🚨 Long post alert 🚨
Ozzie boy, my sweet Oz-man. Keeper of the secrets, bucker of all things he disapproves, and governor of the water trough…. You make me SO PROUD!
From ribs to ribbons in ONE YEAR. We rescued you at this very show last year, and this year, you’re GRAND CHAMPION pleasure horse and FIFTH overall pro 2’ mount. It takes a village and I may be biased but our village is the best!
This horse has never once let his circumstance determine the outcome of his life. He puts forth his best effort every ride, and is the sweetest, kindest, most loving four year old you’ll meet. You’re going to do great things my boy, and I am so excited to be along on this journey with you.
JC Name Fisherman Oscar
Show name: Guerrero
Barn name: Oz, aka Ozzie boy
The Jockey Club Thoroughbred Incentive Program