Transforming chaos into calmness! My dogs unexpectedly started a serious fight, but I remain optimistic and focused on finding to seperate them and then gave both dogs a calming medication based on their weight. 
As an experienced pet owner and responsible parent of children with unique needs, including autism and medication for psychosis respectively; my husband works diligently in the medicaid dentistry and volunteeer as in nursing home on Friday and Saturdays .
 I generally spend my days with my autistic son, and the autistic son. We hope to adopt soon. I have been tutoring for free for years and that’s how we met this wonderful young man.
 a day later, we did try to re-integrate the dogs and they were playing and everything was fine for the whole day during the evening, at some point, I was petting the dogs I was going around petting them, and I was petting Kiera and they jumped up onto the couch, and the look of play to the look of fear was how her face changed and they went at it again, so we quickly separated them and said keep them separated. We ended their wounds our wounds thank God. It was just me got wounded, but this is now a situation has to be dealt with while waiting for my ex-husband to come get Cara. There were two other instances where they slipped out. I obviously with a four year-old autistic in the house. This cannot be happening I my daughter it’s not fair for her to be afraid of her dog, although be honest, I am not afraid of her dog. I think it is as my cousin said it’s because of me they both claim ownership of me. I also know that these are great animals they were meant to be mine and since we haven’t been able to find a good home, I’m looking at maybe behavior modifications. I would love to keep our family together if that’s all possible if anyone has suggestions, ideas or knows what to do please let me know I want to keep all of my babies .