River's Rattery

River's Rattery Small time rat breeder in Indianapolis, Indiana. Will hopefully become larger as time goes on and if interest grows!

Feel free to PM me about any rats or pairings you're interested in!


First two photos are boys, second two are girls! Looks like the light colored ones are probably beige, potentially siamese, as their father has a siamese brother. 8 days old when these photos were taken (yesterday)


Photo taken January 25th, 2020. Girls on top, boys on bottom! Looks like one black, one russian blue, and four ??? females, and one black, three russian blue, and one ??? males.

These babies are PET ONLY. Mom is quite shy, and I do not feel comfortable selling these babies to be breeders. However, all that pass temperament tests will be perfectly fine pets


Boys on left, girls on right! At least that's what I can tell of genders so far :) Sunshine was a little anxious when I removed her beans for gender checks and quick photos, and was looking in the cage for them, so I will probably let her be for a day or two before taking them out again. She is a first time mom, so it's understandable she wants her babies safe! Anyways, welcome to the world little ones


Update on Sunshine! I just checked and there's about 11 beans! I just did a quick check as to not stress her out more, but she is being a very good mama and making sure her babies are warm! She kept covering them up when I was trying to count lol I'll do a more thorough check after I get home from school and after she has had some time to relax


I'm hearing itty bitty baby squeaks from Sunshine's cage! So excited for beans!

I put a tums in her cage just in case, but I'm probably going to let her be for tonight. She's a bit reserved and shy personality wise, so I don't want to disturb her too much. I might do a quick check in a couple hours to give her some time to finish and settle down, but I'll be doing main checks tomorrow after I get home from college!

Stay tuned for bean pictures tomorrow or Wednesday!


A couple quick updates!

Rey's bubs have opened eyes and are very active! It looks like one of the female siamese is actually ruby eyed, so there is one male black eyed siamese and one female. The black eyed female will be a holdback and not available. But as of right now, all other babies are available! No points on the white bubs yet, so they might just be pink eyed whites. Still cute though!

Second update!

I thought Sunshine didn't take from Yuki, but I just checked on her and she has ballooned up! Sunshine is a black irish and Yuki is a Russian Blue silvermane, so fingers crossed for black and blue silvermanes! All will be dumbo. As long as she has her beans by the 25th (which she definitely should with how big she is) they will be old enough to bring to the March Indiana Fur and Feathers Convention!


Rey's Christmas Eve bubs! Looks like two black (far left is a silvermane too), one russian blue, one russian dove, three black eyed siamese, and three either pink eyed white or Himalayan. We'll find out eventually on those last three!

The second photo is two of the white bubs and one of their siamese sisters. I'm keeping an eye both the white bub on the left and the siamese girl, as they're both smaller than their siblings, as shown in the picture.

Overall, momma Rey is doing a great job caring for her beans! I can't wait for eyes to start opening mid next week!


Wasn't planning on snapping a photo of the beans, but here we are! Looks like Rey ran out of ink while printing them!

Jokes aside, looks like the two on the far left are black, followed by what looks to be a russian blue, the four in the middle I'm praying to be siamese, and the last three are hopefully Himalayan, as mom had one in her last litter. The first Himalayan (third from the right) is the tiniest one, so I'm keeping an eye on it.

All in all, a very cute early Christmas present as these beans were born on Christmas Eve! Six days old!


Another quick update! Kame and Hame were paired with Ha last night, so fingers crossed for dwarf beans in 3ish weeks! Kame and Hame are both double rex dumbo females (Kame is a black Berkshire and Hame is a beige Berkshire) and Ha is a blazed variegated dumbo male. So all their babies will be dwarf rex dumbos!

Sunshine was also paired, this time with Yuki. She didn't take from Ha the first time, so fingers crossed she takes from Yuki! Sunshine is a black irish dumbo and Yuki is a Russian blue silvermane dumbo, so their babies will all be dumbo with a chance of being silvermane.

Provided these pairings take and the females are pregnant by January 4th, all babies passing temperament tests, along with all of Rey's babies that pass, will be available at the Indiana Fur and Feathers Convention on March 7th 2020!


Rey's babies are starting to get color! Looks like 2 black, 1 russian blue, 4 either siamese or russian dove (they've got faint color, but not a ton), and 3 Himalayan (I say Himalayan and not albino or beige because in her first litter she gave me a Himalayan). All but the three Himalayans are black eyed, so if the 4 faintly colored beans are in fact siamese, that means 4 black eyed siamese beans! One of the Himalayans is a bit smaller than the others, so I'm keeping an eye on it in case it's a failure to thrive, but so far it has a strong milk band and is just as squirmy as its siblings! Fingers crossed for all these beans!


10 beans from Momma Rey! Looks to be 7 females and 3 males. 7 black eyed babies and 3 pink or red eyed. 5 females are black eyed, 2 are pink/red eyed, 2 males are black eyed, 1 is pink/red.

Fingers crossed for lots of black eyed siamese and siamese silvermane!


