My young competition dog Bree. During some silly moments.
Bree being silly with her new toy!
Part of Freya and I’s training demonstration from today!! 20ish people in the audience. She did fantastic! Thank you for coming out to meet me!!
Some pictures from today’s meet and greet!! Thank you Arryn Blaser for capturing some of my work! Thank you to my amazing family and training friends who helped me set this up during a hectic work week! I could not have done this alone! Thank you to Ray Gehrig for allowing me to lease this most amazing space. And to his daughter Toni for you believing in me, opening this space up. And being a support in anything I need at the farm.
For those who wondered what I did to go warm up my dog… I played with her. Yup! That’s the magic sauce. We played and worked a few of the exercises. Made sure her muscles were warmed up and stretched out. She’s 8 now. Injuries can happen to these high drive dogs because of how fast they move and spin! Like us as humans. We need to focus, get into the zone, stretch and warm up before performing athleticlly. So do dogs!!
Thank you everyone who came today! I enjoyed meeting all your pups!! And thank you for the warm welcome back to Rock County!
Happy Pi Day!! He’s some pictures of my cutie pies! Share a picture in comments of your cuties Pi’s!! #piday2024 #NationalPiDay
Dashy crashy! Brown Cty K9 here in Wisconsin I bred and did the foundation obedience on. Learning article searching and tracking!
Dashy Crashy from my first Malinois litter. Now entering employment with Brown Cty Sheriffs Dept right here in Wisconsin. Working on his article tracking!
A puppy I bred at 10 months old! Super proud to have a huge training community beside me!
Bree’s littermate. Putting in the work to compete! Super proud of this litter I bred. All in high level working homes!
Play and free time out at the field at Gehrigs Game Farm! It’s truly an amazing opportunity to lease this space! Because this is such a natural environment. I double up my tick protection. I use the natural cederwood and peppermint sprays.
Getting Shock, Freya’s daughter ready for trial! And staying in focused heeling! Can your dogs be in relationship with you without fighting for position or having a fear of missing out?
Shock, Freya’s daughter getting ready to trial and practicing her focused heeling! Mom had to come help and supervise. 😂
From Molly and Butters. From pure chaos and stress to walking calmly. During the evaluation we discussed rehoming one dog if we couldn’t get them both feeling confident in life. Lesson 3. We have all 3 dogs on leash. Calming heeling.
Teaching owners how to build relationship, teach expectations, meet their dogs needs and also set boundaries is how we create calm multiple dog households!
I’m so happy to see these three. Walk calmly together. And each enjoy a big bone after. With over arousal or someone trying to take someone else’s bone!
Bravo to the owner who has worked so hard between our lessons!
Brown Paws Rescue Intake! @brownpawsrescue
Teaching my daughter the love and value of volunteering! And bringing a skill set to help others doing great things!! Brown Paws Dog Rescue
Chief and Shelby
Place training under distractions. Practicing dad coming home or answering the door,
Chief and Shelby
Chief and Shelby walking in control together! Lesson 3. Second lesson on leash skills. I’m so happy for these very committed owners!
6ft fences… don’t mean crap!! I’m 5’3” she’s 3ft away. Near 7ft. Effortlessly! She doesn’t cross a 3ft fence at home!!
Dogs need real containment training!!
Scent work!
In mondio we use wood dowels for scent work. We get to scent the dowel for 3 seconds at the beginning of competition. I place my dowel. Then 3-4 others are placed next to it. Freya had to find the one with my scent! We are also scored on the pick up, return and the dog chewing the dowel and the hold at the end of the exercise! Precision in every piece of the exercise is necessary!
Freya decoy call out! And escort.
Control!!! And relationship!! Will your dog look at you over their favorite thing?? In new places?? This was in California 1400 miles from home. A place she had never been. Doing the thing she loves most!! Biting bad guys!
In Mondio the bad guy can be any where hidden in their field and in every competition it changes! It’s a scent exercise! With a huge amount of control needed!
Freya is happiest biting “bad guys”!! Really they are like sparing or martial arts training partners to her! However she would bite even if not trained because she was bred for it. It’s in her genetics! Many breeds are similar!
When an owner tells me about a bite event and tells me that their dog was happy, tail wagging and had a high tail. I’m not surprised. Tails tell some. But doesn’t tell us if a dog will or will not bite. My dogs are happy as heck biting decoys!! Dogs bite for all kinds of reasons! Their tails are not going to tell you if they are going to bite or not!
Second lesson heeling! Rainey had some group class foundations that never transferred to her home! So happy to see her and her owner come together and have a calm successful walk together today!