Welcome to the Tegusonly page
Teguonly is in a unique position within the tegu marketplace. I am not an importer,
breeder, or pet store. I do not face same the challenges they do, and they certainly
do not face mine. I cannot pick up the phone, order tegus, have them delivered,
then write a check. Unique challenges just come with the territory. On any given day, my inventory
ates with the animals I capture. It can change from zero captures to plus 10 or
more in both sexes and all sizes. The logistics of accommodating a
variable inventory in terms of housing and feeding are considerable. There is no how to book on capturing, feeding and housing hundreds of tegus of all
sizes in some of the worst working environments Florida has to offer. I have
developed the equipment, capture skills, locations, and the experience necessary to
become very good at what I do. What I do, is hard, dangerous work with a daily threat of serious injury or death. Tegusonly is truly unique in that all of my tegus are rescued from an organized
effort to eridicate them as a nonnative invasive species. Prior to 2005, an irresponsible breeding operation released hundreds of tegus into a
near perfect habitat and ecosystem. The tegus I offer are the decendants of that
action. My tegus come from a population and gene pool now estimated to be over
twenty thousand. Darwinian logic has very much been a factor in creating the Best of the Best in the
Tupinambus merianaes I capture today. These animals have thrived, without selective breeding, in natural sunlight, with a wide variety and abundance of food items. Unfortunately, the native species here are the abundant food supply.