The kneading we've all been needing to see!
Justin canNOT believe how lucky he got being adopted with his bff and bro, Josh, to a human who is head over heels in love with them both!
They had literally lost everything when they lost their owner, and then spent close to a year in a town shelter until we rescued them.
They loved our adoption center but even we can admit...nothing compares to BEING HOME!!
Here's your mid-week reminder ...
Love is love.
Jake (tabby) and Eva were rescued by us from two different shelters, two different walks of life. While at our Adoption Center they were friendly free-roamers but not yet buddies. Their adopter chose them each for their wonderful personalities not knowing for sure if they'd get along. Here they are just a few weeks later.
How to wrap up a whole year?
In 2024, 324 shelter cats had their freedom and dignity restored to them.
This brings our Grand Total of shelter cats rescued, since our inception, to 3485.
That is a lot of pain alleviated, and so many lives transformed.
Another HUGE accomplishment we met this year is that we paid off our 30 year mortgage (in just under ten years!) This had been a goal from day one - to make sure that we would never be at-risk of losing our safe haven due to any changes in an ever-uncertain economy.
MIssion Accomplished!!
We and our cats are SAFE and we look forward to continuing to do our thing in our forever-safe space.
Being an all volunteer, not-for-profit organization has helped to make this possible. With no paid staff and no overhead, every single bit of every tax deductible donation we receive goes entirely to the cats, always.
We are incredibly thankful for the amazing gifts we've received thus far and we take none of it for granted. Being able to be here for cats who need us, and being able to make an immediate and tangible difference in terrible situations, is everything we started this organization for and yet more than we ever imagined we could actually accomplish to this magnitude! ALL of this is thanks to YOU, the humans who follow, appreciate and support our shelter cat rescue mission! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Because of all of you, so many dreams have come true.
Here's to making more dreams come alive through 2025!
Well it's no secret, SANTA came to our Adoption Center and gave our cats the best Christmas ever! We are still recovering from all the hoopla!!
We had so many wonderful gifts from so many Secret Santas that ALLL of our cats were able to enjoy the magic of Christmas and the unboxing of the many many gifts!! Even some of our brand new rescues from our Christmas Shelter Run got in on the fun!
When our cats are happy, we are happy!
Thank you so very much to:
Everyone who signed up to be a Secret Santa!
Everyone who added an ornament to our tree!
Everyone who donated towards our Christmas Shelter Run!
The party has subsided but the warmth and the joy of this season continues in our humble abode filled with so many amazing and dearly loved cats!
Looking forward to a weekend of adoptions and wishing you a warm and wonderful weekend with your loved ones!
Best TWOSDAY ever!!!!!
Bonded brothers, Axel and Dylan, are HOME with their new human!!!!
What these boys have endured - years in an over-crowded house living in poor conditions, months separated and lonely at a town shelter, a few weeks with us and now BAM!!!! They are at the start of the best of their lives and we are so thrilled for them!!! Seeing them this happy is everything!! :)
Thank you, kind human, for recognizing that they were a pair not to be separated. She came in for one fluffy friend and could not leave without the other once she saw they had a bond. THAT'S love. :)
Have you seen our amazing one-eyed Beckie!? She cannot wait to meet you!!!
1yo and available at our Adoption Center in Huntington Station NY
The first reaction most people have to learning that a cat is blind is, "oh how sad!!" - a natural gut reaction, to worry about how vulnerable this makes the cat and to feel bad about all the things they "can't" do or experience because they are blind.
The thing about cats that never ceases to amaze, is how incredibly resilient they are. Blind cats learn to experience the world around them with the same curiosity and spark as sighted cats by using their other senses.
With their acute senses of hearing and smell, blind cats navigate quite well - and when it comes to touch? Once they know they are safe, they cannot get enough. This is their connection to all that is outside of them, unseen, and they crave it.
Meet Wendy, our recently-rescued blind senior. She is wise and wonderful, loving and affectionate and she has so much love to give. She really can't wait to meet you and smell you and feel you! Don't make her wait any longer!!
Not totally sure of age, but anywhere between 12 and 16yo and available now at our Adoption Center in Huntington Station, NY
(more Wendy in the comments)
Why we rescue cats from shelter cages.
Former shelter-cat-deemed-"CAUTION"- cat, Gillian, was unable to be her best self while feeling isolated, trapped and terrified.
Three days of decompression at our Adoption Center and her best self has already started to emerge. 😻 This is how previously lost and abandoned cats get second chances for a happy life.
Thank you for being with us on this mission. Every amazing transformation is made possible by your support.
oh, hi guys - Madison here. Love to chat but my big foster brudder, Sven, is making sure I get plenty of rest to recover from my spay. Have a great day!!
Not just a cat with a snack!
You're witnessing a little miracle today! (yes we seem to have a lot of those around here! This is what happens when you surround yourself with CATS!)
Winnie! She'd been hit by a car and survived, but not unscathed! She has some neurological damage that makes her a bit unsteady on her feet but she is still perfectly able.
She also reacts to change a bit strongly and needs just a little extra time and reassurance to know everything will be OK.
When we first rescued her she was quite growly and scared. We are slowly, but surely, winning her over! Churus, or any of the yummy squeeze-treats they make for cats nowadays, are very helpful in winning friends! Ask Winnie (but you'll have to wait 'till she is done bc she is quite busy right now!)
Our little warrior, Winnie, is available for adoption in Huntington Station NY.
Audrey loses her current foster home TOMORROW!! 😑😑
She is the sweetest, easiest little house-guest!! Loves attention and love, gives it back ten-fold! She also happens to be adorable and stunning and a joy to behold! Has a great appetite, is perfect with the litter box! She is just the best!
Being diabetic, Audrey requires insulin injections 2x a day. So easy to do (Audrey purrs when she gets hers!) and we can supply the insulin and syringes if that will help seal the deal with you!
❤ Please SHARE so we can connect Audrey with her hero TODAY! Please message us if her hero is YOU! ❤
(Huntington Station, NY- hoping for Long Island /Tri-State Area foster or adopter)