scutt and Butt here. We still have the page for now, we hear all the chirps, quacks and honks of all the upcomin...

Hey GQ, Scutt and Butt here. We still have the page for now, we hear all the chirps, quacks and honks of all the upcoming events here at Lake Park. All we can share for now is Arts in the Park on May 6th, from 1-6 p.m. always a great afternoon here and very unique items to purchase. Mark your calendars. As for us, we’re just stinkin’ bored, no one to pester or harass. Maverick keeps us in check, but Goober Scutt will go after Goose when he’s not watching. That is fun to watch when he gets caught. Waiting and wishing for more ducks, so we can out number the Canadians. There is G & M, now Fred and Ethel. There’s a th*****me wandering over, no names yet but hear whispers about people called the Three Stooges. Moe, Larry and Curlee? What kinda names are those? Humans, they are really confusing to say the least. We ducks, we have the life especially here at Lake Park in GQ. Awesome community, neighbors and the best first responders a town could have. Let’s not forget our town staff and Board and Mayor. We love having them visit so they can meet us, the awesome towns people and daily visitors. BTW, update on Zeb, bitten by the love bug. He’s having to do a brief stay in quarantine and then he will finally meet Deb. Can’t say we’re not slightly jealous, but he deserved it. Stay safe! We will try another joke. “I was addicted to the hokey pokey…but I turned myself around.” 🌿🐓🐓🦃 ❤️


Hey GQ, Scutt and Butt here. We still have the page for now, we hear all the chirps, quacks and honks of all the upcoming events here at Lake Park. All we can share for now is Arts in the Park on May 6th, from 1-6 p.m. always a great afternoon here and very unique items to purchase. Mark your calendars. As for us, we’re just stinkin’ bored, no one to pester or harass. Maverick keeps us in check, but Goober Scutt will go after Goose when he’s not watching. That is fun to watch when he gets caught. Waiting and wishing for more ducks, so we can out number the Canadians. There is G & M, now Fred and Ethel. There’s a th*****me wandering over, no names yet but hear whispers about people called the Three Stooges. Moe, Larry and Curlee? What kinda names are those? Humans, they are really confusing to say the least. We ducks, we have the life especially here at Lake Park in GQ. Awesome community, neighbors and the best first responders a town could have. Let’s not forget our town staff and Board and Mayor. We love having them visit so they can meet us, the awesome towns people and daily visitors. BTW, update on Zeb, bitten by the love bug. He’s having to do a brief stay in quarantine and then he will finally meet Deb. Can’t say we’re not slightly jealous, but he deserved it. Stay safe! We will try another joke. “I was addicted to the hokey pokey…but I turned myself around.” 🌿🐓🐓🦃 ❤️


GQ, still have Scutt and Butt Farkus. I’m this Addams family weather is getting quite awful and boring. No one really comes to visit and there’s no one here to pick on and boss around. So ole’ Butt has decided to give me, Scutt a hard time when the neighbor comes to feed us. He keeps running me off and being a piggy duck. Seriously, guess that shows we’re not the team I thought we were. 🙄 Ducks…….So we were reminded that Zeb would post jokes. So we’re learning, so here’s our first shot…..Dont forget Arts in the Park, May 6th! “Hear about the new restaurant called Karma?
There’s no menu: You get what you deserve.” 🌿🐓🐓🦃 ❤️


Hello GQ, Goose and Maverick here, Goose is a girl in this story. Those Farkus’ are at a loss with Zeb gone to meet Deb and find true love. We believe we influenced that decision just a bit. A thing about ducks, they aren’t monogamous, unlike us geese. But rather than explain that to children, we will just say, “forever loves”, as it should be. This is the best place to live and hang out, though we do leave in the evenings to head back to the neighbors pond. We have met and appreciate many humans here and the one duck lady has taken a liking to us and our devotion to each other. We haven’t quite given her the trust of eating from her hand that those silly ducks, but we are thinking about it. Ole’ Scutt and Butt, which came from “the scuttlebutt” and then add Farkus from some movie we heard people talking about. They have quieted down and seem quite bored without that handsome boy, Zeb. Hear he enjoyed a bath and is quite the loving and affectionate boy with the humans. He will be meeting Deb soon and we shall see if the sparks fly or possibly, we may have fireworks. Best wishes to him, but he is truly missed. You can feel some sadness from the neighbor lady, as he was a favorite of many who come regularly and loved his sweetness and personality. It’s a bit different after losing Elon, Cleo leaving and now Zeb flying off to meet Deb. We will take care of things in his absence and all will be well. We will also encourage that you come to Granite Lake Park and meet us and even the Farkus’. Please don’t bring bread, crackers, dog or cat food. Ducks won’t eat it, but we will and it’s quite unhealthy and harmful to our systems, and can be deadly. Stay safe and hope to meet you soon. Arts in the Park coming up on May 6th, please plan on attending, as the young artists and crafters will have their wares for sale. Fun and food, maybe even Firemen. Be safe! Consider donating to either the rescuers or rescue at Carolina Waterfowl Rescue! It’s all volunteer work. 🌿🐓🐓🦃

