Our Story
Save-One-Soul (SOS) is a Louisville, KY based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that works towards improving the quality of life and welfare of pets in the Louisville and surrounding areas by providing veterinary care to un-owned or shelter animals that are in the most urgent need.
After accepting animals into our program, we provide them with the urgent veterinary care needed to treat their condition before moving them into foster care. While in foster care, the animals get acclimated to a normal home life, and receive follow-up treatments, including routine veterinary care, thus allowing us to facilitate adoption into a loving and permanent home.
Save One Soul is an all volunteer, foster based rescue organization, dedicated to improving the health and living conditions of dogs in the Kentuckiana area.
Fosters and volunteers are the heart and soul of our organization. Fostering dogs is one of the most rewarding activities you can do: taking a dog that has gone through a tough time, and seeing him or her improve in terms of health and/or trust and self-confidence is truly priceless. As the foster provider, you are asked to take the foster dog to vet appointments, adoption events and other events. Save One Soul covers the veterinary expenses, food, and supplies.
Fostering is a great way of "test driving" a dog. Most likely, you will love each and every foster dog you take in, as if it was your own dog. Sometimes, the dog is a great dog, but there may be an owner out there that is better suited for the dog than you are. Other times, the dog is the perfect match for the foster family. While we cannot guarantee, we try our best to accommodate the wishes of the fosters with respect to adoption.