Alley Cat Spay and Neuter Mission

Alley Cat Spay and Neuter Mission We are here to help control the pet population in Huron SD and surrounding areas through TNR.

Our mission is to humanely trap, neuter, vaccinate and release wild and/or feral felines in and around but not limited to our community and state of South Dakota. In the best of our ability, we will care for and find homes for felines that can be socialized with humans.

Hi cat friends! These cute kittens are at one of the colonies we have worked at in town. This is why we do what we do to...

Hi cat friends! These cute kittens are at one of the colonies we have worked at in town. This is why we do what we do to prevent unwanted kittens from being born and grow up to produce more unwanted kittens. We had five kitties get fixed this week three girls and two boys so that is a lot of unwanted kittens stopped from being born! Thanks everyone that supports what we do we appreciate each and every one of you!


Placing your cat's litter box outside when they going missing is nothing more than a myth. The MAR Network does not advocate this practice for many reasons.

Advocate for cats!

Advocate for cats!

959 likes, 78 comments. “A friend has been trying to trap him for days. How can anyone look at this face and continue to think stray cats are cute?😭 this is the sad reality no one wants to see, but as ling as we keep avoiding it nothing will change and they will continue to suffer.”



Yay Rome! 😻

Hi cat friends! Had to share this picture of a couple of the kitties from my favorite kitty colony. Cats that are in a c...

Hi cat friends! Had to share this picture of a couple of the kitties from my favorite kitty colony. Cats that are in a colony bond with each other, it is one of the reasons I am so passionate about keeping colonies intact. Enjoy the nice weather we are having!

Hi cat friends Laura here sending out a huge thank you to everyone that made our fundraiser such a huge success yesterda...

Hi cat friends Laura here sending out a huge thank you to everyone that made our fundraiser such a huge success yesterday! It was a fun day, and we raised some money that will help get lots of kitties spay and neutered. Thank you so much we appreciate everyone that helped us raise funds for this event and for all the support!! 🐾🐾🐾🐾

Come join us for some fun at Firepit today!

Come join us for some fun at Firepit today!


Good evening Alley cat Followers. I Just wanted to let you all know that today we got back in the saddle and we’re able to get a momma , one of her boys and another adult male “fixed” from the Metropolis of Virgil South Dakota. The caretaker was so happy to get these 3 taken care of. One more of the momma's boys and we will have this small colony totally completed! Thank you all for your support and riding along with us during these stormy times. Don’t forget to come see us on Saturday the 9th for our INAUGURAL fundrasier at Fire pit Pizzarea!

Hi cat friends!! It is almost time for our fundraiser, and I am excited to hopefully see a lot of you there! I wanted to...

Hi cat friends!! It is almost time for our fundraiser, and I am excited to hopefully see a lot of you there! I wanted to remind everyone that it is not just a dart tournament, but we are also having a silent auction so please stop down and check it out. This is just some of the items, we have many more that local businesses have donated. PLEASE NOTE THAT PANDORA LOCATED IN THE CAT CUBE IN THE PHOTO IS NOT GOING TO BE UP FOR AUCTION!! Thanks to all the businesses and people that have donated to help make this event happen we appreciate the support!

Julie here. My daughter recently started college at the University of Arizona in Tucson and this is a TNR organization t...

Julie here. My daughter recently started college at the University of Arizona in Tucson and this is a TNR organization there. This is such a good explanation about what we’re trying to do and why.

36.8K likes, 734 comments. Check out Poets Square Cats's video.



Hello cat friends Laura here! I just celebrated a birthday yesterday and for my birthday I took a trip to Furball Farm C...

Hello cat friends Laura here! I just celebrated a birthday yesterday and for my birthday I took a trip to Furball Farm Cat Sanctuary in Minnesota. What an awesome place for feral kitties! I hope someday we can have a place like this in SD better yet in Huron. Check out the sanctuary.


Although the nonprofit has a great relationship with the city, releasing the cats back to their territory could lead to the nonprofit getting fined.

Hi cat friends Laura here! All of us at Alley Cat believe every day should be National Cat Day!!!

Hi cat friends Laura here! All of us at Alley Cat believe every day should be National Cat Day!!!

Hi cat friends! I got a close up of mama and her kittens a couple nights ago. I just get sick thinking about her having ...

Hi cat friends! I got a close up of mama and her kittens a couple nights ago. I just get sick thinking about her having to take care of six kittens. I wish we would have got her trapped and fixed before we had to stop our trapping efforts within city limits. I hope we can resume sooner than later but for now we are still working outside the city limits and had three kitties go in this week. Every kitty counts!! Have a great rest of the weekend. 🐈‍⬛🐾

Thank you to Susan, Kim and Amanda for representing Alley Cat tonight at National Night Out. Also, a big thank you to Am...

