We’ll, the unthinkable happened. As we were working around the property yesterday, 2 black dogs came all the way back to us and got a hold of one of our baby goats. I was about 10 steps away when we realized they were pulling the baby through the fence. Our adrenaline kicked in and Seth grabbed the baby goat and I chased the dogs off the property in the Gator. Luckily there weren’t any puncture wounds however his right front leg seems to be broken. He is splinted up for the next few weeks and hopefully will make a full recovery.
Ready to go the first week of June!
If you have food, they’ll come running! 🤣
86° today and when I started cleaning water buckets, my girls came running. These ladies were loving every minute of the water being sprayed on them. 🤣
Baby buns! He was hungry!
Up with the sunrise this morning! I guess you could say it was a spa day. The girls got their haircut, and their teeth and toes done.
Just another day on the creek, in balmy 34 degree weather. Remmy can’t get enough