Hey GQ, it’s the moon here tonight. Missing looking over Zeb, the absolute most handsome duck in all of GQ. He’s been a ...

Hey GQ, it’s the moon here tonight. Missing looking over Zeb, the absolute most handsome duck in all of GQ. He’s been a lonely guy for quite a while, especially since that goofy goose girl Cleo left. He made it through losing Esther last July, then struggle md through his buddy’s death, Elon, (he was a muscovy duck), pretty clever names we have, don’t you think? Have you figured out mine and my girls? No, not Cleo, we were strictly platonic. Then we have the Farkus’, Scutt to begin and Butt by default. There were other females last year, Salt-n-pepper, Little mama, LM2, she was a twinsie to Little Mama, and Trapper, she was obnoxiously loud and reminded the neighbor of her husbands obnoxiously loud dig, hence the name. Be sure to watch this amazing rescue by Dillyah and Laree with 🌿🐓🐓🦃 Little Henry, the young Canadian with the broken leg, was finally rescued. As that was in progress, it was observed by that poor Zeb was still being terribly bullied and harassed by the Farkus’, so they told him all about a girl named Deb at the rescue and he was all in! Hopefully they will keep us updated on their relationship. It was quite bittersweet for many who love Zeb so, but it was the best call for him. Yes, the neighbor smiled through it all, knowing it was the best for Zeb, which is how love works. She shed some sad tears when she showed up tonight and he wasn’t waiting for her, but there are more ducks coming I’ve heard, so who to try and fill those big orange, webbed feet? You’ll have to keep a check on our story as it unfolds. So if you can assist with financial support, please consider 🌿🐓🐓🦃

HEY world and fellow GQ-ians, Zeb your favorite and most handsome duck! Warm temps today, clouds and maybe a bit of sun....

HEY world and fellow GQ-ians, Zeb your favorite and most handsome duck! Warm temps today, clouds and maybe a bit of sun. Come on out and walk out track, our trails or just sit and watch out antics. If the Canadians invade, there’re already goofy, but very interesting to watch. Have an awesome day. In fact, make today such an awesome day, that yesterday is jealous! Stay safe.

Hello and a big quack out to everyone. Yep, it’s Zeb here, the absolutely best looking and coolest duck in all our town....

Hello and a big quack out to everyone. Yep, it’s Zeb here, the absolutely best looking and coolest duck in all our town. Nope, not even, those Farkus’ measure up, only because of their awful treatment of me and many others. Poor and bad attitudes. They won’t let me back on the community side, and they just terririze me all day. What did I ever do, other than just be as handsome as the young man and his beautiful son, pictured soon. My neighbor is so thrilled to call them hers and I can’t blame her one bit. She’s as thrilled to have her daughter-in-law too. What a beautiful family they have started, that furry four legged creature, she’s got good looks too. But, not Butt Farkus, ,but back to GQ, come to our Town Meeting Monday night at 6. All townspeople are encouraged to be involved and know what’s going on in our town. Then we have Arts In The Park on May 6th! What a great time with all the young artists and their creations. Oh, I about forgot, little Henry, our injured young lone Canadian Goose, should be rescued by Dillyah and friend(s) at CWR, tomorrow. He’s so sweet and those other Canadians are so awful to him. We keep a good watch over him when he’s here. Now to get Cleo to come back, I could use some company! I’ll close for now, and I’m about done with Easter jokes, promise! “Why did the baby chick cross the road? To meet up with her Peeps.” Stay safe!


GQ, step outside and look at the moon! What a beautiful canopy over our Lake Park. There was a lot of nervous energy goi...

