This big handsome fella I’ve know for a few years now, but for the last year he’s been on a monthly schedule and only in the last 2 months has he *fully* accepted the deeper myofascial and specifically craniosacral work, to the point he has now gotten kind of demanding 😂. But he’s come a long way from biting at people’s faces to this. I love my role in earning their trust so they can be fully vulnerable in these sessions, it really does take a lot, and for some horses it can take time to develop that level trust. That’s one reason that my work is all hands on. We’re communicating every single moment. #magicfingers #lovemyjob #equinebodyworker #equinecraniosacral #equinemfr
Trip to the coast to deliver some @cavaletticollection Jump saddles! #mebcavalettisaddleclub #jumpsaddles #certifiedsaddlefitter
Sometimes I need to use a skillset from one of my other hats to do what’s best for the horse that day. This is Bleu, a horse I’ve been working with for a while, as has several of my favorite team members as he’s been undergoing a hoof rehab, a diet/nutrition rehab, and a body rehab, a true holistic and team approach. Tuesday as I was in the middle of his session and noticing all the improvements, I realized he was in the place now that his movement pattern needs to, and his body is *ready* for that change. Hopping on and straightening him, getting him to lengthen his frame by extending his topline and reaching for the contact at end of the bit was the best thing to facilitate that change: Unlike people, horses don’t need as much repetition for the body’s patterns to change. We affect it every ride, and it continues as they’re turned out. That’s why it doesn’t matter so much how often you ride, it’s HOW you ride when you do.
#magicfingers #horsebiomechanics #classicalriding #horsefirst
Monkey has *finally* figured out that if she just extends her topline and stays in front of my leg, that she creates the perfect place to carry me and it’s super easy and comfortable to do it. It’s been a challenge getting her to lengthen her absurdly compact body as she wants to carry more than she pushes and the goal is to get them to do both equally. Absolutely perfect today, we even got to do some trot sets!
#horsebiomechanics #classicalriding #classicaldressage
 I recently read on one of my mentors Instagram pages that if I wanted to be a change in the industry, then I need to use my platform. I’ve been really disgusted by a lot of what I’ve seen in the industry as a whole over the last couple years, to the point I’ve almost quit a few times. A lot of owners and horses being taken advantage of, whether intentionally or not. So I’m gonna start being more vocal.
One thing I’m going to do is just start opening up more about my philosophy and practices as an owner, a rider, and a professional.  No I’m not perfect, but 30+ years of ownership and I’ve never had to deal with a lot of things that are considered normal these days: ulcers, sore backs, soundness issues, injection schedules, rain rot, scratches, etc. That used to be considered the norm and we need to go back to that for the sake of our horses.
You guys all know I have a new mare now, so here’s a little insight into what I do when I get a new horse. It may shock you a little, but I’m happy to answer any questions.
Oh the one thing I forgot to put in the video is deworming! That’s one of the first things done too! A tube of ivermectin. Then potentially a powerpak.
And I believe I forgot to list teeth as well 🤦🏼♀️, I kind of forgot about it here because my vet was also her vet and did her teeth recently.
This is how I know Juliette is feeling good and like herself. She hasn’t done this in a while. 🤦🏼♀️😂
Congrats to Lily and her mare Hazel on joining the #mebcavalettisaddleclub with the purchase of their *black* @CavalettiCollection Jump saddle that looks so sharp with the green with Hazel’s beautiful shade of bay. Looking forward to seeing this pair in the jumper ring!
#saddlefitter ##cavalettisaddles #forthehorse #MEBcavalettisaddleclub #hunterjumper
Had a blast as the presenting sponsor of the inaugural Sandbox Dressage Series Fall Finale & Schooling Championship Horse Show! We had every level and form of dressage represented, but more importantly, fun was had by all!
I’m pleased to announce that I will be returning as presenting sponsor for the 2025 show. This year I gave away a Cavaletti Dressage Saddle to the winner of the champions drawing (congrats Courtney Bauer!), and I already have ideas for how I’m going to top that in 2025!
Stay tuned to Sporting Services for date announcements so you can go ahead and mark your calendars!!
Took a quick trip over to the fairgrounds to give Biggie a little mini massage at the horse show. He was surprised to see me stop by but appreciated it very much 😂 #magicfingers #equinesportsmassage #equinemfr #equinecraniosacraltherapy
Biomechanics Tip For The Day: The connection to our horse’s mouth IS NOT the hand, it’s actually the ELBOW! This is why our hands must be up and we ride towards them, because our elbows need to be SOFT and flexible. This is also why straight arms with hands down are not as forgiving to our horses as it would seem. We want them reaching for that contact in partnership, so we have to be there for them as they lift through their back and reach for us to cycle energy, properly using their dorsal muscle chain, and continuing through their ventral muscle chain. So if you see pics of yourself and your hands are down, pick them up! Bend those elbows! Your horse will thank you. #horsebiomechanics #classicalriding #riderbiomechanics
Introducing Smart Saddles, the fully flexible saddle designed for the horse first, offering complete flexibility and full range of motion for the horse, while still supporting the rider. This is the SMART SOLUTION for those very challenging to fit horses, horse/rider combinations, or the rider who needs to ride multiple horses shaped very differently and wants to do it in the same saddle—yes, you CAN with these saddles!
I personally ride my “propane tank with legs” -as @mbowles795 describe them 🤣-in one of these saddles as a traditional treed saddle is not appropriate for her. I have dressage demos available to test ride at your fitting or bodywork appointments! #saddlefitterlife #horsebiomechanics #saddlefitter #smartsaddles