Golden Paw Society, Inc.

Golden Paw Society, Inc. GPS: Helping Shelter Cats Find Their Way Into Forever Homes

We rescue cats from kill shelters and care for them at our adoption center until they are adopted.

Follow along and be a virtual part of our rescue mission! Located in Huntington NY Our shelters are filled to capacity with homeless, displaced cats; cats of all ages, many adults, who either sit for several months (day in, day out) waiting to be discovered and who are at-risk of being euthanized if they have or develop health issues or exhibit too much stress in captivity. Regardless of condition

s, no shelter cage is a happy or appropriate place for a cat to be in and cats suffer tremendously in the shelter setting, often surrounded by loud, barking dogs. In order to help us fulfill our mission, we have created a cat center for the cats we rescue! This is a true home-away- from-home for the cats to enjoy while we continue the work of finding homes for them. In our care, each cat we rescue is kept safe, comfortable and tended to medically and emotionally in preparation for adoption. Here, it’s all about the cats, and it’s about letting each one of them know they are wanted and wonderful even though somebody at some point in their lives decided they weren’t. One thing we know for sure: Whatever condition the cats are in when we remove them from the shelter setting, without fail they each begin to transform and come into their own and become the cats they are meant to be. It's an amazing and beautiful thing to see, and once they are adopted they transform even more. THIS is the beauty in what we do and this is the thing that keeps us driven to continue to do more. We are so proud and so excited to be doing this, and we ask for your support. Please visit our website at to see if there is a way you may be able to help us…So many homeless and hopeless cats will appreciate it, as will we!

Oh girl, we so wanted this to last longer. Your golden years quickly turned into golden days and we believe you waited f...

Oh girl, we so wanted this to last longer.

Your golden years quickly turned into golden days and we believe you waited for the peace you found with us to finally let go.


Our hearts are broken, yet full. How does one little fur person manage to do that? And in such a short space of time as this?

On January 18th of this year, 18yo Frankie's owners relinquished her and her 13yo kitty housemate to a municipal shelter.

Exactly a month later we met them both (😍😍)and scooped them up, so grateful to be able to provide a safe and cozy space for super-seniors in need.

Wishing so much we had gotten them sooner.

Abandonment and the stress of extreme change wreak havoc on sensitive seniors.

We have loved these last two weeks of loving you, Frankie. You are pure love and will live on in us and in our mission forever. Your fragile little body had other plans, but we promise to honor your memory by cherishing your sister and continuing to rescue senior cats like you who deserve to never feel the pain and anguish of abandonment ever!

Rest in the sweetest of peace sweet angel. We love you and miss you.


Who's a Big Boy Now? !!In the blink of an eye,  Wally went from homeless to happy in his big boy bed!!!!  Best of all he...

Who's a Big Boy Now? !!

In the blink of an eye, Wally went from homeless to happy in his big boy bed!!!! Best of all he gets to share it with his human brother! 😍😻

We knew it would happen quickly for this fabulously friendly feline!

Wishing Wally and Family so much happiness. ❤️

Well this is more like it!   We just posted Chloe two days ago and tonight she is home with her new family! 😍😍She had go...

Well this is more like it!

We just posted Chloe two days ago and tonight she is home with her new family!


She had gone long-overlooked - one of those cats who had a hard time accepting her circumstances after losing the life she knew. 😞

Potential adopters took her lack of receptivity personally ....until today. The magic finally happened where hearts connected and Chloe was given the chance she so desperately needs to shine! 🤩

Happy forever-home girl!!! Seeing you this relaxed is everything!!


You can always tell who is new around here... Innocent tabby boy, Jonathan,  did not yet get the memo about our torti, T...

You can always tell who is new around here...

Innocent tabby boy, Jonathan, did not yet get the memo about our torti, Talia, Queen of the Sink As Well As Any Other Location She Wishes to Enjoy.
She is about to read that to him loud and clear.


