These are the countries with the highest number of cases with the number of deaths, and the percent of the cases by total population
The country with the highest percent of cases per person is Italy. Not sure why, but, at only 0.05277% of cases over total population, that is NOT a very disturbing statistic. The percent of population that has reportedly died for Italy is .00417%
Again, not that drastic.
I am no making light of the effect of the illness on people at all, I am just trying to shed some light on the actually statistics, in hopes that people will take a deep breath and climb down off the wall.....DON'T JUMP!!!
If only .00059% of the population is going to contract it, that means 99.94 % of people are NOT going to get it.
if you double China's outcome, and 0.00118% catch it, then 99.882% will not.
The statistics are available online at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
You can do your own math
Here is mine
Reported Cases Deaths populaion % pop cases % Pop Deaths
China 204,610 8270 1,408,526,449 0.01453% 0.00059%
Italy 31,506 2503 60,048,000 0.05247% 0.00417%
Iran 17,361 1135 83,992,949 0.02% 0.00%
Spain 13,910 623 46,754,778 0.02975% 0.00133%
Germany 10,082 27 83,782,942 0.01203% 0.00003%
South Korea 8,413 84 51,269,185 0.01641% 0.00016%
France 7,730 175 65,273,511 0.01184% 0.00027%
US 6538 116 331,002,651 0.00198% 0.00004%
Swizterland 2,742 27 8,654,622 0.03168% 0.00031%
Netherlands 2,051 58 17,134,872 0.01197% 0.00034%
UK 1,950 71 67,886,011 0.00287% 0.00010%
Japan 1,589 29 126,479,461 0.00126% 0.00002%
Norway 1,527 6 5,421,241 0.02817% 0.00011%
Belgium 1,486 14 11,589,623 0.01% 0.00012%
Sweden 1,292 8 10,081,035 0.01282% 0.00008%
Denmark 1,044 4 5,786,274 0.01804% 0.00007%
Malaysia 790 2 32,957,948 0.00% 0.00%
Portugal 642 2 10,196,709 0.00630% 0.00002%
Live statistics and coronavirus news tracking the number of confirmed cases, recovered patients, and death toll by country due to the COVID 19 coronavirus from Wuhan, China. Coronavirus counter with new cases, historical data, and info. Daily charts, graphs, news and updates