Thank you to Susan, Kim and Amanda for representing Alley Cat tonight at National Night Out. Also, a big thank you to Amanda for getting the poster and lining everything up for the booth. I appreciate you all stepping up to help spread the word about the good things Alley Cat is trying to do for our community. We will continue to educate on the benefits of TNR and hopefully overtime people will understand how our mission will help with the overpopulation of cats in the community. We will keep fighting for change to allow TNR!

Hello cat friends Laura here! We had four kitties go in this week to get spay/neutered, so grateful to be doing the good...

Hello cat friends Laura here! We had four kitties go in this week to get spay/neutered, so grateful to be doing the good work we set out to do again! Have a wonderful weekend! 🐈‍⬛


Have a good day!

Hi cat friends Laura here! I love kittens just as much as any crazy cat person however I don't love to see them when I a...

Hi cat friends Laura here! I love kittens just as much as any crazy cat person however I don't love to see them when I am in the midst of one of the cat colonies. Today as I was taking my usual walk through my favorite colony, I saw five kittens and their mama. It was ironic because the mama is the kitty along with her kittens that sparked the passion in me to start Alley cat. Today was a much different feeling then I felt in the fall of 2022 when I started Alley Cat. Things have changed so much since the beginning and there are so many more emotions surrounding the mission that means so much to me. I felt disappointment and frustration today as I know we have lost ground by having to be on hold as we impatiently wait to try to legally be able to TNR within the city limits. In the meantime, so many more kittens are being born and will suffer out there in this cruel world. Shelters are full, fosters are full and there are so many cats that need help. It is overwhelming the number of cats that are in need. I can only hope that at some point TNR will catch on everywhere and be legal so that over time the suffering and the number of unwanted cats being born will stop. I am thankful for all the TNR groups that are working so hard to bring about change and educate people on the benefits- keep fighting!!

Julie here: We need to lighten the mood just a bit. I’m here for this:) 😂😂😂

Julie here:
We need to lighten the mood just a bit. I’m here for this:) 😂😂😂

Laura here so glad we have other awesome groups that are out there doing the same thing we are and trying to make change...

Laura here so glad we have other awesome groups that are out there doing the same thing we are and trying to make changes happen!!


Hi cat friends Laura here! Great news we had five female kitties get spayed this week. I cannot tell you how good it feels to get back to doing what we set out to do. We are grateful that we have other areas that we can make a difference for kitties and communities. Thank you to all of our supporters that have stood by us through all the bumps in the road we appreciate you!

Don't underestimate how strong a group of crazy cat people can be!!

Don't underestimate how strong a group of crazy cat people can be!!

Cat saves elderly owner 😻

Cat saves elderly owner 😻

475.7K likes, 2603 comments. “84 yr old elderly man saved by his cat fluffy when he slipped getting out of the shower. He laid on the floor for 16hrs with his life alert not with him and his cellphone on the counter. He said ring a ding , ring a ding fluffy since the cat was in the bathroom with h...


Hey cat friends Laura here! I know everyone is probably waiting for an update on how things went at the meeting Monday night, and I am sorry I am just now getting an update out. I needed a couple days just to process things and prepare for what I was going to say. Things did not go exactly as we had hoped but I feel some things were accomplished as well. I think the disappointing news is for right now we will not be operating inside the city limits. Although this is frustrating and heartbreaking, I do not want to put anyone at risk of getting in trouble in any way by continuing our efforts in town. I hate to lose ground at the colonies we have started at because it just sets us back and essentially can be like starting over but we will have to deal with the cards we have been dealt. The main problem at this point is the City Commission will not consider any change due to the state statue, so we are working on seeing if what we are doing is really against that state statue and if so, we want to get that changed. We are thankful to have Peggy Gibson helping us with this and she had the ball rolling before eight on Tuesday morning so a big thank you to Peggy! I also want to thank Amanda Haeder, who is part of our Alley Cat group as she has been doing some work on this as well and we appreciate her and her efforts!

In addition, I need to send a big thank you out to Mat and Brian from the Sioux Falls TNR Coalition for coming and speaking on our behalf on Monday night. We appreciate all your knowledge and expertise in the TNR world. You have been a wealth of support and information for Alley Cat from the beginning of our journey and we are so glad to have you helping us through this! I also want to thank everyone that showed up Monday to support us. It was much appreciated to see so many of you there.

In closing I want you to know Alley Cat is not going away, and we are not shutting down if that was the outcome that some were expecting. As of this week we are starting in another small town to do our TNR work. I am excited to be back up and running and do the good we set out to do. At the end of the day our mission was to fix as many cats as possible and honestly it does not matter where the cats are located. All that matters is we are helping control the cat population through TNR. Although helping fix cats in my own backyard and my own community was where my dream started it does not have to be where my dream ends. Again, at the end of the day it is all about the cats and every cat that we fix is a win no matter where that cat is located. So, my heart might be a little heavy and my dreams might seem a little crushed, but my spirit is not broken, and we will keep going!!



Hi cat friends Laura here! I wanted to post a picture of another one of the colony kitties from my favorite colony. This...

