Nothing like Chicago's Skyline 🏙 Even on a gloomy day 🥰 Such a peaceful drive going downtown today 🙏🏽
Pretty Girl Coco 🥰 All Smiles for Spa Day ☺️ #BeforeAndAfter #SpaDay #ShihTzuMalteseMix #ShihTzuMix #ShihTzu #MalteseMix #Maltese #ILoveMyJob #ILoveThePooches ❤️🐶❤️
Pretty Girl Hadley 🥰
#FYP #BeforeAndAfter #Maltese #ILoveMyJob #ILoveThePooches #MobileGrooming #MobileGroomer #PoochParlorMobileGrooming 🐾🐾
Pretty Girl Misty 🥰
#FYP #BeforeAndAfter #HappyDog #HappyPooch #BichonFrise #Bichon #ILoveMyJob #ILoveThePooches #MobileGrooming #MobileGroomer #PoochParlorMobileGrooming 🐾🐾
Today Was a Good Day 🥰 Puppies, Sunshine, Smiles, Baths, Nail Trims and Great People ~ It Was a Great Day! 🐾❤️🐾 #ILoveMyJob #ILoveThePooches #PoochParlorMobileGrooming #NkitaPetProducts #NkitaPetCare #NkitaPet #PoochParlor 🐾🐾
I L❤️VE Aria's Smile 🥰 #FYP #CaneCorso #Corso #Mastiff #MastiffLove #DogsWithNailPolish #DogsWithPolishedNails #DogsWithPaintedNails #ILoveMyJob #ILoveThePooches
The Greatest Compliment is when the Pooch falls asleep during their grooming session 😴🥰 Belle was so relaxed and sleepy 😴 #FYP #GreatestCompliment #SleepyDog #SleepyPooch #WestHighlandTerrier #ILoveMyJob #ILoveThePooches 🐾❤️🐾
Are You Ready❓️Say You're Ready‼️Because our whole Squad is ready‼️
Come out and meet the President and Owner of Nkita Pet Grooming Products, Mr. Emeka Moka. He'll have the same products that I trust and use on my Pooches, available for purchase. I'll also have my Sister of the Grooming Table Keesh Groomer Horton there helping with Nail trims, my Brother Timothy will have his Amazing Soothing Paw Balm and In Between Spray available to purchase for the Pooches and my Lovely Assistant/Daughter Ebony will be there to get everyone checked in and squared away for the baths and nail trim services.
Pooch Parlor will be setup to do Nail Trims for all Breeds, as well as a limited amount of Express Baths for Short-Haired Pooches Only. No Appointment Needed for Nail Trims, they are first come, first serve. An Appointment Is REQUIRED for a Bath, as well as proof of current Rabies Vaccination for each Pooch. There are a limited amount of spots for the Express Baths, so you must text 708-798-6825, by Friday August 23rd, to schedule an appointment.
🐾🐾 Hope to see Y'all there 🐾🐾
Ché always has the biggest smile when she knows it's #SpaDay 😁🥰😁 #FYP #PrettyGirl #ShihChon #ShihTzuBichonMix #ShihTzuMix #BichonFriseMix #BichonMix #PoochParlorMobileGrooming #MobileGroomer #ILoveMyJob #ILoveThePooches 🐾❤️🐾
Bella knows she's cute 😍 #FYP #PrettyGirl #CavaPoo #CavalierKingCharlesSpanielPoodleMix #CavalierKingCharlesSpanielMix #PoodleMix #PoochParlorMobileGrooming #MobileGroomer #ILoveMyJob #ILoveThePooches 🐾❤️🐾
Pretty Girl Gigi 😍 #FYP #PrettyGirl #HappyFace #CavaChon #CavalierKingCharlesSpanielBichonMix #CavalierKingCharlesSpanielMix #BichonFriseMix #PoochParlorMobileGrooming #MobileGroomer #ILoveMyJob #ILoveThePooches 🐾❤️🐾
Coco always has the biggest smile AFTER the blow drying part of grooming (lol) She hates the blow dryer, but L❤️VES Spa Day #FYP #PrettyGirl #HappyFace #ShihTzuMix #PoochParlorMobileGrooming #MobileGroomer #ILoveMyJob #ILoveThePooches 🐾❤️🐾