nontraditional pet insurance- no pet denied
Whatever Amount you invest, your Benefit payout amount is 2X to payout any pet expenses
IF you love your dog & can afford to put away any Amount each month, when the big Vet bill comes to save your Pet , you will save 50% of the big bill
This helps defray those big Vet bills - if you deposit $50 a month, in a few yrs you will have double or $1200 to use for your pets
( if you deposit $100 monthly - you’ll have $4800 to use in 2 yrs)
One time I had a $5000 vet bill and I had to put my dog down cuz i didn’t have the money to save him Grre if you build up to $2500 you actually have $5000 to pay Vet bills
If you want more information on this, please reach out to me through the comments