GQ, step outside and look at the moon! What a beautiful canopy over our Lake Park. There was a lot of nervous energy going around tonight. Could have been the crowds, the geese or all@of our spring friends coming out from hibernation. Check out the pic of one of our water snakes as she digests a good size goldfish. Our heron, even a turtle. Then there is poor Henry, the young Canadian with a broke leg. Need some community people to donate to get these some volunteer here’s to help Henry and hiss broken leg. I accept Venmo or Cash App and a PayPal. “How do you send an Easter letter? By hare mail!”

neighbors 😆 🌿🐓🐓🦃

Goodnight GQ from me, Zeb. Well your call me Rocky if you want. I got Scutt quite good tonight, which made my crazy, ove...

Goodnight GQ from me, Zeb. Well your call me Rocky if you want. I got Scutt quite good tonight, which made my crazy, over stressed neighbor laugh. You know it’s bad when a human shows up with water streaming down their face, sobbing and using words like overwhelmed, overworked and exhausted. I will have to learn those words sooner than later. She left laughing, so I did my job and made her happy. I’m quite good at lifting people’s spirits, I mean goodness, look at my profile and build, you won’t find a more handsome Pekin Duck around. So, when someone cannot see or find the sunshine or light, you have to be that light or sunshine for them. Hopefully Scutt will get his beak out of his rear and have a nicer attitude tomorrow. I’ll keep you updated tomorrow. Also, rummer, a new word from our friend Millie, we didn’t get to see Dillyah and Laree. Maybe sooner than later. Sleep well and stay safe. “Why were the chickens huddled together? They were hatching a plan for the Easter egg hunt.” Dont forget the Easter 🐣 Egg Hunt Sunday, 3-5 at Civic Park!

neighbors 😆 🌿🐓🐓🦃

Zeb here and GOOD MORNING GQ! Look at this pre-dawn sky over Lake Park and our wonderful small town. Nothing like living...

Zeb here and GOOD MORNING GQ! Look at this pre-dawn sky over Lake Park and our wonderful small town. Nothing like living in a small town, there truly is not. Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday. We started off with a bit of sparring, before breakfast and we’re now ready for a full day. See you back around tonight. Don’t forget the Easter 🐣 Egg Hunt Sunday, 3-5 at Civic Park!

neighbors 😆 🌿🐓🐓🦃

GQ, Zeb here for a quick ducky update. I hear all the quacks and chirps, even the Canadians are honking, it’s Friday Eve...

GQ, Zeb here for a quick ducky update. I hear all the quacks and chirps, even the Canadians are honking, it’s Friday Eve for you. We have also heard one of our fave CWR volunteers may be coming to find little Henry, the young goose with the broke leg and get him all taken care of and rehabbed. We live her and Laree, and all those wonderful volunteers. Well, maybe I’m not a huge fan of LAREE’s but she meant well and I’ll forever appreciate what she did for the girls last summer. That entire group and what a wonderful groups to support if you’re looking for a non-profit to donate to or support regularly. They can use pillowcases, sheets, towels, foods for the various waterfowl. Check them out on FB - Carolina Waterfowl Rescue. So, the Farkus’ invaded my quiet side, as I patiently wait in Cleo to return from the neighbors pond. What’s up with that girl goose? She’s really a duck, but not like me. Great research project or quick read. We had fantastic weather, gorgeous skies, and temps. Hope you enjoyed it and came out to visit at Lake Park. If so, thank you, if not, why not? We got in a quick game of ring around the duck, got a bit loud and quacky, make sure to check the steam coming off the lake this morning. Really awesome to see. Don’t forget the Easter Egg Hunt Sunday from 3-5 at Civic Park, just over on PeelerRd. Games, food, fun and the famous bunny! Oh BTW, hope Charleigh Weisensel and her team@win their game tonight! Had a very proud, teary eyed dad today. Be safe and sleep well. “ Why was the 🐇 so happy? Because some bunny loves him!

neighbors 😆 🌿🐓🐓🦃

Poor sad and lonely Zeb here GQ. Goose and Maverick are back, and I heard Cleo is vacationing at the McKinney pond tempo...

