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🩼4 Varieties of 🇧đŸ‡ȘBelgian🇧đŸ‡Ș Shepherd🐕‍đŸŠșThe Belgian Shepherd dog is the only breed in the world that comes in 4 varieties...

🩼4 Varieties of 🇧đŸ‡ȘBelgian🇧đŸ‡Ș Shepherd🐕‍đŸŠș

The Belgian Shepherd dog is the only breed in the world that comes in 4 varieties:

1. the short-coated red, fawn or grey ‘Malinois’,
2. the long-haired fawn, red or grey ‘Tervueren’,
3. the long-haired black ‘Groenendael’,
4. the rarer rough-coated reddish fawn ‘Laekenois’.

Originating from Belgium, they are named after the areas in Belgium from which they came:

1. Malines,
4. Laeken.

Hard working sheepdogs from Belgium have been recognised since the Middle Ages. At this time the type varied greatly and breeding was based on working ability. As they were bred locally certain common characteristics began to appear.

(See Caption for specific Breed Variety)


Most Intelligent Dog Breed Identified, And It's Not Border Collies

The smartDOG battery of tests revealed a clear winner for canine cognition.

Social Editor and Staff Writer
Jan 9, 2023 12:04 PM

belgian malinois smartest dog

The clever clogs of dogs has been named in a new study that put pooches through a battery of tests to score points and ascertain who is the most cognitively capable of canine breeds. Second place went to border collies, dogs that have featured heavily in studies about intelligence – but first place was snagged by the Belgian Malinois.

Assessing intelligence is a tricky task as there are different kinds of intelligence, even within dogs. To try and represent a range of cognitive talents, the study put over 1,002 participating dogs through the smartDOG cognition test, which looks at a dog’s capacity for problem-solving ability and strategy, impulse control, ability to read human gestures, ability to copy human behavior, memory, and logical reasoning.

Doing so revealed breed differences in several test conditions.

“Most breeds had their own strengths and weaknesses,” study author Saara Junttila, a PhD researcher in canine cognition at the University of Helsinki, told The Telegraph. “For example, the Labrador Retriever was very good at reading human gestures, but not so good at spatial problem-solving ability. Some breeds, such as the Shetland Sheepdog, scored quite evenly in almost all test.

Among the participating dogs were border collies, which scored well in most of the tests. However, they were outperformed by 9 points by the Belgian Malinois, which scored 35 out of a possible 39 points during the smartDOG cognition tests.

If you’re unfamiliar with the breed, Belgian Malinois dogs are a popular choice for security work. It seems their affinity for sniffing out crime and identifying targets for searches may be linked to their exceptional problem-solving skills. It was the highest performer in test conditions that relied on dogs interpreting human gestures, and a V-detour task that tests their ability to problem solve as they navigate their environment.

However, while the overall winners, they weren’t without some weaknesses. Belgian Malinois sat alongside German Shepherds in scoring among the lowest for the cylinder test (featured above) in which dogs a taught to retrieve a treat from inside an opaque cylinder. This is then replaced with a see-through cylinder, and a successful test sees the dog continue going inside the cylinder to retrieve it rather than trying to go the direct route through the side.

The cylinder test challenges their inhibition, as dogs must resist the urge to go direct and use their spatial awareness to instead access the treat around the side. Being lousy here may link back to the Malinois’ role as a working dog, as security dogs require high responsiveness which is associated with low inhibitory control.

The researchers conclude that breed function can account for certain cognitive strengths, such as herding dogs and retrievers scoring highly in the human-directed behavior tasks. However, this couldn't explain all breed differences as some dogs’ cognition scores sat outside what might be expected of them, such as the Finnish Lapphund that did poorly in the human-directed task despite being a herding dog.

They also outline certain caveats to the study, such as the fact that the dogs investigated are not representative of the entire dog population, but believe the research contributes towards a more complete picture of breed-typical behavior in dogs. Future research may well crown a different clever clogs of dogs, so enjoy it while it lasts, Belgian Malinois.

