Helping Kelli with a short video. Introducing her "Kell Poo's Bunny Boom Booms...
All organic fertilizer for your flowers, yards, vegetable gardens and "WhatEVER" else you may grow. Great for you and the environment....
Maybe later we can show off her one of a kind "Poopenator" for Boom Boom Production....
English Mastiffs may not be known as a great Hunter, but Ole Lou has some GREAT Skills, just the fact she doesn't eat them impresses me. Lol She's actually found two about 3 weeks old that slipped out of a temporary carrier also...
A behind the door look at feeding time with my favorite girl, Beth (named after Beth Dutton off of the Yellowstone Series) my favorite Tamuk, as long as you sing "Beth" by Kiss, she's as calm as can be, if not, enter at your own risk. She thinks she's a guard rabbit and has bloodied the Mastiff, Lou on a couple of occasions. Lol