Hi cat friends Laura here! I wanted to post a picture of another one of the colony kitties from my favorite colony. This is Half Stash a very healthy pretty girl! When I see these kitties I think about how awful it would be for them to be trapped taken to the shelter and then eventually dumped on a farm where they would be at risk of surviving. Half Stash has been at her colony for years and is used to her caretaker, her surroundings and is bonded with the other cats in the colony. Do people not realize how inhumane it is to take these cats away from their colonies and dump them on farms where they are not used to the dangers of country life? My mind is working double time with tomorrow night rapidly approaching and the start to try to get protection for these cats. I can only hope that the community will see the benefit in TNR not only for the cats but for community. Whatever the outcome I know I have to move forward with trying to get the changes because if I quit, I know I will look back and regret not trying to make this happen. I know this is not going to be easy but at the end of the day I have to say I tried! We have a lot of people supporting and helping us trying to make this happen and we appreciate you all so much!!


Hello cat friends, just a reminder we will be going before the city commission. Monday July 10th the meeting starts at 5:30 please come show support as the meeting is open to the public. Meetings are held at city hall located at 239 Wisconsin Avenue SW. Also, if you have not signed the petition yet, please sign and spread the word! Thank you from everyone at Alley Cat for your support we appreciate you!


Remember sweet Buck? He was shot this winter by a cruel person in Pipestone. His leg was shattered by the bullet and the bullet landed in the other leg causing a severe injury and infection.

Despite losing a leg, Buck gets around great and can get in and out of a litterbox no problem (such a good boy).

If you have it in your heart to adopt Buck and show him humans can be pretty great, please fill out an application at

Wishing everyone a safe and happy 4th of July from all of us at Alley Cat Spay and Neuter Mission!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy 4th of July from all of us at Alley Cat Spay and Neuter Mission!


Please know that relocating community cats is an absolute last resort! Even if done with proper protocol, relocation can be ineffective and even dangerous. Community cats bond to their outdoor homes and, if relocated, may try to find their way back and put themselves in harm's way in the process.

Learn steps you can take to avoid relocating cats and how to safely relocate if you have no choice:


Laura here thanks for the support in our mission to change ordinance and get a temporary permit. If you have not signed and shared the petition please do so as this is important to show we have support in our efforts. I also want to address the people that continue to post on our page negative comments and put words in my mouth. I am going to say it again I am not going to do this back-and-forth nonsense of fighting. If you don't agree with our mission and what we are doing for the cats, please refrain from commenting on our page. Not everyone believes or is educated in TNR and all that it entails we understand that. I am very tired of being beat up for taking on a very large problem that know one else was addressing in this community. I have spent lots of my own money and time getting Alley Cat up and running. To be beat down by my own community and people that I thought were my friends has been very difficult. I will not give up because I care about the cats and the caretakers that have been caring for the cats for years and trying to do the best, they could. I am tired of people coming at me and other members of my group but when someone from my group reacts then they say we are the problem, or we won't support you because of it. The truth is you're not going to support us anyway you are going to try to destroy us just like many of you are doing. The sad thing is this could be so good for the community including the Humane Society. I have done nothing to deserve the treatment that I have got from many including ones that are now coming at me on this page. I hope you are happy that you are trying to destroy something that could be good for the cats in Huron and the community. I am heartbroken that something good has turned into something so bad. It would be much easier to walk away and turn my cheek to the problem like so many have done for years but I am not wired that way and I am going to see this through despite how nasty people are getting towards me. I am grateful to the people that are telling me to hang in there and the ones that have my back. I guess doing the right thing sometimes is hard but again I am going to keep fighting to get changes to protect the cats. So you can continue to beat me down it is not going to make me give up!


The Cats Of Disneyland


Hi everyone! I want to thank the Plainsman and Crystal Pugsley for the article that ran in the paper this week. We appreciate them helping us get the word out about our Mission. 😽

We are going do everything we can to help our feline friends!!! Watch out 2023 Alley Cat Spay Neuter Mission is going to...

We are going do everything we can to help our feline friends!!! Watch out 2023 Alley Cat Spay Neuter Mission is going to make things happen!

Julie here- Thank you so much for your kindness.  Caring for feral animals isn’t for the faint of heart.  I am sad that ...

Julie here- Thank you so much for your kindness. Caring for feral animals isn’t for the faint of heart. I am sad that we lost her but 3 days ago when she climbed up onto my bed to cozy in I knew that she trusted me. In this short amount of time my family came to adore her and she us. Losing her doesn’t make me want to throw in the towel. Her story makes this mission and the mission of every rescuer even more important. This mission is to spay and neuter cats so kitties like Sriracha won’t have to suffer with illness, lack of food or shelter. In the end she did know love, compassion had food and warmth. These are the things that matter to me. I ,100% will never stop doing this. They need us. They aren’t living good lives out on their own.


1333 Wisconsin Avenue SW, Huron SD 57350
Huron, SD





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