FabuCats Inc.

FabuCats Inc. Nonprofit full circle rescue, shelter, sanctuary, & TNVR helping community & abandoned/homeless cats & kittens of rural Wayne County, GA

FabuCats was founded on August 7th, 2021 by Air Elliott of Jesup, GA to promote innovative and humane solutions to the overpopulation crisis of free roaming/abandoned/lost homeless cats in rural Georgia. We are a federally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (EIN is 88-1453158), registered as a nonprofit organization in the state of Georgia, and licensed by the GA Department of Agriculture as a animal rescue/shelter.

Thank you Virginia Scott for making sure the supplies needed to help the most vulnerable kittens were restocked and we h...

Thank you Virginia Scott for making sure the supplies needed to help the most vulnerable kittens were restocked and we have an incubator for when things go sideways as they did this morning!

When trying to help a kitten, remember the 3 Hs—Hypoglycemia, Hypothermia, and deHydration. You’ve got to take care of the first two, low blood sugar and low body temperature, before you can take care of the last. Don’t attempt to give a kitten who is cold to the touch water or formula—the stress that puts on their system may be the thing that sends them over the Rainbow Bridge.

Quickly get a few drops of Karo syrup, pancake syrup, or even sugar water on their gums—a small oral syringe or cotton swab works great to do this—and repeat every 5 minutes.

If possible, purrrito them in a small blanket with just enough of their head and face out to breath and place them on a gentle heat source. We love a Snuggle Safe, microwaveable heating discs that stay warm for 6-8 hours, for its convenience and safety, but a heating pad (keep checking it’s not too warm), uncooked rice tied up in a sock and microwaved, or a hot water bottle also work—just make sure you don’t place the kitten directly on the heat source.

You may begin seeing improvement within 20-30 minutes, or it may take an hour to get their body temperature up.

Only when the kitten is warm should you attempt to feed it. If kitten formula is not available, goat milk will do in a pinch. If bottles and ni***es are not available, an oral syringe will work. Go slow when feeding to help ensure the kitten doesn’t aspirate liquid into its lungs. Even if your local Walmart or Tractor Supply is out of stock on formula and bottles, you can make it work until you’re able to order supplies.

Make It Work” is the maxim when a little life depends on you.

Hallejuah! Thank you God for absolutely FABULOUS friends (who are also adopters)! Brenda Lewis saw our live about our wa...

Hallejuah! Thank you God for absolutely FABULOUS friends (who are also adopters)! Brenda Lewis saw our live about our washer & dryer situation today and sent in the calvary—her husband!

Buddy Lewis had us fixed up and good to go in no time! He even showed us how to trouble shoot a couple of things if we run into this situation again. Thank you Buddy! You’re ! 🎉🐈‍⬛🎉

Brenda and Buddy have three boys, 2 in high school and one in middle school, in who they have instilled kindness and compassion. All animal lovers, they have been coming to volunteer at FabuCats for 3 years! They even helped build shelves and paint walls during the GREAT RENOVATE & RELOCATE!

We are so very grateful for FabuFriends like the Lewis family with which God has BLESSED us!

Do you see Mr. Buddy’s little supervisor?❤️🐈‍⬛❤️
That’s what we call !

From our founder:Calls/messages/texts/e-mails requesting/demanding help from FabuCats today? TWELVE. Offers of help or d...

From our founder:

Calls/messages/texts/e-mails requesting/demanding help from FabuCats today? TWELVE. Offers of help or donations to FabuCats today? ZERO.

I am disheartened, worried, and so very, very tired.

These are not MY cats, Wayne County. These are OUR cats. The crisis is real and one person, or even a handful of people, cannot solve it all alone.“SOMEONE needs to do something about all these cats,” has got to become “WE need to do something about all these cats.”

If you haven’t volunteered or donated because you think plenty of other people are—they’re not.

A dear, life-long friend told me that the lack of help and support is because no one understands. “They hear “cat rescue” and think 30-40 cats, a little side hobby for a cat lady. When they hear 400 cats, they think you’re crazy.” I know I’ve been the butt of many jokes and eye-rolls. I probably should have used a photo of a sunset for this post, because I have no doubt many of my Facebook friends see a post from me with cats and quickly scroll by. If I have bored, irritated, frustrated, or overwhelmed you with my need and requests for help for the rescue—I hope it is because you don’t understand.

