GREMLINS 3 (2024)
Gremlins 3 (2024), directed by Joe Dante, marks the long-awaited return to the mischievous and chaotic world of the infamous Gremlins, the small, mischievous creatures that first terrorized audiences in the 1980s. This third installment brings the franchise back to its roots, blending horror, dark comedy, and Christmas mayhem in a fresh, modern take that both honors the legacy of the previous films and pushes the story into new, exciting directions.
Set several decades after the events of Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990), the film centers on Randall Peltzer's (played by Zach Galligan) son, Billy (also played by Galligan), who has since taken over his father’s business and is now dealing with the growing influence of technology on the world. The film opens in a modern, high-tech society where Gizmo, the lovable Mogwai, has been hidden away for years, untouched by time or the chaotic history of his past. When an ambitious tech company unknowingly discovers the last surviving Mogwai, they accidentally release the creatures once again, this time in a fast-paced, high-tech world, leading to a new, even more dangerous breed of Gremlins.
This installment brings a blend of nostalgia for long-time fans, with returning characters like Phoebe Cates’s character, Kate Beringer, and the iconic Gizmo himself. However, Gremlins 3 is not simply a throwback. It evolves the franchise by exploring how the Gremlins could interact with today’s digital landscape, creating a hilarious, if frightening, commentary on social media, technology, and the ways in which modern conveniences could fall prey to chaos in the hands of the Gremlins.
The story features high-energy set-pieces where the Gremlins wreak havoc in increasingly absurd ways, from hijacking drones to taking over smart devices, leading to moments of slapstick horror and chaos. The film balances the grotesque with the hilarious, never losing sight of the dark humor that made the franchise so beloved in the first place.
The creatures themselves are still the star of the show. The practical effects are a delightful mix of old-school puppetry and modern CGI, creating Gremlins that feel more real and terrifying than ever before. The film goes even further in exploring the twisted personalities of the Gremlins, with each one having its own unique quirks and behaviors that are both menacing and entertaining.
The performances are solid, with Zach Galligan slipping back into the role of Billy effortlessly, although his character feels more like a father figure dealing with the chaos of his past rather than an active participant in the Gremlin-fighting antics. Phoebe Cates shines in her reprisal of Kate, with a character that now feels like a seasoned veteran of the Gremlin wars, bringing a sense of grounded realism to the outrageous situations. New characters introduced in this film add to the dynamic, including a group of young tech-savvy teenagers who unwittingly unleash the Gremlins on the world.
The pacing of Gremlins 3 is fast, with each scene ramping up the action and madness. While the film maintains the spirit of the original Gremlins movies, it does suffer a bit from being overly reliant on some familiar beats. However, the high-tech world and the updated Gremlins’ antics make it a thrilling, fun ride for both new audiences and nostalgic fans.
The visual effects are a mix of CGI and practical puppetry, allowing for the Gremlins to have the same tactile presence as before, while also embracing the new possibilities that technology offers. The Gremlins’ transformations are more grotesque and creative than ever, and the chaos they cause is both terrifying and comedic in equal measure.
The film’s themes touch on the dangers of unchecked technological advancement and the consequences of playing with things we don’t fully understand, an idea that feels particularly timely given the rapid rise of artificial intelligence and digital devices in the modern world.
Gremlins 3 is a fun, chaotic return to the world of the mischievous creatures that terrorized Christmas in the first two films. It successfully merges the nostalgic charm of the original movies with a modern commentary on technology, creating a wild, entertaining ride that captures the spirit of the franchise while introducing new elements to keep things fresh.