"Handstripping" is a term used for a certain type of dog grooming involving a very specific set of tools designed to pull or pluck the fur instead of cut it. It's most commonly used for hard-coated terrier breeds like Airedales, Schnauzers, Scottish Terriers (Scotties), West Highland White Terriers (Westies) and the like... but there are many dogs whose coat types benefit greatly from this kind of grooming! And, fewer than 2% of all dog groomers in the world possess the skills required to be an expert at handstripping!!! I am proud to offer this service to all of my Terrier and wire-coated clients! Handstripping helps a wire-coated dog's skin by removing and unclogging hair follicles and encouraging new growth of the same wirey-textured hairs. If a wire-coated dog's hair is clipped with clippers or scissors, overtime, the hair will soften and the pores can become clogged! This is most often seen in Schnauzers causing furunculosis...bumps, blackheads and flaky/scabby skin from ingrown and irritated hair follicles caused by shaving instead of plucking!
Here is a great example of a dog who is mixed-breed and has no set breed standard for grooming, but just me feeling his coat type gave me clear instructions on what would be best for his skin and coat! His mom had never had him groomed before and admitted to not knowing what to do with his "weird" hair and said she trusted that I knew what would be best for him! I am so glad she came to me. Alot of pet groomers would've simply clipped him short, potentially causing skin issues down the road. I explained the process and benefits of handstripping and she happily agreed! Scotty looks so handsome with his Mohawk and sleek new do! Wouldn't you agree?!