Goosie Goose

Goosie Goose Cruelty Seizure, Grimes Co 9/2019
Loved and missed💔 8.18.22

Our neighborhood is still in recovery mode after last week’s storm that did so much to damage to people’s home, and an i...

Our neighborhood is still in recovery mode after last week’s storm that did so much to damage to people’s home, and an incredible amount of damage to the beautiful trees that surround us. Yesterday I went to check on Goose’s bench to be sure it didn’t get damaged from any falling trees. On the bright side the bench is still standing and has no damage at all. The heart breaking side is the tree that shaded his bench and made it such an inviting spot has so many broken branches. It’s nowhere near the tree it was before! I’ve posted a before and after, in one pic you can see several piles of limbs all around. These are all from that tree … it took my breath away when I walked up. I hope it will survive this, I’m not sure if the Parks Dept will take the whole thing down now, or leave it to do its thing? 🌳🥺❤️‍🩹

THANK YOU to everyone who made this possible!!  Michelle and I went to see the bench today, and it’s so special and perf...

THANK YOU to everyone who made this possible!! Michelle and I went to see the bench today, and it’s so special and perfect, I just can’t put it into words. We know Goose’s spirit is there, and that he can’t wait for all the visitors.

Just a couple of minutes after Michelle arrived today a lady and her foster dog stopped by to look at the memorial plaque. This is exactly what we’d hoped for - that everyone will come by with their dogs and have a sweet moment together.

Please be sure stop by the bench when you’re at the park or in the area. The map below shows an approximate location of the bench. ♥️

Thank you again, I hope this makes you smile as much as it does us. 😊

Such a bittersweet moment … after months and months of getting this idea into motion, it’s finally done. I wish he was h...

Such a bittersweet moment … after months and months of getting this idea into motion, it’s finally done. I wish he was here to enjoy it with me, but I know every time I walk by I’ll smile thinking of him. I hope you will too. I’ll be back tomorrow to take more pics once the caution tape is off, the cement is dry, and to show you the memorial plaque. ♥️

Oh wow!! The city called and said they’re gonna knock it out today!! I’m with them to be sure it’s perfect.  Trying hard...

Oh wow!! The city called and said they’re gonna knock it out today!! I’m with them to be sure it’s perfect. Trying hard not to cry while this happening … not only is this so special, but once again, it’s on a perfect Goosie day. He’d be so happy. ☀️ 🌳

🟡❌ marks the spot!  Met with the Parks Dept this morning to determine exactly where the bench will go … next steps are t...

🟡❌ marks the spot! Met with the Parks Dept this morning to determine exactly where the bench will go … next steps are they will lay the cement pad, then come back & install the bench. It’s becoming real and I cannot wait!


Memorial Bench Update! 🌳
We have been working hard to come up with just the right words for the bench, and have just recently finalized the plaque! Waiting for the final proof, then it’ll be sent to the city for production. That takes around 6 weeks.

Stay tuned and I’ll be sure to let everyone know the install date! Thank you again, I can’t wait to for the day to walk by and see this special place with Goosie’s name! ♥️


I will only say it one time… If you can’t respect the decision that was made about Goose, or understand how heart wrenching it was, and decide to make a negative or judgmental comment, I will block you immediately. Period.

I couldn’t let the day go by without acknowledging the day Goosie was rescued from a dog fighting ring deep in the woods...

I couldn’t let the day go by without acknowledging the day Goosie was rescued from a dog fighting ring deep in the woods of Grimes County. saved all of these dogs and collected evidence to prosecute his abuser. While the case was built, by law Goose had to stay in the shelter until they had their day in court, in this case it was 2 months. During his stay, to no surprise, Goose won over the entire staff of Houston Humane. The day I picked him up, those at the front desk, the veterinary staff, the cleaning crew, kennel techs, etc all were in tears as they lined up to say goodbye. He was so special to so many! ♥️

Thank you!!!! We exceeded the goal needed for the memorial bench!  ♥️

Thank you!!!! We exceeded the goal needed for the memorial bench! ♥️


Thinking of Goosie tonight … he would’ve loved this breeze along the bayou, and I miss sunset walks with him. 🌅

As I was reminded yesterday, Goosie did things in his own time and had a way of getting you to follow along. Since Septe...

As I was reminded yesterday, Goosie did things in his own time and had a way of getting you to follow along. Since September I knew one day I’d sprinkle some of his ashes around the park at his favorite spots, but it never seemed to be the right day.

Finally, after months of waiting until it felt right, I thought yesterday was ”the day”. So I set out on a walk to the park with ashes in hand. The weather was great but after about 30 min the weather became super overcast and very windy. I guess Goosie had other plans! 🤷🏼‍♀️

But less than 24 hours later the weather was even better than the day before - I could not have picked a better Goosie Day ☀️… it was the kind of day that was his favorite and it was this kind of day that we’d go on long stroller walks at the park. I finished up some work and headed out again.

I sprinkled Goosie at the tree we always stopped for a rest and had picnics. And at the ridge along the trail that overlooked the bayou. I imagine him happy & healthy and finally able to run through the grass and sunshine. 🌳✨ As I was leaving another dog stopped and sniffed his ashes in the bluebonnets … he was always good at making new doggie friends. 😊 ♥️

Love you forever sweet boy Goosie!