FabuCats is a no kill, shelter based rescue + shelter + sanctuary. We are not foster based, because in 3 years, we’ve only had 6 volunteers/applicants to foster. Because we are shelter based, there are inherent overhead costs that are relentlessly due every month, like utilities, plus routine maintenance and upkeep. We also have 50+ cats and kittens who still need to be spayed/neutered and vaccinated to be ready for their forever family or to be transferred to other rescues in areas of the country with higher adoption rates.

When we intake a cat or kitten, whether it’s adoptable cats into our shelter or unadoptable cats into our sanctuary, we are committing to its lifetime care. If a cat has no other medical issues, we are committing to a minimum of $150 for spay/neuter, vaccines, viral testing, and parasite treatment and prevention, plus $35 per month for their daily care.

Miss Chief and May Hem, the kittens/cats in the photos, were dumped outside the front door of FabuCats in an open cardboard box on the morning of Halloween 2022. They were adorable kittens and should have adopted out quickly, except they were one of over 200 kittens we rescued in 2022 and we live in an area of the country with some of the lowest adoption rates. They have been with us for almost 22 months and, other than the URIs they arrived with which quickly cleared up with a single round of antibiotics, have had no medical issues. Still, we have invested almost $2,000 into their care.

We also have 150+ unadoptable sanctuary cats, many who were community cats who had to be relocated because they were threatened or had been harmed by neighbors, both residential and business. In the sanctuary, we have 17 cats from one local business alone, plus 9 from another, representing more than 15% of our cats in the sanctuary. Neither business has donated since 2022.

90% of our donations and adoptions come from outside of Wayne County, while 95% of our cats come from Wayne County, where the requests/demands for help are relentless—many from people who do have it within their means to be a part of the solution. Upon being told we cannot safely or responsibly intake anymore cats or kittens until the numbers are down, we get three types of responses: anger, tears, or a joke that “with that many cats, what’s one more.” Well—one more may be the cat or kitten that kills my Mama. I do not state that for affect or exaggeration. At 75, Mama-Miss Nang is working 16-18 hour days, on her feet all day, every single day to help, because there are not enough volunteers or enough reliable funding for more shelter staff.

My entire adult life, I have poured into my community with a servant’s heart, gladly doing the hardwork that others couldn’t or wouldn’t do. Everyday, I see the organizations and people I’ve poured into over the past 20 years thriving. That has always filled me with joy, because, if you know me, you know nothing I’ve done has been for my own reward or glory, but simply to help—I’ve always felt called to help. That’s how I got involved in cat rescue—trying to help, trying to solve a problem that was at a crisis point. The one thing I always did believe is that if ever I truly needed help, I would have an army at my back. I was wrong, and I am disillusioned and heartbroken and can’t help but imagine how much more comfortable my life would be if I could take back every penny and minute I’ve freely given to others over the past two decades—or was heartless enough to start loading up FabuCats and kittens and drop them back off to the people and businesses they came from.

2024 has brought many challenges, and FabuCats has met every challenge. We are at a “tipping point.” Your support now means we catapult from “surviving” to “thriving” and TOGETHER we build something that will not only reflect positively on our community, but something that will be an even more effective and impactful resource to solve our cat population crisis.

To those who have helped me and FabuCats time and again, I am so profoundly grateful. Thank you. With all my heart, thank you.

If you care to help, ways to donate/help, plus our needs are posted in the Comments below.

Rascal’s serious, concerned eyes say, “PLEASE HELP.” They reflect the worry, concern, and defeat the humans at FabuCats ...

Rascal’s serious, concerned eyes say, “PLEASE HELP.” They reflect the worry, concern, and defeat the humans at FabuCats are feeling today.

(Feelings not helped by 🤬‼️Facebook/Meta deleting our earlier post b/c it “violated community guidelines,” but also saying we have “no violations”‼️🤬 What the HECK!?! Oof—we barely have time to post, much less deal with their shenanigans. We have lives to save and litter boxes to clean…)

We NEED your HELP TODAY. Since our Update post last week, which included our most immediate needs, only four kind FabuFriends have stepped up to help. In the same 7 days, 31 individuals contacted us asking for/demanding help for a combined total of 103 cats and kittens. We cannot continue to carry this load without significant help from our community, both local and online.

