From LA County Public Health
Animal Health Alert: H5 bird flu confirmed in four domestic cats that consumed recalled raw milk, and in one cat that consumed commercially produced raw pet food.
Key Points:
Five indoor-only, domestic cats in one household in Los Angeles (LA) County died after consuming recalled raw milk. Four of these cats were tested and confirmed to be infected with H5 Bird Flu. This group includes the two cats described in an earlier alert issued 12/12/2024.
There are additional recalls on raw dairy products. The current recalls include:
All sizes of raw milk and cream produced by Raw Farm, LLC in California between November 9-27, 2024 (lot numbers 20241109 through 20241127).
All "Valley Milk Simply Bottle Raw Cow Milk" and "DESI Milk Raw Cow Milk" distributed in quart (32oz), half-gallon (64 oz), and one-gallon (128 oz) plastic judges with a code date marked on the container of "DEC 23 2024 through DEC 30 2024", produced by Valley Milk Simply Bottled of Stanislaus County.
From a separate household in LA County, a symptomatic cat has tested presumptive positive for H5 bird flu after consuming two different brands of raw pet food composed of raw poultry and raw beef. The investigation for this case is currently ongoing.
Animal health staff should specifically ask pet owners about exposure to raw milk and raw diets, share information about the risk of raw milk and raw diets, and caution pet owners NOT to consume raw dairy products, nor offer them to pets.
Animal health staff should wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when in contact with animals suspected or confirmed of being infected with H5 bird flu; acutely sick animals that have history of exposure to raw milk or raw milk products, wild birds or raw or undercooked animal products.
Animal health staff are strongly recommended to receive their seasonal flu vaccine. Although this vaccine is not proven to prevent infection with H5 Bird Flu, it can help protect staff from seasonal human flu which is circulating right now.
REPORT suspected cases of H5 bird flu in cats and other animals. Testing for the virus may be available. A complete dietary history for the animal (including raw dairy, raw poultry and/or meat, and bird exposure) is needed.