The purpose of this naturopathic consultation, offered by Dr. Pamela Kneass, is to educate and guide pet owners in their pursuit to improve their pets’ overall health by supporting their pet's own natural re-balancing and healing processes. Pamela Kneass is not a veterinarian and does not act in the manner of one and does not diagnose disease, treat disease, prescribe or perform invasive procedure
s. The information offered by Pamela Kneass is intended to provide general guidance and education. Nothing on the web site or during a consultation constitutes traditional veterinary advice. Always consult with a licensed veterinarian before undertaking any course of treatment for your animal or changing treatments or medications your own veterinarian has already prescribed. This consultation will hopefully suggest additional options to think about, and other areas to explore, based on your pet's condition. Pamela Kneass believes there is a place for both traditional and alternative therapies to ensure better pet health and is willing to work with your veterinarian if they so desire. Pamela has received her doctorate in Naturopathic Animal Sciences, from Kingdom College of Natural Health. She has her Associate degree in Veterinary Technology from Harcum College in Bryn Mawr PA. Pam has been working with animals for over 25 years, certified in animal Iridology and an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church. All techniques are non-invasive and supportive of both mind, body and spirit.