Starting with THE GREAT RENOVATE & RELOCATE in the first 3 months to battling volunteer and staff-wide COVID the past two months, we have overcome so many challenges in 2024. However, so many projects are on hold, waiting on funding—projects that need to be completed to move us forward from surviving to thriving and ensure our long term sustainability and greater ability to help our community.

We understand—oh how we understand—that times are tough everywhere. If you CAN give, please GIVE what you can TODAY. No gift is too small. TOGETHER we CAN do GREAT things!

Recently a large rescue sanctuary founded in 1993 in Houston, Texas, announced it was closing due to a lack of operating funds—donations were down and adoptions were down. After their announcement, donations and adoption applications poured in, but it was too little, too late. The time to give is BEFORE the crisis point, which we’re rapidly approaching. However, we’re going to do absolutely everything we can to ensure FabuCats does not reach that point. We need your help NOW to ensure it doesn’t.

🐈CashApp: $fabucats
🐈‍⬛Zelle: [email protected]

🐈With credit, debit, or PayPal, tap on the link below: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=9ELFWXRCX7C5N

🐈‍⬛Address for checks, shipping, and deliveries:
554 Flint Branch Church Road
Jesup, GA 31545

If you’re a new visitor to our page—thank you for checking out our post and giving if you can. FabuCats is a cat rescue, shelter, and sanctuary in rural SE GA, where the need and suffering is overwhelming, but resources are scarce. With 400+ rescue and sanctuary cats and kittens in our care, your tax deductible donation today can make ALL the difference—whether $5 or $5000 or more (for them, we dream BIG😊) or any amount in between.



Look at the angelic aura around sweet, sleeping baby Jay—fitting, because asleep or awake, he’s an absolutely precious a...

Look at the angelic aura around sweet, sleeping baby Jay—fitting, because asleep or awake, he’s an absolutely precious angel baby! 🐾💕💖💕🐾

Tan tabby, short haired kitties are often dismissed as nothing special, “just a basic tabby.” HOWEVER, we’ve NEVER met a basic tan tabby, yet. Anyone who’s ever been lucky enough to be loved by one, knows just how special they are!🎉

If you’re lucky enough to have one of these babies in your life—we want their picture in the comments!😍

This is a suggestion that we see almost every time someone posts for help finding their missing cat. This post from Lapc...

This is a suggestion that we see almost every time someone posts for help finding their missing cat. This post from Lapcats Rescue explains very well and briefly why NOT to do so. Instead leave out a shirt with their favorite person’s scent on it—same idea, but much more safe.

‼️Don’t put your cats litter box outside to help them find their way home if they have gone missing. This is why‼️

We are so very grateful to our ringworm foster! 🎉🐈‍⬛❤️🐈‍⬛🎉

We are so very grateful to our ringworm foster!

We’re not going to hit you with the ‼️‼️‼️ even though 🚨🚨🚨needs are piling up with July’s funding shortfall of more than...

We’re not going to hit you with the ‼️‼️‼️ even though 🚨🚨🚨needs are piling up with July’s funding shortfall of more than $5,000. 🚨🚨🚨 NEEDS like:

🐈‍⬛Tropical Stormy Debby Garbage Truck Miracle kitten needs eye enucleation surgery ASAP—approximately $700—just $35 has been donated to help her
🐈4ft x 8ft hole in the ceiling must be properly repaired this week
🐈‍⬛Hot water heater must be replaced
🐈Kitten Room needs new AC window unit—a small to medium 8,000-10,000 BTU unit

As this glorious Sunday settles into its golden hour, we want to say THANK YOU!!! to all our FabuFriends and followers who donated kitten food and lifesaving supplies—you showed up and showed out with your quick action and kind generosity! Since our “Take a Minute to Save a Life Tuesday” post, 12 of our 2700 followers have also donated a total of $633 to help meet our most immediate needs—it took less than 0.5% of our followers to raise $633 in 4 days! Imagine the possibilities! Thank You!

More details are in the photo captions.

