The need for basic and obedience puppy/dog training has been brought to our attention from some folks. Due to no fault of owners or animals, the lack of training and discipline has led to ill-mannered and undisciplined dogs in and out of the home. Here at Pochis Kennels, we feel led to offer courses with our experienced kennel owner, Logan Donegan. Logan has not only trained the 3 plus kennel dogs here, but most of the family dogs and some clients in the surrounding area. Because of the love and dedication he has for all animals and the years of experience; he has decided to offer a program where you have a choice.
1) Come out to the kennel and have lessons
2) Logan comes to your home and provides lessons for an extra fee
Both options are still reasonable prices. We feel everyone should be able to have their dog trained properly. Please feel free to call with any questions and to schedule an appointment. The first appointment is an evaluation, and then a program is set up from there.