I've got Christmas Eve beans! Unsure of how many because I was running late to work this morning and couldn't count, but I gave Momma Rey a tums just in case. She looked like she swallowed a softball last night. She gave me 14 first litter, 13 survived, so fingers crossed for another big litter! There was a good handful this morning though!


Update on what I'm bringing to the convention and future litters. Long post warning.

I'll only have 15, maybe 16 rats at the convention available for sale. Most of those are males.

However Rey has been paired to her son and we are expecting beans around the time of the December convention, so I am willing to potentially start a waiting list for those beans (will be available early February, can hold for the March convention) as well as her third and final litter with Kylo, which will be available in mid-May (can hold for the June convention).

I am expecting a lot of black eyed siamese (all dumbo, potentially silvermane) from her current litter (son is a black eyed siamese) and a similar mix from her future litter as her first litter (Russian blue, black, siamese, Himalayan, all dumbo and potentially silvermane). If anyone is interested in those, please let me know and I'll see what I can do.

I will be pairing Kame and Hame with Ha in late December, so I'll have dumbo rex dwarf rats available mid February (if they take right away) and any of those babies not reserved will be at the March convention.

I am unsure of what other pairings to do for the March convention, so if you're interested in a specific color, let me know and I'll see what I can do! I'm letting River rest for a while before I pair her with Rey's russian blue silvermane dumbo son, so those babies will be available at the June convention (all dumbo, most silvermane).

Can't wait to see you at the convention!


Reserved rats for Chris

Russian Blue Irish Dumbo Female born August 29th 2019

Black Silvermane Self Rex Standard Ear Female born October 13th 2019


Quick update!

The black self rex male I was planning on keeping is a cryptorchid, meaning his testicles never descended and he will most likely be unable to breed. Even if he was able to breed, this is most likely genetic and his male offspring will have similar issues. This is unfortunate because he was going to be the starting male for my black self line.

However I do have good news!

I am getting both a black self rex male and female from Crimson Devils Rattery (Instagram below) and they will be the start of my black self line! I am very lucky and very happy I am able to still attempt my goal at creating the darkest and most covered rat I can with their help! Many thanks to them!


It's been a while since I updated everyone on Echo's litter that was fostered off to River. All twelve beans are doing great! They're 2.5 weeks old and super squirmy, so it's hard to get good pictures of them! All have open eyes and fur, which is so good. I wasn't expecting any dumbo, but it looks like there are 4 dumbo and 8 standard ear. All carry dwarf. Most babies are Russian Blue, with two black, and two I'm still trying to figure out. I'll post individual pictures shortly, but there are nine boys (blue background) and three girls (pink background). The four dumbo are all males, three russian blue and one I'm trying to figure out. All babies that pass temperament tests will be available for adoption at the Rodent Convention on December 21st!


Echo had 12 beans Friday, however she has stopped producing milk. River's babies were 4 weeks old yesterday, so I have separated them a bit early (males and females are separated and now with adults of the same gender) in hopes River can and will nurse Echo's babies. The babies are currently with River and I'm going to let them be for a couple hours before I check in on them. I really hope River will nurse these babies and they'll survive. I'm praying for the best, but preparing for the worst.


Echo looks like she swallowed a baseball, so I'm assuming she's gonna pop any day. She wasn't a fan of being picked up, as wouldn't any heavily pregnant female, so I snapped a couple pictures and put her back. Will definitely give updates once she has them!


All available rats so far (four, all male). I have one female about to pop, so I'll post when she has her babies. PM me if interested. Genders, colors and coat/ear type in descriptions. Each rat has 3 photos.


Echo is hopefully pregnant! I saw Ha mounting her about 2 weeks ago when she was visibly in heat, and she is definitely U shaped and a little round as of today, so fingers crossed she has babies in the next week or so! Ha is my dwarf male, so all of their babies will be dwarf carriers ^^ Ha is black blazed variegated and Echo is Russian Blue, so fingers crossed for Russian Blue Blazes


Ooooo boy it's been a while since I updated! But we have peepers! I was correct on my previous post about River's litter with genders, 3 males and 4 females, but incorrect with fur types regarding gender. We have 2 standard fur and 1 rex males, and 1 standard fur and 3 rex females. The 2 standard fur males are silvermane (one black and one looks Russian Blue) and the rex is a black self. Two females are black silvermane, one rex and one not, and the other two rex are black selves.

I am keeping a black self rex male and female and will use them to start a black self line, focusing on getting those toes as dark as possible. The silvermane standard female is spoken for, as is the other black self rex female. Potentially the standard russian blue male silvermane is spoken for.

So we have for sure available a silvermane rex female and a standard silvermane male. Both of these babies are standard ear.

The two I'm keeping are dumbo, the silvermane female is dumbo, the other black self rex female is dumbo, and the standard fur russian blue silvermane male is also a dumbo.

Will have comments on photos of who is who and who is available!


River popped Sunday night! I wasn't home that night, and she was a bit wary Monday and Tuesday, so I wanted to let her chill for a little bit before handling her babies. But here we are!

