I had my last session of Remy and Sparky’s program this morning - so much has changed for these two in the last month. If I had a picture of my first meeting with Remy and Sparky, it would have showed Sparky climbing my body and holding my arm in his mouth and Remy wouldn’t be pictured because he was growling at me from multiple rooms away. These two have learned a bunch in the last month - Sparky has a reliable recall, doesn’t greet people feet first 😅, and doesn’t try to chase bikes or big trucks anymore! Remy no longer pulls like a freight train on the leash, he had a successful happy visit at the vet this morning, he consistently wants to make friends with people he meets, and both he and Sparky don’t lose their minds when they see dogs. I will miss spending my mornings these two and I can’t wait for our follow up session after my trip!