😂😂😂. Lumen & Jaxon having a few technical difficulties! Thanks for sharing Amy!!
Beautiful Dreamhaven Bengal baby’s (lynx girl )Lumen & (Sepia) boy Jaxon both are enjoying the cat wheel we delivered a few months back. They have such playful demeanors and loving personality’s that truly melt hearts and have captured Amy’s and her family’s. We are so happy to see that they’re enjoying the wheel and look forward to more posts, pics and videos!!
A few weeks ago we were able to meet the Walker family and provide them with this beautiful wheel, we’re so fortunate to meet so many great people and share in there love of cats❤️. Congratulations Amy to you and your babies
How many of you sometimes feel like you have a dog in a cats body, little Tira is just that!! 😂. Please share your stories and enjoy this video
Trying to get out of bed to make the bed and Max just wants to "play". Lol. Ouch Hahaha. Enjoy!!
Bangle talk, yes Max is really good at talking. He's also very good at giving me attitude but that's okay because I give it right back, top mama here.
Gus craves his fish time,.... He gets goofy for it. Best toy ever for this boy.
one more to share,...sorry my finger got in the way,...I am calling it GUS TAKES A BATH! LOL Enjoy
So Our friend Jason Urban bought our kiddos these great mechanical fish to try out in the water and Gus just loves jumping in the tub to play with them,....He's has already ran off with one in his mouth,....little stinker. Enjoy!!
SO this is our Goofy boy Gus,...He does this every morning,...I think its adorable,...do you have cats that do these sort of things to you? Enjoy =)
TGIF everyone!!!! SO this is what I wake up to at 3am haha they are just so cute,...this wand is there FAV toy every. I can find it EVERYWHERE and I do mean everywhere,.... Yes I have found it in the bed!! lol silly kiddos,...Enjoy the vid.
Its been a busy start to our spring around here,...lots of remodel which Cats all love to get into,....to be helpful right!!?? OK maybe not but they always have the best of intentions!! Well we found a killer toy that the kids LOVE - Its cat wand the our cats TIA and Gus literally do flips for Check out the video,...feel free to share this with your friends and share your vids or fav cat toys that your kiddos like to use.