Did you know that laser pointers can be dangerous for your dog's wellbeing?
Laser pointers can trigger a dog's natural prey drive, which means they will want to chase it. This is a never-ending game for them with no closure since they can never catch it, like they can with food or a toy. This can cause your dog to be anxious, confused, and very frustrated.
If you have a dog that loves to chase, toys such as "flirt poles" work very well getting that energy out! A flirt pole is basically like a fishing rod. It has a stick with a rope, and often a toy at the end. Flirt poles are sold at most pet supply stores, or you can purchase them online. The advantage of a flirt pole is you can swing it around for your dog, or drag it across the ground, without having to move much yourself! You can even play with your dog from the comfort of a recliner or chair.