You may be wondering why we want you to bring your dogs' p**p... 💩
While it isn't the most glorious part of our job, it's very important! Through exposure to contaminated soil or f***s, dogs can become infected with intestinal parasites. The contaminated area may contain the eggs or larvae of hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms.
Your furry friends can also be infected with Giardia, a stubborn microscopic parasite that can be transmitted through contaminated food, water, surfaces, or objects. Giardia can also be transmitted by contact with animal or human f***s, or by recreational water like lakes and pools.
We always recommend that you bring a stool sample to your pets' annual appointment to be tested, because you can never be too sure! We especially recommend sending out a stool sample if they are experiencing any gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting or soft stools/ diarrhea. 💩