Talia actually impresses us with her patience and tolerance. She absolutely would prefer to be a solo kitty, which we are determined to make happen for her, but in the meantime she has to put up with the shenanigans of a houseful of others.

Jonathan, Talia and several other sweethearts await forever-love at our Adoption Center in Huntington Station, NY. Open Daily 12 to 6. Make this the weekend you find true love!!


Yes we have 21 newly rescued cats but Chloe would like to remind everyone that she's been waiting a long while to be not...

Yes we have 21 newly rescued cats but Chloe would like to remind everyone that she's been waiting a long while to be noticed.

How someone this gorgeous could be overlooked is beyond us but we get it - the magic happens when it is meant to happen and not a moment sooner.

We know Chloe's special someone is out there. Someone who would love a little companion who does get along with other cats but would absolutely not mind being solo.

Chloe is about 7 years old and available for adoption at our adoption center in Huntington Station New York

Please share and let's make the magic happen for this little girl today❤️

Well, you can take the cat out of the shelter and, as it turns out, you can take the shelter out of a cat. Ask Jonathan....

Well, you can take the cat out of the shelter and, as it turns out, you can take the shelter out of a cat.

Ask Jonathan.

Downtrodden baby boy in the shelter.
Man-about-town at our Adoption Center.

This is what we're talkin' about!


We are turning it all around for shelter cats! They simply do not belong in shelter cages.

Thank you for agreeing with us on this very important fact and for supporting our efforts to change this for as many cats as we can.

Our February Shelter Run brought us up to 3520 shelter cats rescued since our inception and, with your continued support, that number will continue to climb.

❤️ thank you so much!!

From shelter cat to Adoption Center Spokescat  JUST LIKE THAT!!Wally is wasting no time!  This boy has decided enough is...

From shelter cat to Adoption Center Spokescat JUST LIKE THAT!!

Wally is wasting no time! This boy has decided enough is enough and now that he is FREEEEEEEE and loving life at our Adoption Center, he is also claiming as many laps as he can (we dare you to sit for even a second.) Try to walk? Wally will be right there with you, leaning up against your leg to make sure you don't fall. He is super helpful and caring (dare we say, needy) like that!

Some of our cats are shy and especially the newer rescues typically take more time to come around - which is why Wally was selected to be the Wishlist Wednesday Spokescat today!

With 21 new mouths to feed, any help towards boosting our food supply would be so appreciated! Check out our Wishlist of our most needed items here!

Wally is amazing and ready to be yours! 3ish years old and available in Huntington Station NY. Do not hesitate! This big boy will not last!

How it started/How it's going  - Stella Version  When we first opened the cat carrier she had been abandoned in,  we wer...

How it started/How it's going - Stella Version

When we first opened the cat carrier she had been abandoned in, we were struck by her beauty but even more so by the terror in her eyes. It's absolutely heartbreaking to see someone that afraid and to not be able to comfort them.. She didn't know us and didn't yet know she was safe. 💔

Now she's sitting on our laps and licking our hands and arms as if to say thank you.

This precious girl is amazing and the love in her eyes is everything. 😍

So grateful to be able to provide this kind of comfort to abandoned cats. Thank you for being here with us and making this possible.


Our FEBRUARY SHELTER RUN REVEAL IS HERE, and 20 has become 21!  Finalllllllllly, we can show you the faces of the beauti...

Our FEBRUARY SHELTER RUN REVEAL IS HERE, and 20 has become 21!

Finalllllllllly, we can show you the faces of the beautiful cats we've been able to rescue this time around thanks to YOU and your many generous donations!

As you can see from their faces and stories, every cat in this group was so sad and scared and desperate, and life for them was seeming utterly hopeless... and then you all stepped in to help us rescue them from despair! They are all now safe and settled in at our Adoption Center where they can now heal from their trauma and start to get ready to begin again.

Our Adoption Center is a place of comfort, love and peace that they all respond to when they are ready. Some are ready in a few days, some take weeks and some much longer. We give them all the time they need and the transformations we see make it all worthwhile.