The study was published in Scientific Reports.

Have you ever wondered just how to socialize a puppy? Does it mean taking him or her to the dog park or introducing them...

Have you ever wondered just how to socialize a puppy?

Does it mean taking him or her to the dog park or introducing them to every neighbor, friend, or family member you have?

Maybe it means taking weeks off from work to acclimate your puppy to every possible sight, sound, taste, texture, and smell.

Actually no.

The process of how to socialize a puppy may actually be easier than you think.

Consider this.

Puppy Socialization should start from birth but if you buy from a breeder or adopt, the chances are good that you will be getting your dog at a much later time, mostly likely at the age of 8 to 12 weeks. What goes on from the time your puppy is born until you get her makes a world of difference in how easy it will be for you to train, but even more critical is how the dog will be as an adult.

Grisha Stewart, MA, CPDT-KA, from Ahimsa Dog Training, in Seattle, WA and the author of A Practical, Force-Free Guide to Problem Solving and Manners suggests that very young puppies are just like sponges soaking up new information at an incredible speed until they reach 12 weeks of age.
From 12-16 they continue to learn quickly, but not as fast as they did earlier.

When you think about it, puppies go from birth where their only sense is smell and the instinct to seek warm and food, to a young puppy that can run and play, learn commands, be potty trained, get along with litter mates, and solve problems.

In three short months, they accomplish as much as the average child does before entering kindergarten.
What speeds up this development? Smarter dogs may benefit from an early enriched environment. This is nothing new, but what is it that helps these puppies develop.

Margaret Huges is credited with creating the Puppy's Rule of Twelve. Adapting from the earlier work, the rule of 7 by Pat Schaap, a professional dog trainer who maintained that by the age of 7 weeks, a puppy should be exposed to 7 different surfaces, played with 7 different toys, been to 7 different locations and met 7 different people.

The rule of 7 also goes on to propose that the puppy should have 7 different experiences in a variety of situation. For example, the puppy should be exposed to 7 challenges, eaten from 7 different types of containers, been fed in seven different locations, and so forth.

The Puppy's Rule of 12 which expands on the 7-week list to include activities up through 12 weeks of age.

This presents a challenge for breeders who want to assure the puppies they are raising are well socialized. What are these 12 activities?

Experienced 12 different surfaces: wood, carpet, tile, cement, linoleum, grass, wet grass, dirt, mud, puddles, deep pea gravel, grates, uneven surfaces, on a table, on a chair, etc.

Played with 12 different objects: fuzzy toys, big and small balls, hard toys, funny sounding toys, wooden items, paper or cardboard items, milk jugs, metal items, car keys, etc.

Experienced 12 different locations: front yard (daily), other people’s homes, schoolyard, lake, pond, river, boat, basement, elevator, car, moving car, garage, laundry room, kennel, veterinarian hospital (just to say hi and visit, lots of cookies, no vaccinations), grooming salon (just to say hi), etc.

Met and played with 12 new people (outside of family): include children, adults (mostly men), elderly adults, people with wheelchairs, walkers, people with canes, crutches, hats, sunglasses, etc.

Heard to 12 different noises (garage door opening, doorbell, children playing, babies screaming, big trucks, loud motorcycles, skateboards, washing machine, shopping carts, power boat, clapping, loud singing, pan dropping, horses neighing, vacuums, lawnmowers, birthday party, etc.

Been exposed to 12 fast moving objects (don’t allow the puppy to chase): skateboards, roller-skates, bicycles, motorcycles, cars, people running, cats running, scooters, vacuums, children running, children playing soccer, squirrels, cats, horses, cows, etc.

Experienced 12 different challenges: climb on, in, off, and around a box; go through a cardboard tunnel; climb up and down steps; climb over obstacles; play hid and seek; go in and out a doorway with a step up or down; exposed to an electric sliding door; umbrella; balloons; walk on a wobbly table (plank of wood with a small rock underneath); jump over a broom; climb over a log; bathtub (and bath); etc.

