Patriot’s Ranch Trail Rides

Patriot’s Ranch Trail Rides Patriot’s Ranch provides horseback trail riding, lessons, and horse training in Hortense, Georgia.

Word for the Day…“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many ...

Word for the Day…

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.” 1 John 4:1-4, ESV

As followers of Christ, it is only natural to have a hunger to learn more and more about Him. In the technological society we have today, we have opportunities to learn from so many different forums—television, social media, videos, and the list goes on! While these can be blessings, they can also be harmful if we aren’t careful.

Sadly, believers can be lead astray by “false prophets” and teachers if we don’t evaluate the message they are preaching. Some of them are in it for themselves rather than for God; the “spirit of the antichrist” is already in the world! If you hear a gospel that is different from what the Bible proclaims, it isn’t from God! Some may be obvious, but others are careful and very deceptive.

Be on guard, Brothers and Sisters! Test the messages (or “spirits”) you are taught by comparing them to God’s Word. If there is anything contradictory to what the Bible says, stay away from it! Anyone who teaches something contrary to the Bible is dangerous. In the words of the late President Reagan: “Trust, but verify”! May God bless America and His people!

Juliette gave her seal of approval to “Freedom” as our very first Thoroughbred at Patriot’s Ranch!

Juliette gave her seal of approval to “Freedom” as our very first Thoroughbred at Patriot’s Ranch!

Check out the newest members of the Patriot’s Ranch team—“Freedom” and “Mischief”! They’ve only been with us for a few m...

Check out the newest members of the Patriot’s Ranch team—“Freedom” and “Mischief”! They’ve only been with us for a few minutes and they’re already loving life!

Unleash Your Fun Side at Patriot's Ranch! Schedule your lesson today and experience the difference. We are “Riding for F...

Unleash Your Fun Side at Patriot's Ranch! Schedule your lesson today and experience the difference. We are “Riding for Freedom!”

Word for the Day…“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division o...

Word for the Day…

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12, ESV

As followers of Christ, following His commandments and allowing His will to mold us into everything He wants us to be should be our primary goals. We pray, “Let Your will be done”; we are told by mentors and Church leaders to follow His will. With that said, how do we know His will? How do we know the decisions we make are in accordance with His plan?

Finding His will is a difficult task if we arent open to receiving messages from Him. God has given us a set of “Standard Operating Procedures”. They are all laid out clearly in writing: The Holy Bible. The Word of God “is alive and powerful”; it never changes, because He doesn’t change! His Word guides us to know how we are to conduct our lives in accordance with His plan. The Holy Spirit works with His written direction to mold our minds and help us understand how we should react to different situations we are called to make.

Sometimes God’s plan will smack you in the face like a ton of bricks! Other times, we have to be patient, study, and mediate on His Word before we receive clarity. Praying for His will to be done opens up our mind to enables the Holy Spirit to speak to us. One thing is certain—His plan will never be contrary to what the Bible says! There are no exceptions and the Holy Spirit will never advise you to do something different! Be diligent, study His Word and be patient. His answer always comes at just the right time! May God bless America and His people!

Word for the Day…“Loving God means keeping his commandments, and his commandments are not burdensome. For every child of...

Word for the Day…

“Loving God means keeping his commandments, and his commandments are not burdensome. For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.” 1 John 5:3-5, NLT

It is heartbreaking to share the Gospel with someone, see them under conviction, and have them walk away without making a decision to accept Christ. The reason I’ve heard most often for their indecision is this: “I need to get myself right first. I’m just not ready yet.” Somehow they believe they have to clean up their life first! It is difficult for many to understand the concept that Jesus accepts us just the way we are—in our sin and brokenness!

Every true follower of Christ wants to please Him. We want to be like Him! We want Him to be proud of us, but only He alone can make those changes. We don’t have the ability on our own us to keep His commandments—it is only possible because of His work on the cross! The Holy Spirit’s presence in our life makes it easier to please Him! The commandments that seemed impossible for us to keep are no longer “burdensome” when He dwells within us!

As we grow and mature in our walk with Christ, we begin to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit more clearly. Just like a newborn child has to learn to speak and understand what is being said, the new Christian must do the same! Every “child of God defeats this evil world…through our faith”! It is because of Christ alone and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. May God bless America and His people!

Thanks for being a top engager and helping us “gallop” through the Golden Isles! 🎉Roxanne Sahlberg, L.D. Burrow, Isabela...

Thanks for being a top engager and helping us “gallop” through the Golden Isles! 🎉

Roxanne Sahlberg, L.D. Burrow, Isabela Marshall, Scott Short, Pam Skipper

Experience the thrill of horseback riding and connect with nature in the gorgeous Golden Isles! Schedule your appointmen...

