High Point time!
Champions will need to check size for the High Point Award halter! Brass plate will say "MPCC HIGH POINT CHAMPION". Sponsored High Points will see the Reserve getting a cool
"extra " with their ribbon!
Congratulations to our lineup!!
Welsh Performance High Point-
Section A, Folden Hills Sweet Prince, Reita Gelander
Section B, Clear Meadows Fancy Free, Meghan LaVelle
Half Welsh, Spiders Ali Oops, Hadley & Maria Krenz
Gypsy Driving, sponsored by Gypsy Creek Farm-
Champion- SD Taking Care of Business,
Katie Hembree
Reserve Champion, Danny Dalys Little Boy Blue, Branden Christensen
Open WT,
Champion- AD Acres Finvarra, Tiffany Stauffer
Reserve Champion- RRC I Dare to Dream,
Keri Rogalla
Open WTC, sponsored by Fat Bottom Gypsy's,
Champion- Finn Watson, Tiffany Stauffer
Reserve Champion- FLF Biscuits N Gravy,
Katie Hembree
Youth WT, sponsored by Footloose Farm,
Champion- Rosewater Shannon,
Meadow Schmidt
Reserve Champion- Vestlandbandens Victoria,
Savanah McClung
Youth WTC,
Champion- Declan's Tubba Sugar, Savanah McClung
Reserve Champion- Finn Watson,
Priela Magnuson
AOE WT, sponsored by Fat Bottom Gypsy's,
Champion- Feathered Gold Night Splash,
Diane McPherson
Reserve Champion-HDPH Rhinestone Cowboy,
Alecia Babich
Amateur WT,
Champion- Feathered Gold Night Splash,
Diane McPherson
Reserve Champion- WSR Oz's Fancy Girl,
Mandi Stock
Amateur WTC,
Champion- Brugger of Finnegan's Fields,
Alecia Babich
Reserve Champion- Creek Side Titan,
Melissa Korby
Congratulations everyone! Champion winners, use the chart below to pick your size! I will place the order soon as everyone gets back to me!