How could you do this to me?
You wanted a pet, I wanted to live.
You grew tired of me, I just grew tired.
You used to feed me every day, now I’m lucky if I’m fed once a week.
You used to hold me and pet me, now you forget to turn my lights on.
I sit here daily waiting for my needs to live to be met, you don’t have time there’s a movie on you just have to see.
I’m growing weaker and my bones are breaking, oh you just got an important text?
I’m hungry so hungry but I don’t have the strength to eat, oh you threw 3 crickets in for me to try and catch?
I’m so thirsty, as I watch you drink that bottle of water.
There’s p**p in my cage, it’s not yours don’t worry even though I can’t pick it up. I can’t even pick my head up anymore.
When will this be over?
Please if you don’t have time for me, if you don’t love me, if I mean anything at all please rehome me. Don’t worry about the money worry about me! For once please worry about me. Worry about if I’m happy, thriving, or healthy. Please for once don’t be selfish. If you love me let me thrive with a new family. One that will love me, feed me, turn on my lights, clean my p**pies, bathe me and take me to the dr. Don’t let me die like this.
♥️Your Dragon
Written by Lone wolf