Today on we are featuring
Preston is a new breeder who really has a good head on his shoulders when it comes to collecting some of the nicest geckos for breeding. He has sought after some of the best lines, brightest whites, and highest coverage animals. He will have some of the nicest animals in this hobby, mark my words.
Short story of the first time I met him at Tinley NARBC. I was at AJs booth, and food just came. I eat EXTREMELY fast, and if you know me, then you know what I am talking about. We had gotten thai food, and I was scarfing my food down. I look up, and there is this boy staring at me with his mouth wide open in shock. This was Preston's son, and I was dying laughing.
We share a lot of similarities, like cars and Dragonball! Check out his cool ass logo of a crested done by . Head over to his page and give him a follow. Also hit up Grayson for a sick logo!!!