Poor sad and lonely Zeb here GQ. Goose and Maverick are back, and I heard Cleo is vacationing at the McKinney pond temporarily. She’s safe and sound and the neighbor can go visit anytime ☺️ Mr. McKinney is a kind man and loves the birds too. Those Farkus’ they are just all wound up today, but then again. That is normal. They miss so much, to say the least. I believe they are just jealous of the fact I’m taller, better looking and have been named Most Handsone duck in all of GQ. That vote had to be unanimous, no doubt! Some gout your night and stay safe. I’ll post you a funny before I go. “Why didn’t Han Solo eat his dinner? It was chewie!”

neighbors 😆 😆 🌿🐓🐓🦃
Thanks to all who have been asking about Cleo.

GQ, what a day here at Lake Park and this wonderful NC weather. We stared off the day well, just a swim in the lake, Goo...

GQ, what a day here at Lake Park and this wonderful NC weather. We stared off the day well, just a swim in the lake, Goose and Maverick were enjoying one as well. They are so sweet and the true meaning of commitment. A lot of walkers, especially this evening, and duck oh ducks, were the Farkus’ up to. I good. Hope you enjoy the video clips. Then watch my moves for cleaning and preening, one of a ducks, especially one as handsome as myself, favorite thing to do. That Scutt is just a bully pest, but I had him under control. No worries. No spitting dog Cleo yet, No little Henry, our broke leg goose to line up with CWR for rescue. Cleo, come home, Snoopy did. Hope everyone has a restful night and stay safe. “Why is grass so dangerous? Because it’s full of blades.” Don’t forget to check@out Arts In the Park, follow this link https://www.granitequarrync.gov/Community/Arts-in-the-Park.


neighbors 😆 😆 🌿🐓🐓🦃

Arts in the Park


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Zeb here GQ! Not one picture from the fundraiser dinner, just one? What do humans do all day? Then the Farkus’ are being...

Zeb here GQ! Not one picture from the fundraiser dinner, just one? What do humans do all day? Then the Farkus’ are being cusses and ran me to the other side, I’m not having this anymore. Time to throw the beak out and put my bright orange webbed foot down or a butt quack, just thinkin’ about it. Then I see Goose and Maverick across the water. So I can’t help but think about my Esther and how much I miss her. Then Cleo hasn’t come back, then I’m going to have to get our guys and lady in blue involved to find her. I miss my friend, and loneliness is awful, just awful. But the picture I chose for last, certainly perked me up. It’s going to be alright, this I know. Happy Birthday to Mayor Barnhardt and hope she survives her sons bday party with 7 boys camping out, but what a night to be outside. So with this I’ll close with a joke, and wish you all a restful night. Stay safe. “Police arrested a bottle of water because it was wanted in three different states: solid, liquid, and gas.”


neighbors 😆 😆 😆 🌿🐓🐓🦃

GQ, Zeb here with some upcoming town events. You can go to our town website and have a look or come to Lake Park and rea...

GQ, Zeb here with some upcoming town events. You can go to our town website and have a look or come to Lake Park and read all about them. Today has turned into a gorgeous day. We have a lot of action this afternoon, to include our little broke leg Canadian friend. He’s a hard one to catch, but CWR is coordinating another rescue. You’ll see us playing our fave game, ring around the ducky. The sunshine brings out our fun side. So check out our town site https://www.granitequarrync.gov/ and hope to see you around. I’ll check back in tonight after the Liddy Dole Fundraiser dinner.



Granite Quarry, NC


Zeb here everyone, with breaking Duck news! Cleo has not been sighted, search will be on this afternoon and tomorrow. I hope she’s okay, but I know how much she is missed over here at Lake Park. Goose and Maverick are so sweet, reminds me of my Esther, whom I miss still, with a sad, sad heart. I know she’s doing well, and we’re still on the lookout for the injured young goose. This time of year can be so hard on geese with migration and nesting, but those cute little goslings are so, well, cute. Neighbor lady found out about Miles Kimball geese, though she says it’s a duck. All the various outfits and I had to quack off and walk away. Dressing up a duck….She just wants one with a rain jacket and hat or a fireman’s suit. Then I thought, “Those would be cool, especially the fireman one.” I could be our Chief Hord here in GQ 😀 as I close, today is going to be such a nice day, hope to see you around. Stay safe and enjoy the shots of the pre-dawn over Lake Park and last nights crescent moon. “What did the evil chicken lay? Deviled eggs.”


😆 🌿🐓🐓🦃


Granite Lake Park
Granite Quarry, NC



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