Bottom four are rex, top three are standard. Looks to be three males and four females, with two males being rex and one standard and two rex females and two standard females. There's at least a couple dumbo eared in there, but I forgot to check fur type and gender with the ear type lol

But yeah! Most should be silvermane, as both mom and dad are silvermane. Mom is a black silvermane and dad is either poor black or chocolate silvermane (one male, just can't tell his color lol)

Super excited to see these beans grow!


It looks like River definitely took and will be popping out some beans hopefully soon! Echo and Sunshine are a bit iffy to tell as of right now. Both are nesting and have slightly firm bellies, but not as big as River's, so it could possibly just be small litters too. Hopefully Ha (my dwarf male) got both of them and I'll have dwarf carriers for the December convention! All three females were paired with their males 24 days ago, so I'm hoping Echo and Sunshine just didn't get impregnated as soon as River did, rather than not impregnated at all.

Fingers crossed for beans this week!


Two of my holdbacks for this litter! Black irish female will be named Tohru and the Russian blue silvermane male will be named Yuki! I'll be searching for an orangey male at the December convention to name Kyo ^^

I wasn't planning on keeping Tohru, but she is soooo sweet and squishy. Plus she has a heart on her chest!

I /might/ keep one of their Russian blue sisters, but since Yuki is a Russian blue silvermane, I'm not sure I'll need a female Russian blue. But we'll see!

I still have a Russian blue female (2 if I don't keep one), a black irish male, a Russian blue silvermane male, a beige male, and a Himalayan male all available! I'll take photos of all available babies tomorrow!


All available so far! All males.

Russian blue silvermane or Russian dove
Pink eyed Himalayan
Ruby eyed Beige

Will potentially have a black self male available, along with a russian blue female and a silvermane female. Will keep everyone updated!

I also paired my black silvermane dumbo female to my poor black or chocolate silvermane rex male, and my blazed variegated dumbo dwarf male to my black self dumbo female and to my russian blue female. Will have those babies for the December convention, as well as whatever babies don't sell of this current litter. Fingers crossed for baby bumps within 2 weeks!


River's Rattery


We got peepers! Babies are 2 weeks old tonight and most are opening their eyes! I love the first photo of Rey and one of her babies


11 days old tonight! We have peach fuzz! Babies should be opening their eyes by the end of the week


I'll be there!

I'm pairing Spruce (chocolate or poor black silvermane) to River (black silvermane) and Ha (blazed variegated dwarf) to both Echo (Russian blue self) and Sunshine (black self). Also, I'll be lending out Insight (roan rex) to another breeder who had a male roan, so we'll both have roan babies! I also might have babies left over from Rey and Kylo's litter who are 11 days old tonight!

I'll be posting litter updates on this page. Feel free to PM me about my rats!


I'll be at the Indiana Rodent Convention in Noblesville on December 7th! But first, I want to know what people want to see from me and what they want to get ^^ That way I know who to pair! Will attach pictures of everyone.

Available bucks:
Kylo black self dumbo with a just a couple white hairs on his chest. Very big boy at 5.5 months
Ha variegated blaze dwarf dumbo
Unnamed (so far!) chocolate(?) silvermane rex standard ear

Available does:
Echo russian blue standard ear and coat
Insight roan rex dumbo
Sunshine black self dumbo
River silvermane dumbo

I can't have full dwarf yet, but I can have dwarf carriers if I pair Ha to any of my does. Next show I should hopefully have full dwarf!

I might have some babies left over from Rey and Kylo's current litter, and I'll be pairing them again around the show date, so I can take reservations for their future babies. Rey is a silvermane Russian dove.


This floofy boy doesn't have a name yet! But he's a silvermane rex with the softest coat I've ever felt. I'll be doing further temperament testing to make sure he's okay for breeding, as some silvermane lines can carry aggression. But so far, he's as sweet as pie!


This is Lovely! She looks very similar to my heart rat Ladybug that passed a year and a half ago, so I knew I had to have her. She is potentially a dwarf carrier and is rex, so I am still deciding if I want to breed her or not. If people are interested in her and what her babies would look like, I'll probably breed her to Ha to see if she is a dwarf carrier.


This is Ha! He is a dwarf dumbo blazed male who will be starting male of my dwarf line! He's such a sweetheart!


Kame and Hame! They are dwarf, double rex, dumbo females! They will be the starting females of my dwarf line! Still don't know which will be Kame and which will be Hame, but their personalities will tell that :)


From Rey and Kylo's litter, we have 7 girls (on yellow/pink) and 6 boys (on blue). They will be 8 days old tonight! Will keep updates on here. Feel free to PM me for availability :)


River's Rattery's cover photo


Indianapolis, IN

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 10pm
Tuesday 8am - 10pm
Wednesday 8am - 10pm
Thursday 8am - 10pm
Friday 8am - 10pm
Saturday 8am - 10pm
Sunday 8am - 10pm



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