Casey's Healing Hooves Equine Assisted Therapy is a 501(c3) nonprofit organization located in Hudson, Florida. Casey’s Healing Hooves was founded in 2012 to serve civilian and military people with mental and physical disabilities. Equine-assisted Therapy participants are diagnosed with a variety of conditions including but not limited to wounds of war, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, neuromuscular d
isorders, post-traumatic stress, autism, Down Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) with Hyperactivity (ADHD), functional spinal curvature, learning or language disabilities, multiple sclerosis (MS), traumatic brain injury and cognitive disorders. Casey’s Healing Hooves provides therapeutic horseback riding, equine-assisted learning services, and a variety of equine experiential learning programs. Casey’s Healing Hooves is a wholesome small family farm facility that lends itself to warmhearted encouragement between clients and horses. Casey’s is a registered facility that offers various types of equine therapies that include equine-assisted therapy, psychotherapy, learning, and equine facilitated learning and psychotherapy. Casey’s prides itself on screening staff psychologists and staff chiropractors to ensure highly trained, certified and licensed professionals to administer quality-based therapy experiences for all clients. Casey’s facility offers Continued Education Units and initial certification for Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA) Model Equine Assisted Psychotherapy programs. These programs are a result of collaborative approaches between the facility and equine certified therapists and peripheral staff. Casey’s also offers small group programs for learning. Casey’s is unique in that all the horses utilized in therapies were rescued horses. The horses have demonstrated a distinctive astuteness to clients’ needs. Paul Casey is a popular animal advocate in Pasco County. His love for horses has enabled these animals to happily perform therapy work for clients. It is hypothesized that Casey’s “Equine Team” understands clients quickly due to their experiences prior to living at Casey’s Healing Hooves.