Experience the thrill of horseback riding and connect with nature in the gorgeous Golden Isles! Schedule your appointment by calling (912)222-6377. Let the adventures begin at 2526 Boots Harrison Rd, Hortense, GA!

Word for the Day…“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or fami...

Word for the Day…

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?” Romans 8:35, ESV

We’ve all heard the old saying, “When things get tough, the tough get going.” I’d prefer to think that one who is tough is already going! As a believer, I pray that not only am I going, but I’m moving in the right direction and accompanied by the Holy Spirit!

The Word tells us there will be trials and tribulations. We know we will be tested and even persecuted, but no matter what the circumstances are God will not leave nor forsake us—He will never abandon us. We don’t need to be afraid or discouraged (Deuteronomy 31:8). The Holy Spirit is always there!

What makes us believe that when be are saved, we will no longer experience “life”? We continue to live in this world until the Lord calls us home or Christ returns for us. The difference is He is always with us! There is nothing that can separate us from Him. He isn’t going to take off in another direction if we are “ambushed” by the enemy! “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39). May God bless America and His people!

Word for the Day…“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1, ESVFrom the...

Word for the Day…

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1, ESV

From the moment a person is saved, every Christian with whom they come in contact encourages them to read and study the Bible. Many of us do and we find ourselves engrossed with it! If someone had asked me why early on in my Christian walk, I’m not sure I could have given them a short answer, but I found it fascinating. After studying God’s message to us for close to 30 years, I think I’ve finally discovered what intrigues me most about the Bible.

God’s Word provides us with many things—promises, guidance, direction, encouragement, and so much more. The most important question it answers, however, is the one that keeps me reading it over and over—it describes who God really is! Although I’ve never looked Him directly in the eye, He has revealed more to me about Himself than any other person I’ve ever met. He is truly an “open book”! Yes, I’ve found things I don’t understand, but He has revealed far more than He has hidden.

The Bible tells us that God never changes (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8, Psalm 102:27) and this can be seen clearly from Genesis through Revelation. He is the Alpha and the Omega (the Beginning and the End)! His love, grace, and mercy for us is immeasurable. He never stops working! If you haven’t discovered who God really is, keep reading. One day you’ll discover how truly awesome He really is. May God bless America and His people!

If you haven’t visited Patriot’s Ranch, we would love to have y’all! If you have, share this with your friends! 2526 Boo...

If you haven’t visited Patriot’s Ranch, we would love to have y’all! If you have, share this with your friends! 2526 Boots Harrison Rd, Hortense, GA.

Word for the Day…“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18, ESVThe Bible speak...

Word for the Day…

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18, ESV

The Bible speaks many times about the negative effects ”pride” can have on our lives. From a biblical perspective, pride is the antonym (or opposite) of “humility”. Pride is an attribute that makes people believe they can stand alone in this world. They believe they are stronger or wiser than others—including God. Their self-esteem fools them into believing they can do whatever is necessary without the assistance of God or other people. Proud people don’t take into account their weaknesses or acknowledge their need for help.

In our focus Scripture today, King Solomon warns that pride comes “before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” In other words, a proud spirit of independence is often present before one falls flat on their face. James (the Lord’s half-brother) said, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6).

One of the main reasons the Church exists is to support one another. We are stronger together than we are apart. King Solomon said it this way: “And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12). When we become too proud to acknowledge when we need help or let our circumstances control us, we hurt not only ourselves, but our testimony and those who stand with us. Don’t let “pride” destroy you! Let God and your brothers and sisters in Christ help you through the tough times! May God bless America and His people!


Experience the joy of horse riding and the beauty of nature with our guided tours or horseback riding lessons.

Another incredible day at Horse Camp! I think we’re all wore out, but it was a blast!!

Another incredible day at Horse Camp! I think we’re all wore out, but it was a blast!!

Horse Camp 2024 at Patriot's Ranch kicked off with a bang on its first day! To ensure each of our little riders could te...

Horse Camp 2024 at Patriot's Ranch kicked off with a bang on its first day! To ensure each of our little riders could tend to and ride their own horse all day, we capped the attendance, resulting in an incredible experience.

DON’T MISS “HORSE CAMP!” 😃😍🤩Summer Horse Camp” at Patriot’s Ranch! Monday, May 27-31, 9:00–2:00! Lunch and snacks includ...


Summer Horse Camp” at Patriot’s Ranch! Monday, May 27-31, 9:00–2:00! Lunch and snacks included. Early drop-off and later pick-up available. $400 for the week or $100 per day. 10% off for two or more children in the same family. Daily riding, classroom activities, horse painting, and more!! Call 912-223-8997 or 912-222-6377 to register! Space is limited.

Check out our new website and unleash your inner cowboy/cowgirl 🤠 Saddle up for an unforgettable horseback riding experi...