Had a nice visit with Goosie today under our favorite rest stop at the park. 🌳 It’s where I feel him the most. It’s also...

Had a nice visit with Goosie today under our favorite rest stop at the park. 🌳 It’s where I feel him the most. It’s also where I hope at some point to get a park bench placed in his name.

Happy Holidays everyone - make it a special time with your pets! 🎄♥️

I was really missing Goosie this past weekend… it was beautiful fall sunny days☀️ like we’ve been having where we’d take...

I was really missing Goosie this past weekend… it was beautiful fall sunny days☀️ like we’ve been having where we’d take long walks and stop for a snack picnic at the park. I’m considering a city park bench under the tree 🌳 where we’d always stop so other people can sit and enjoy the day with their pets too. ♥️🐾

Please someone foster this boy who deserves a second chance!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Please someone foster this boy who deserves a second chance!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

This sweet boy was at the park yesterday during a fundraising event I attended, several people tried to catch him but he...

This sweet boy was at the park yesterday during a fundraising event I attended, several people tried to catch him but he was too scared and kept running. After the event a few people stayed and were able to get him to safety! He’s now with Barrio Dogs and needs a foster … he of course reminds me a lot of Goosie, so wanted to share in case anyone was interested and able to help. Please contact Barrio Dogs if you’re willing.

Thank you! 😊

Today marks 3 years to the day that Goosie was rescued from a Grimes County backwoods fighting ring. I know he was one o...

Today marks 3 years to the day that Goosie was rescued from a Grimes County backwoods fighting ring. I know he was one of the lucky ones because so many across the US never make it out. But in all honesty, those of us who knew Goose, loved him, and got that love in return are they lucky ones. Not a single day goes by that we don’t think of him. Usually multiple times a day. He is so very missed, there will never be another one like him. Love you Goosie. ♥️

💙THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO DONATED!! 💙I transferred the money from the PayPal account and sent it to NVC this morning. W...

I transferred the money from the PayPal account and sent it to NVC this morning. With those funds plus what was called in, the Good Boy Goose fund is starting off at $2000!!

I’m also working with NVC and their Marketing team to see how we can be sure this fund continues on and helps as many people and pets as possible. They also said anytime an animal is helped by these funds they will let me know.

While the PayPal is now closed, you can still call in anytime to Neighborhood Veterinary Centers - Nederland and refer to the “Good Boy Goose” fund to make a donation. You can either call & refer to the fund, or I’ve saved the information in the ‘About’ section of this page.

From those who love Goose, thank you again!! ☺️

✨Reminder of Goosie’s fund at Neighborhood Veterinary Centers - Nederland that will help other orthopedic pups in need. ...

✨Reminder of Goosie’s fund at Neighborhood Veterinary Centers - Nederland that will help other orthopedic pups in need. I’ll be requesting funds from my PayPal account at the end of the day today (9/2), so if you’d like to donate electronically, the link is below.

✨If you’d prefer to call in your donation directly to NVC, refer to Account # 39571. “Good Boy Goose Orthopedic Memorial Fund” 409-254-6682

Goosie is back home … 😔 Thank you Senior Paws for taking such good care of our boy at the end. So this is where we part ...

Goosie is back home … 😔 Thank you Senior Paws for taking such good care of our boy at the end.

So this is where we part my friend,
And you'll run on, around the bend,
Gone from sight, but not from mind,
New pleasures there you'll surely find.
You're place I'll hold, you will be missed,
The fur I stroked, the nose I kissed.
And as you journey to your final rest,
Take with you this, I loved you best.

Thank you everyone for the kind words and support.  I wish all of you could’ve had the chance to know Goose the way we d...

Thank you everyone for the kind words and support. I wish all of you could’ve had the chance to know Goose the way we did.

As a reminder, because I know NVC was only open for a portion of Saturday and closed on Sunday - a memorial fund has been established in Goose’s name at Neighborhood Veterinary Centers - Nederland to help pay for orthopedic surgeries for rescues and pet parents in need. If you would like to contribute in his memory, there are two options below.

To donate to the memorial fund:

✨Call NVC and refer to Account # 39571
“Good Boy Goose Orthopedic Memorial Fund”

✨For those who want to pay via link, I have temporarily set up a link via my personal PayPal account. This will be available until Friday 9/2 where I’ll then funnel 100% to NVC.

On September 25, 2019 I saw a puppy being rescued from a fighting ring in Grimes County and I knew instantly that he wou...

On September 25, 2019 I saw a puppy being rescued from a fighting ring in Grimes County and I knew instantly that he would be a part of my life. i picked him up from Houston Humane Society when the court case closed in November of that year. Since then, that silly Goose has brought so much joy not just to me but to his other long-term foster, his trainers, his “foster uncles,” his doggie playmates, and his whole care team. He won the hearts of everyone patient enough to earn his trust with his goofy grin, his sweet personality, and his boundless love for those in his circle.