To all of our supporters, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the love and support. Our Shelter Cat Rescue Mission would not exist without you! Thank you for making all we do possible!

Please welcome these 21 sweethearts to Golden Paw Society, and let the healing begin!!!

Yes, Winnie....TWENTY newly rescued cats are joining you at our Adoption Center!!!  (Winnie was rescued about a month ag...

Yes, Winnie....TWENTY newly rescued cats are joining you at our Adoption Center!!! (Winnie was rescued about a month ago and already thinks the whole place is hers!)

Our FEBRUARY SHELTER RUN is complete thanks to the many generous donations we have receieved!! 🤩

Many shelter cats remain on our radar and we will go back for them as soon as space and funding allow.... but for now? We are SO EXCITED about this amazing group we are able to get. You too will be blown away by their little faces and the strength and courage they possess to have made it this far past some hard times. Stay tuned to meet them tomorrow but in the meantime...

THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone here for the love and support that makes all we do possible. Our hearts are great and full with appreciation tonight!


LAST CALL to participate in our FEBRUARY SHELTER RUN❗️Last chance to save a life!Donations have been slow but we get it....

LAST CALL to participate in our FEBRUARY SHELTER RUN❗️

Last chance to save a life!

Donations have been slow but we get it. This is a vacation week and everyone is busy or away somewhere...who is thinking about sad cats in shelter cages?

We are. 😩

For us it's impossible not to think about how many cats are sitting alone in shelter cages after losing the lives they have known. The ones who sit the longest are often the older ones or those who are sick or injured, who so desperately need a chance to heal in a more peaceful environment.

Our Adoption Center is the safe and nurturing space these cats need, a house and a volunteer team dedicated to their comfort and care.

The backbone of all we do is the support we receive from others. Donations make it all possible. Please help us today with any amount you can give. No amount is too small and every donation is tax deductible.

$100 sponsors the rescue of one shelter cat but every dollar counts and adds up to save more lives.

Also accepting venmo

Thank you so much and stay tuned to see who we are able to rescue thanks to you!


Starry-eyed Ari is here with his favorite human to remind everyone of the miracles of rescue.   🤩Taking sad and lonely c...

Starry-eyed Ari is here with his favorite human to remind everyone of the miracles of rescue. 🤩

Taking sad and lonely cats from the darkness and isolation of shelter cages so they can enjoy the light of day, as well as the bightness of their new futures, is what it's all about!

Our Adoption Center is the safe haven these cats need to decompress and prepare for furver, and our all-volunteer team relies completely on the kindness and generosity of others to continue this mission.

Please, if you love what we do, contibute towards our February Shelter Run so we can help make more miracles happen for cats in need.

$100 sponsors the rescue of one shelter cat but every dollar counts and adds up to save more lives.

Thank you so much!


Also accepting Venmo

another sad little soul for whom all has been lost...Our FEBRUARY SHELTER RUN continues and we can't do this without you...

another sad little soul for whom all has been lost...

Our FEBRUARY SHELTER RUN continues and we can't do this without you!

This 7yo girl was left behind when her family moved away and left a houseful of cats to fend for themselves. Her eyes tell us everything she can't. This is the heartbreak we are determined to put a stop to for as many cats as we can.

Please help us to forever-change the life of this girl and several other desperate shelter cats by sponsoring their rescue now!
Every dollar counts and adds up to save more lives - $100 sponsors the rescue of one shelter cat!

Once with us, our rescued cats are SAFE at our Adoption Center where they can enjoy the light of day, cozy rooms to explore and loving care and attention from our all-volunteer team of caretakers.

Thank you so much for any amount you can give!
Stay tuned to see who we are able to rescue thanks to you!

P.S. we accept Venmo as well! Safe QR code in the comments!

Our FEBRUARY SHELTER RUN has launched and we need you!Think of a senior kitty cat who has been a loyal companion to her ...

Our FEBRUARY SHELTER RUN has launched and we need you!