Check out our new website and unleash your inner cowboy/cowgirl 🤠 Saddle up for an unforgettable horseback riding experience! 🐎 Book your ride today:

Experience the joy of horse riding and the beauty of nature with our guided tours or horseback riding lessons.

“Enough said…”

“Enough said…”

Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to our weekly engagement list! 🎉 Our followers are helping put us on the...

Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to our weekly engagement list! 🎉 Our followers are helping put us on the map
In the Golden Isles!

Elianah Altman, Isabela Marshall, Jennifer Tacbas, Southern Buffalo Creations, Brentsie Walker

These are always fun events! Just enjoy the ride!

These are always fun events! Just enjoy the ride!

Thanks to everyone that is following and visiting us here, but especially to our top followers of the week! 🎉 Elianah Al...

Thanks to everyone that is following and visiting us here, but especially to our top followers of the week! 🎉 Elianah Altman, Isabela Marshall, Jennifer Tacbas, Southern Buffalo Creations

Let horses be horses.They like to get muddy and roll in the dirt.They like to run around and play with their friends, so...

Let horses be horses.

They like to get muddy and roll in the dirt.

They like to run around and play with their friends, sometimes resulting in the occasional scratch or abrasion.

They value socialization with other horses far beyond what any human can provide them, whether we want to admit to that or not.

They are well equipped to live outside and wired to cover a lot of ground each day. They get bored being cooped up without enrichment for most of their lives.

They don’t care about aesthetics like people do. They don’t care if they have a fuzzy winter coat or if they aren’t sparkling clean year round.

They don’t care if they’re not wearing a name brand saddle pad with matching brushing boots.

They don’t care how much money you spend on specialized supplements for them if they’re still going without near constant access to forage even with all of that added nutrition.

They don’t care if they have their own personal masseuse if it means they’re deprived of social interaction and space to move.

They care about having their most basic needs met.

It really doesn’t matter how many fancy and expensive add ons you offer to your horse if at their core they’re missing their basic needs.

It doesn’t matter how much money is spent on them if that money isn’t contributing to fulfilment of their basic needs.



Forage. (And water, of course)

It is really that simple.

Provide these 3 crucial needs, then add on whatever else your heart desires, but let’s quit pretending care is sufficient when it doesn’t cover these basics, just because there’s a substantial amount of money put into it.

If money guaranteed basic met needs of horses, there wouldn’t be so many high value horses living lives where they’re utterly deprived of core needs.

Let your horse be a horse.

Horses are outdoor herd animals.

No matter how much our industry tries to convince you of otherwise, they absolutely suffer when kept in isolation, small and unenriching spaces and without constant access to forage.

They aren’t dolls for us to dress up and do with as we please.

They’re living beings with species specific needs that it is our duty to meet if we choose to get one.


“The 3Fs” (Friends, Freedom, Forage) concept originally coined by Canadian Equine Behaviourist Lauren Fraser

Did you know we have a shooting range right near us? We own that too! Bring your “shooters” out while you ride!

Did you know we have a shooting range right near us? We own that too! Bring your “shooters” out while you ride!

Looking for a shooting range near Glynn, Brantley, Ware, Wayne, McIntosh, and Camden Counties? Our outdoor range offers distances up to 500 yards!

Friends, Riders, Horse Lovers, and Patriots! If you haven’t done so, please support our small business by inviting all o...

Friends, Riders, Horse Lovers, and Patriots! If you haven’t done so, please support our small business by inviting all of your friends to drop by our page to “Like” and “Follow” us! As a new business, it’s hard to get the word out without “breaking the bank” with ads. We appreciate everyone’s support. Help us as we continue “Riding for Freedom”!

Searching for the perfect Mother's Day gift for the horse lover in your life? A gift certificate for a trail ride or rid...

Searching for the perfect Mother's Day gift for the horse lover in your life? A gift certificate for a trail ride or riding lesson is a great choice! Call 912-222-6377!

“Summer Horse Camp” at Patriot’s Ranch! Monday, May 27-31, 9:00–2:00! Lunch and snacks included. Early drop-off and late...

“Summer Horse Camp” at Patriot’s Ranch! Monday, May 27-31, 9:00–2:00! Lunch and snacks included. Early drop-off and later pick-up available. $400 for the week or $100 per day. 10% off for two or more children in the same family. Daily riding, classroom activities, horse painting, and more!! Call 912-223-8997 or 912-222-6377 to register! Space is limited.

Looking for a quick escape from the Golden Isles? Patriot's Ranch is under an hour away and offers Trail Rides, Riding L...

Looking for a quick escape from the Golden Isles? Patriot's Ranch is under an hour away and offers Trail Rides, Riding Lessons, and Summer Camp experiences. Book now!


2526 Boots Harrison Road
Hortense, GA


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