Apollo Animal Hospital and Pet Resort of Huntsville, Alabama provides a full range of veterinary care, from medicine and surgery for your dog or cat, to specialized boarding care for your pet. McManus has always believed in providing the most progressive level of care for your pet, from custom vaccination and wellness care, to the most complete diagnostics and treatment options--when your pet is h
urting or sick. When your pet needs our help, the vets and staff of Apollo are dedicated to researching and providing what is best for your pet. We offer the most current options in medication from our custom-order pharmacy, the safest anesthesia monitoring protocol in our surgical ward, and even the latest in digital veterinary dental radiography in our dental suite. Apollo Animal Hospital began as a mixed practice in 1964, serving the needs of farm animals as well as companion animals, when South Memorial Parkway was surrounded by cattle farms and cotton fields. As Huntsville has progressed from cotton town to Rocket City, Apollo Animal Hospital has grown and changed, always with the goal of providing the best care possible for the animal members of your family.