Think of a senior kitty cat who has been a loyal companion to her beloved owner for 18 years and this is NOT the image that comes to mind.

This poor little 18yo girl lost her owner and ended up in a municipal shelter when the remaining family chose not to keep her. She's in a kennel, better than a small cage - but cannot even imagine the heartbreak and confusion this little girl feels as she sits in her dark kennel listening to barking dogs all day and night.

Help us undo this nightmare for this desperate little girl and several others by contributing now to our FEBRUARY SHELTER RUN!
$100 sponsors the rescue of one shelter cat, but every dollar counts and adds up to save more lives.

Once with us, our rescued cats are SAFE at our Adoption Center where they can enjoy the light of day, cozy rooms to explore and plenty of attention from our all-volunteer team of caretakers.
Thank you so much for any amount you can give!
Stay tuned to see who we are able to rescue thanks to you!

P.S. we accept Venmo as well! Safe QR code in the comments!

Have we told you lately that we rescue cats from shelter cages?Well we do so join us because IT'S TIME FOR A SHELTER RUN...

Have we told you lately that we rescue cats from shelter cages?

Well we do so join us because IT'S TIME FOR A SHELTER RUN! 🤩

Cats do not belong in shelter cages, especially sickly little seniors like this girl who cannot stand the isolation!

Please help us to rescue her and several others by participating now in our FEBRUARY SHELTER RUN!

$100 sponsors the rescue of one shelter cat, but every dollar counts and adds up to save more lives!

Thank you so much for any amount you can give and stay tuned to see who we are able to rescue thanks to you!


Also accepting Venmo see our QR code in the comments.

Wrong holiday, right cat!   Erin is so excited about Valentine's Day because she knows this is a very special day of LOV...

Wrong holiday, right cat!

Erin is so excited about Valentine's Day because she knows this is a very special day of LOVE and she has SO MUCH of that to give! 🥰

So what that she was surrendered to a municipal shelter by her "family" after suffering some kind of horrible injury that made her unable to walk on one of her back legs. 😶

And so what that she then spent months (several months) alone in a shelter cage being treated and attempting to heal from that injury until it was determined the leg would not heal.and had to be amputated! 😢

This cutie pie is NOT wasting a single moment dwelling on her sad past. She is all about her future which we promised her was bright the day we rescued her. 🤩

Erin's ONE wish is to be someone's special Valentine! Come get this little girl and make her wish come true....but only if you like gentle cats who purr when you look at them and who watch your every move with adoration as if you are the best thing since sliced bread because that's Erin! 😍

Available NOW in Huntington Station NY

Love is in the air at our Adoption Center!   🥰😍Two of our shy girlies,  Maggie and Coco, have discovered the joy of frie...

Love is in the air at our Adoption Center!


Two of our shy girlies, Maggie and Coco, have discovered the joy of friendship with their purrfect blendship with each other!

We used to find them tucked away in a kitty hut all afraid, but look! They have taken their relationship to the next level and want all the world to see how great it can be to find love!

We are so proud of our cats who come around to trust us more - and also so amazed at how they help each other to gain courage.


Under a year old, this kitten pair is available for adoption now in Huntington Station NY.

The difference time, love and good food can make! When we first rescued Benji a few months ago he was emaciated, anemic ...

The difference time, love and good food can make!

When we first rescued Benji a few months ago he was emaciated, anemic and covered in a thick, pink paint that required cutting his hair to remove. Some of the paint had to stay on and wait for his hair to grow because it was also stuck to his skin, which would tear if you tried to get the paint off of it.
He was not a happy camper. :(

After a month or so of being fostered, Benji is now all glowed up, paint-free and back at our Adoption Center and back with all his friends!!

Our all-volunteer team has all the time and love to give our rescued cats, but we could sure use your help with the food!

Please check out our Wishlist and send some love our way! Our cats will love getting your gifts on Valentine's Day!
Thank you so much!!


260 Broadway
Huntington Station, NY


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