Well folks… today was the official end to the “every weekend” of The Stand for the first season!!! I may open again late November into December for a day or two for the Christmas Season (weather permitting) but I will post a day or two prior. I really want to do that, so likely count on it, even if it’s a little chilly by then!!! ⛄️ watch for posts for things I get a hankering to make or bake and will offer porch pick up as well! (Until next season gets here before I know it ☺️)
Thank you to every-single-one-of-you that have supported me, some multiple, countless times, or shared my posts, gave me incredible feedback, both publicly and privately, or have spread the word. I am thankful and blessed. Truly, thank you all! I consider this first season run a success!
Thank you to all the incredibly honest people, and shame on those that were not honorable with the honor system. I went into this venture for fun because I absolutely love everything I make and do, and of course for a little extra side $… I feel I keep my prices incredibly low… so with that, trust me, I’m not getting rich by ANY means when you factor in all the costs spent upfront on food, supplies, utilities/electric, and right down to the packaging. 😜 not included in the above mentioned is my time.
Having an honor system always comes with risks, but I was disappointed in some apparent repeat offender(s), more so in recent weeks… because it’s easy to notice when you know what you put out, and the end of the day the math isn’t mathin’ with what’s left….I got a little discouraged… who wouldn’t? But I’m okay. Trust me! It’s all good! ❤️
Just putting it out there end-season after being quiet for so long because the offender(s) might just see this post. You all probably noticed my “Thou Shalt Not Steal- God” Flag that I put up not too long ago after being open for months already? Yep, that’s why. Thought why not? Couldn’t hurt….Maybe a little reminder flag would make someone(s) think twice. But apparently to some, it’s just words.
Maybe a little Jesus will do you a little better for next season for when I fully reopen again, or for any other honor system stands you happen to visit now or in the future. Please do better. This is not my livelihood. But maybe someone else that’s running one somewhere it is…and they count on every penny to help keep the bills paid. Remember, God is always watching
👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 🙏
Anyhooooo! I am tired. 😝 I’ve been going 7 days a week since April. Literally. But by my own choice… I have enjoyed all the interactions, and meeting new people along the way. Wouldn’t change it for anything! (Except I’ll never miss my boys games like I did this season- will make time next year & time manage better!)
Love to all!!!! If anyone ever needs anything off season, remember, just message or text me anytime! Will still be doing side orders behind scenes as they come in.
Peace and Love Everyone ❤️❤️❤️