Update on mini: We took a couple days off from Facebook to enjoy Christmas with family. During that time we watched the movie Scrooge and something about Tiny Tim’s character reminded us of the mini. We have officially in the holiday spirit named the mini Tiny Tim. He has allowed us to brush his mane as it feels so good to his dry, scaly skin. We’ve noticed he has skin problems that need to be addressed. We’ve used different types of brushes, but it’s almost impossible to rake out the dry crusties that are matted into his mane. He loves to be scratched! He’s not too good on a lead rope yet and we don’t want him to struggle with his leg in the condition that it’s in to get him to a bathing station. Tomorrow the vet and farrier will meet to see Tiny Tim. He will be under sedation during the visit to x-ray his hoof to see what the initial cause of this situation is and how to proceed in correcting it. We’ll post an update on him tomorrow as soon as we have more answers to what his recovery will entail.
Please consider donating to Tiny Tim’s medical and farrier procedures at the link below. Thank you to everyone that has donated, liked, shared and followed this sweet guy’s updates.