Sadly, our beautiful and beloved yellow male Ten, passed away after a short illness on July 22, 2024. He was a "Good Boy" right up to the very end and we loved him dearly. I had hoped to write "his story" while he was alive but that opportunity eluded me. I will soon post that story so that all who are interested will know just how beautiful he was, how much he suffered at various times and maybe, just maybe, I can get some things off my chest.
For those interested, more info on Ten can be found on our website, www.blindfaithretrievers.com . Pictures from left to right are Ten right after getting his MH title at Ohio Valley Retriever Club , Ten OOC soon after and finally Marcia and I at The Quarry with Paul's Dogs ( Tru, A.D. and Ten). Ten had just turned 13 years old when he passed. Feel sure that he is now enjoying Tru and AD along with all the other Blindfaith dogs and the many with whom he trained and competed. Godspeed Ten!