Handled by owner (and family) 12 times a week: hold underarm (like a football), hold to chest, hold on floor near owner, hold in-between owner’s legs, hold head, look in ears and mouth, touch in between toes, hold and take temperature (ask veterinarian), hold like a baby, trim toenails, hold in lap, etc.

Eaten from 12 different shaped containers: wobbly bowl, metal, cardboard box, paper, coffee cup, china, pie plate, plastic, frying pan, Kong, treat ball, spoon fed, paper bag, etc.

Eaten in 12 different locations: backyard, front yard, crate, kitchen, basement, laundry room, bathroom, friend’s house, car, schoolyard, bathtub, up high (on the work bench), under an umbrella, etc.

Played with 12 different puppies (or safe adult dogs) as much as possible.

Been left alone safely, away from family and other animals (5-45 minutes) 12 times a week.

Experienced a leash and collar 12 different times in 12 different locations

All the experiences should be safe and positive and you should have complete control to intervene if need be.

When I first learned about these activities while reading Grisha Stewart 's book, I had three thoughts about how to socialize a puppy:

What if the puppy I'm buying hasn't experienced these things?

How can I be sure that new puppy will have these experiences?

How does a breeder, even a good breeder have enough time to do all these things?
What if the puppy I'm buying hasn't experienced Puppy's Rule of 12?

A Puppy whose has not experienced the rule of 12 can still learn. Even if you get a puppy after he has turned 12 weeks, don’t despair. Like humans, a dog’s brain is very malleable in the early weeks of life. This means that they can learn very quickly.

With positive experiences, the puppy has a much greater chance of developing into a well-adjusted adult. On the other hand, puppies and older dogs continue to learn throughout their lifetime. The sooner, the better, but it is never too late.

How can I be sure that new puppy will have these experiences?

You can always print out this list and post it somewhere convenient. Try to provide your dog with as many different experiences as possible without overdoing it. Puppies need rest, relaxation and sleep, so anything you do should be around those periods of sleep and eating.

Assuring that the Puppy has experiences with the rule of 12 depends on who you have chosen for your new puppy’s breeder. You will have more control of this if working with a breeder than if you adopt from a shelter or rescue. Puppies available for adoption may not even be relinquished by the time they turn 12 weeks. Remember also, that any puppies available from such sources are not likely to have begun life in ideal conditions.

If you are working with a breeder, you can always ask if she/he has heard of Margaret Hughes’ Rule of 12. If not, give her the link to this page or print it out and give it to them. If they feel you are unreasonable, keep reading.

How to Socialize a Puppy if You are a Breeder.

How do breeders accomplish all this socialization?

Before I could write this, I had to find out if this were actually doable.

So, I took a litter of 4 Shih Tzu puppies, two boys, and two girls, and put them through the trials. To make it harder, I did this in the dead of winter where at least 6 inches of snow on the ground is the norm in my location.

How to socialize a puppy, became how to socialize an entire litter. This was my challenge and this is what I was able to do:

12 Different Surfaces

We walked on carpet, ceramic tile, wood, laminate, concrete, grass, dirt, leaf piles, snow, tables, sofa, and a canvas bed (12)

12 Different Objects

Soft toys, rope toys, chews, hard plastic toys, empty towel holders, wadded up paper, empty plastic water bottle, toys with sound effects, tennis balls, small rags, children’s plastic car, jack in the box. (12)

12 Different Locations

This was much harder for me. The puppies experienced: their own kennel area, our kitchen, hallway and other rooms of the house, garage, veterinary hospital, car, moving car, front yard, back deck, and driveway. (10)

12 New People

I was really worried that they wouldn't have enough experience with enough people, but as it turned out, we did alright with this one: There were
five people in the family, two different friends visit, my veterinarian, the veterinary technician, two vet receptionists, and the various puppy buyers that came over. (12)

12 Different Sounds

This turned out to be the easiest one of all, thanks to the internet. The puppies heard dogs barking, hand clapping, door bell ringing, vacuum cleaner and rug shampooer, snow blower, garbage trucks, sirens, a person singing, a person playing the guitar and then, all the sounds available free on the internet.

