Toni's Trinkets -handcrafted semi precious stone and swarovski crystal necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, eyeglass chains and more! Toni's Trinkets is now available at THE NEW CROSSROADS GIFT SHOP hopewell junction, Surviving Sister's Boutique, Hyde Park NY, the NEW Adams Fairacre Farms in Wappingers NY,Adams Fairacres Farms gift shop -
Poughkeepsie NY, Adams Fairacre Farms gift shop, Newbu
rgh ny, Beekman Pharmacy and Gifts -Beekman NY, Community Pharmacy and Gifts-Brewster NY, THe NEW Kismet by Caryn-Cold Spring NY, Celine's Boutique-Hopewell Junction, Susan's Country Thistle-Pleasant Valley NY, The Gift Cottage BGethel CT ...soon to be in Westchester county! Toni's Trinkets Breast Cancer collection can be found at! Also now at WISTERIA GIFTS pleasantville ny NOW in Winter sun Summer Moon Rhinebeck NY
Well, I suppose the kitchen does need a cleaning but before you are about to clean the kitchen, assemble your child’s bike, stain your deck, scrub the floor, polish the silver, bathe the dog, iron that blouse that’s been hanging on the chair for weeks or do any other work around the house, make sure that you take off all your Trinkets! Abrasive household cleaners can... cause hard-to-remove build-up and leave dulling scratches on you and your "trinkets". It is especially important that you remove all jewelry when working with any tools or machines that may get entangled with your jewelry…leave the tools and machines (and chores for that matter) to your spouse, lover, or neighbor! (chlorine bleach can totally destroy your jewelry)
A sweltering sun or cold winter day will not harm your jewelry. However, it is a good idea to keep your jewelry away from extreme heat and cold. Some jewelry is more sensitive to heat than others. Extreme heat can cause fractures in some gemstones. (extreme heat is that of boiling water or any heat source..."hot flashes" are not harmful just annoying : )
To Clean your “trinkets” simply use a mild dishwashing soap and “swoosh” in a small bowl with lukewarm water to loosen any debris but do not let the “trinkets” soak. Soaking can break down certain gemstones. Make sure to thoroughly and gently towel dry your “trinkets” when cleaning is necessary. When storing your jewelry, you should give each “trinket” its own space and fasten the clasps. This will help prevent any tangling or scratching that could occur. If you are like me ,then, you use hairspray, mousse, gel, body lotion, moisturizer, perfume, make-up, shaving cream, and soap, just to name a few! : ) These products can leave a residue on jewelry, creating a dull film that may be difficult to remove. To prevent this buildup, remove your jewelry before bathing or "primping"... put it on right before you get on with your day! : )