This is why our hearts are so very broken to share with you, his wider circle, that we had to let Goose go last week. His fear reactivity had gotten worse, as had the painful orthopedic issues impairing his mobility. We pursued every option we could in order to give Goose a safe and happy life, one without fear & pain where he wouldn’t be a risk to those he saw as a threat. But we just couldn’t find a path that we were confident would lead to that outcome. Those who loved him the most and had advocated for him the hardest decided together that it was better for Goose to have a short but happy life that could end with peace, comfort, and dignity. He crossed the rainbow bridge in a familiar place, surrounded by his favorite people holding his paw and telling him how much we love him and what a good boy he is.

That’s all he ever wanted – to be good and to be loved – and that’s how we hope you’ll remember him. Goose was so full of love! He loved treats, especially string cheese and peanut butter. He loved to demolish cardboard boxes and squeaky toys. He loved to play with other dogs (wrestle-mania, anyone?) and even cats if they were game. He loved the sofa and human beds and snuggles. He loved protecting his people from the dangers of front-door deliveries. He absolutely loooooved taking walks in his stroller and experiencing the world from a safe, comfortable vantage point. Most of all he loved his friends, always greeting them with squeals and butt wiggles and tail smacks and kisses. He had the sweetest soul and the best smile, the softest puppy belly, and big gold eyes that matched his big heart of gold. We like to think that his exuberant spirit is now free from the limitations of his mind and body, running around with four healthy legs and nothing but joy.

There are some who won’t understand or agree with our decision. Please trust that we loved him beyond measure and if we thought there were a better solution we’d have done all we could to make it work. We did not make this decision lightly. There have been sleepless nights and so many tears. We are still coming to terms with all of it ourselves. Please know that we are grieving and consider kindness over judgment if you choose to comment. Direct your fury at the people who put Goose through cruelty and trauma as a puppy and do what you can to prevent animal cruelty & neglect in his name.

Thank you to everyone who has supported Goose over the past 3 years. It has meant the world to us, and you made such a positive difference in his life. Although our hearts are devastatingly broken, they are also bigger for having known Goose. We want to honor his big beautiful heart by helping other dogs, and we invite you to join us. A memorial fund has been established in Goose’s name at Neighborhood Veterinary Centers - Nederland to help pay for orthopedic surgeries for rescues and pet parents in need. If you would like to contribute in his memory, we have provided two options below.

Rest in peace and run free, sweet Goosie Goose. We love you more than you’ll ever know. ♥️

To donate to the memorial fund:
✨Call NVC and refer to Account # 39571
“Good Boy Goose Orthopedic Memorial Fund”

✨For those who want to pay via link, I have temporarily set up a link via my personal PayPal account. This will be available until Friday 9/2 where I’ll then funnel 100% to NVC.



Had a great convo with someone today about Goosie … send every prayer, positive vibe, good energy or whatever you have s...

Had a great convo with someone today about Goosie … send every prayer, positive vibe, good energy or whatever you have stored up and send it our way!! ✨🙏🏻✨♥️

✨  It’s FRI-YAY!!  ✨Who’s ready for the weekend?!!  To foster or adopt Goose: please go to the link in his bio.         ...

✨ It’s FRI-YAY!! ✨
Who’s ready for the weekend?!!

To foster or adopt Goose: please go to the link in his bio.

When you want to be comfy, but are also nosey 👀

When you want to be comfy, but are also nosey 👀


Goose 1 - New Toy 0

🏳️‍🌈 Pride Month is almost over but this June has been about so much more than LGBTQ equality - it’s about equality for ...

🏳️‍🌈 Pride Month is almost over but this June has been about so much more than LGBTQ equality - it’s about equality for ALL.♥️ With the rights of so many currently in question, I am also reminded of the harsh judgment so many dogs receive based on breed, or behavior. Goose is one of these dogs, and is a primary reason why he’s been in the program for 3 years now.

You see, Goose has what is called Fear Aggression … simply, if he doesn’t know you, he doesn’t trust you. It is predictable, and it is very limited in what triggers it. Once you’re in his circle of trust, you are BFFs for life and you will see why those of us who are in that circle love him so hard. We have a tried & true protocol in place that allows Goose to get to know someone so we can show him not all people are bad. But if you choose not to follow that protocol or trust what you’re told, Goose will let you know that you’ve crossed his boundary and to stay back. Boundaries are meant to be respected, and if you choose not to respect that, the dog or the breed should not be the one who is punished or judged.

Goose is one of the sweetest, loyal, loving, funny, photogenic, brave dogs I have ever met. When the right family finally decides they want to be the lucky ones to have him join their lives, I hope I will be allowed to continue being part of his life until one of us goes over the rainbow bridge first. His fear is one VERY, very small component of who he is, the other 99% is made up of one incredibly special boy.

My point is - None of us are perfect… everyone has fears, insecurities, and faults. Please don’t let that be Goose’s downfall or cause him to never find his forever home. Please don’t judge him because he is so much more than his labeled behavior… just like so many people out there are more than their gender, who they choose to love, or what they believe in. Everyone & every animal deserves LOVE! ♥️

If you are interested in adopting Goose, please DM me or fill out the application below.


Houston, TX



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