Visit Sound Bible for ideas

12 Fast Moving Objects

This was harder than it sounds, especially in the dead of winter. We were able to experience only five different fast moving objects: Cars, Trucks, People Running, Dogs chasing each other, and the cat running from dog. The new puppy owners will need to get creative with this one!

(This task is likely easier in the warmer months when people are out and about more frequently.

12 Different Challenges

(1) Finding the door to the whelping box and then climbing out. (2) Climbing off a raised bed, (3) Dealing with a bathtub (sink), (4) grooming table, (5) in and out of a crate, (6) climbing on and off box, (7) Maneuvering a wobbly plank, (8) Introduction to step, but the steps were as tall as the dogs. (9) Checking out an umbrella, (10) meeting up with balloons, (11) cardboard box tunnel

Handled 12 Times a Week

This one was easy. Who can resist picking up a small breed puppy and hugging, cuddling and carrying around with you?

Held in different positions. (upright, on back, on stomach)
Touched, tail, paws, ears, mouth, under eyes
Clipped nails
Combed and brushed hair
Bathed, blow dry with a hairdryer
Cut hair from paw pads
Cleaned rear, did a sanitary clip
Examined teeth, and ears
Held on lap, table, in air, on the chest, in the a pocket, and cuddled in the a towel
Took temperature
Gave worming medication
Gave vaccinations
Measured weight gain on a scale
Eaten from 12 Containers

Stainless steel bowl, glass bowl, plastic bowl, plastic plate, ceramic plate, medicine dropper, spoon, muffin tin, hand, floor on a napkin, small fry pan

Eaten in 12 Different Locations

Played with 12 safe puppies or adult dogs

Played with litter mates and all my friendly adult dogs

Been left alone:

Stayed in crate with door open

Experienced a leash and collar

No, still working on finding a collar and/or harness small enough to fit the puppy. I will have to rely on the new puppy owners to accomplish this task.

Did I succeed with the 12 by 12?

As you can see, many of my goals have been accomplished but not all. As of this writing, the puppies are seven weeks old.

They will all go home by the time they are 8 weeks old. Will they all experience those 12 by 12?
The chances are good that the new owners will be able to pick up where I left off, providing more experiences for their puppy by the time they reach 12 weeks of age. If I had not begun the process, the new owners would have had much more work to do.
So, was it easy to accomplish 12 by 12?
It is not impossible and it is not even that challenging, but the trick is being aware that it is important to offer different experiences to the puppy.

The Most Interesting Part of This Experience on how to socialize a puppy:

The puppies were so well behaved. I did not hear much barking or yelping to get out of the pen because they were bored. Rather, the puppies wanted back into their beds because the challenges tired them out and all they wanted to do was curl up and go to sleep.
Remember the Old Saying Among Dog Trainers:

A Tired Dog is a Good Dog...

May I suggest that a Challenged Puppy is a Good Puppy ?

Many small dog lovers are so ecstatic to bring home a new puppy that all they want to do is hold the dog and carry him around.
While this is a good way to bond with that new puppy, we need to realize that the puppy is an individual too and needs as many new experiences as possible.
Provide those challenges and you'll not only have a good puppy, but a well adjusted adult.

What Do Color-Coded Collars and Leashes Mean?Fortunately, there is a way to tell if that cute dog you see on the greenwa...

What Do Color-Coded Collars and Leashes Mean?

Fortunately, there is a way to tell if that cute dog you see on the greenway is approachable.

Dog collars and leashes serve to not only protect a dog and other people. They can help us know whether a dog wants affection, has special needs, or what it’s reaction could be when a stranger or a child is near.

If you have a dog, having a color-coded collar or leash will help you and your dog communicate its needs to the people you might encounter. Likewise, it’s essential to know the meaning of the colors so that you can avoid potential issues you may come across during a walk.

Below are the different colors and the meanings associated with them:

Red – Beware of the dog, and don’t get too close.

Orange – This dog does not get along well with other dogs.

Yellow – The dog is unpredictable and edgy. It could also mean that it’s looking for a new home.

Green – The dog has a friendly nature, and it’s okay to get close alone or with any animal.

Blue – The dog is a service animal. It’s training or working, so don’t disturb it.

White – The dog has difficulty hearing or seeing, or is completely blind/deaf.

Purple – Don’t feed anything to the dog.

(Keep in mind that regardless of what color a dog is wearing, be sure to ask the dog’s human before interacting with their pet.) Even if it’s green, don’t assume it’s okay to touch the dog.

So if you see a dog with a colored collar or leash, you’ll know it’s a particular message. If you regularly walk your dog, a colored-coded collar or leash can be a wise investment.

This will facilitate better interactions with other people, and your dog will have the space and support they need

Grey Cane CorsoA Grey Cane Corso is a rare color that can be found on a Cane Corso. It is common to see a Cane Corso wit...

Grey Cane Corso

A Grey Cane Corso is a rare color that can be found on a Cane Corso. It is common to see a Cane Corso with a Black coat usually with markings on it’s underside. There are however a number of different colors they cane be along with different coat patterns.

The Grey color comes from a recessive gene which leads to the Black color being diluted. This is located in the D Locus on DNA tests and will display itself as a small d to indicate it’s presence. Due to this being recessive it means both parents need to have a copy of these gene to be able to produce a Grey Cane Corso Puppy. This does not mean however that both parents need to be Grey to produce a Grey Cane Corso Puppy

Blue Cane Corso
If breeding two Grey Cane Corso, ignoring other elements of genetics than can have an effect you should expect for the puppies to also be Grey. There is still a reasonable chance of producing Grey puppies if breeding one Grey Cane Corso with a Non Grey as long as it carries the dilution gene. In this circumstance you should expect the following ignoring other elements of genetics.

This shows that it is still possible to get a good breeding result even without two Grey Cane Corso.

It is also possible to produce Grey Cane Corso by breeding two Non Grey that carry the Grey gene. In the situation where they are both carriers of the gene you would expect there to be around 1 in 4 to be Grey despite neither parent being Grey

đŸș: Rocco
đŸș Handler: Kentrell “GHSTWULF” McRae

đŸ¶: RoccođŸșHandler: Kentrell “GHSTWULF” McRae

đŸ¶: Rocco
đŸșHandler: Kentrell “GHSTWULF” McRae

đŸș Aurora: Belgian Malinios Handler: Kentrell “BlkWulf” Buxton

đŸș Aurora: Belgian Malinios
Handler: Kentrell “BlkWulf” Buxton

Fawn Belgian MalinoisFawn color-coated Belgian Malinois have a fresh, neat, and soft look. Usually, the fawn coat has a ...

Fawn Belgian Malinois

Fawn color-coated Belgian Malinois have a fresh, neat, and soft look. Usually, the fawn coat has a yellowish tan color which can vary from light to darker shades.

Most Belgian Malinois are born with this shade so you’ll see them more often if you are looking for one.

The black masks of the Belgian Malinois which cover the mouth, nose, eye rims, and ears are more distinct if their color is fawn due to the lovely contrast of black and fawn. Review the photo above to visualize how they look!


Kaido: Belgian Malinios Handler:  Kentrell “BlkWulf” Buxton

Kaido: Belgian Malinios
Handler: Kentrell “BlkWulf” Buxton

Mahogany Belgian MalinoisThe mahogany coat is a reddish-brown shade. Mals can develop a coat that is within the gamut of...

Mahogany Belgian Malinois

The mahogany coat is a reddish-brown shade. Mals can develop a coat that is within the gamut of mahogany tone ranging from light reddish-brown to dark mahogany.

The lightness and darkness of the shade will depend on the genes that break down the two basic color pigments of canine which are eumelanin (black) and pheomelanin (red).
🐕: Kaido


Grays Creek, NC



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