Please know that your tax deductible gift on this Sunday evening will help make an already daunting week much less so. Our FabuCats and kittens are counting on us and you. No amount is too small. Thank you.

🐈CashApp: $fabucats
🐈‍⬛Zelle: [email protected]

🐈With credit, debit, or PayPal, tap on the link below: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=9ELFWXRCX7C5N

🐈‍⬛Address for checks, shipping, and deliveries:
554 Flint Branch Church Road
Jesup, GA 31545


From starved, dumpster diving orphans, nearly drowned and crushed, rescued by sheer chance from the garbage hold of a city garbage truck in the middle of a Tropical Storm to well-fed, playful, mischievous, and confident kittens in 12 days! All it took was safety, good food, antibiotics, and TLC—our specialty at FabuCats! 🎉❤️🐈‍⬛❤️🎉

We’re so very HAPPY to share this fun video update to close out this Caturday night!

This super bonded, dynamic, brother-sister duo has yet to officially be named. Please comment with name suggestions!

If you’d like to help with the cost of their veterinary care, which will include this precious girl’s eye surgery:

🐈CashApp: $fabucats
🐈‍⬛Zelle: [email protected]

🐈With credit, debit, or PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=9ELFWXRCX7C5N

🐈‍⬛Checks: 554 Flint Branch Church Road
Jesup, GA 31545

They could no longer care for their Mama Cat and her 2 nursing kittens, plus the 4 remaining, 6 month old, kittens from ...

They could no longer care for their Mama Cat and her 2 nursing kittens, plus the 4 remaining, 6 month old, kittens from her last litter—all female. They hoped to surrender them to us.

Our hearts ache for this family. The past eight months have shown us how quickly circumstances can change and safety nets can unravel—and how hard and long a task it is to recover and rebuild. We want so very much to help them, but we absolutely cannot without individuals/families volunteering to foster, plus donations to ensure we can provide for the needs of these precious 7 and every FabuCat and kitten in our care until we can find their forever family or transfer them to a trusted rescue partner.

This morning, we were at a loss on where/who to send them to for help. Yes—we have food and litter to share. Yes, we can work on networking the kittens out for them. But, rescues are full, shelters are full, sanctuaries are full—everywhere. No kill/high kill—continually full. Some of our most valued and well-established transfer/network partners are full and intake is frozen. Many with decades of experience say it’s the worst kitten season they’ve ever seen. Abandonnent and dumping are rampant. We do not believe that everyone who commits these crimes is an evil human—wrong, but not evil. They’ve simply lost all hope of finding help.

A family of 6 losing their home while dealing with a critical illness and having to live in their camper van with their cat and her 6 kittens right at the beginning of the school year—we ache for how helpless and hopeless they must feel.

Please, however you can, help us have the resources to help meet as many needs as we can—adopt, foster, volunteer, sponsor, donate, advocate. Not everyone can give—but everyone can share this post and our page with family and friends with a call to action.

To adopt, foster, or volunteer, please email: [email protected]

To give:

🐈CashApp: $fabucats
🐈‍⬛Zelle: [email protected]

🐈With credit, debit, or PayPal, tap on the link below: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=9ELFWXRCX7C5N

🐈‍⬛Address for checks, shipping, and deliveries:
554 Flint Branch Church Road
Jesup, GA 31545

FabuCats is a cat rescue, shelter, and sanctuary in rural SE GA, where the need and suffering is overwhelming, but resources are scarce. With 400+ rescue and sanctuary cats and kittens in our care, your tax deductible donation today can make ALL the difference—whether $5 or $5000 or more (for them, we dream BIG😊) or any amount in between.

Thank you. 🐾❤️‍🩹🐾

Tipper is such a precious stud muffin—we simply NEEDED to share this cute photo we snapped of him last night as somethin...

Tipper is such a precious stud muffin—we simply NEEDED to share this cute photo we snapped of him last night as something Thoroughly Fabulous this Thursday! He wants everyone to know that real men can rock pink—pink flowers, too! ESPECIALLY if they’re on cuddly, soft blankets!

Yes, he KNOWS he has on two different socks—he’s starting a trend! He also told us—channel Willow from 3 Southern Cats and Momma W Kristi Cates as you read this—“you better cover my toot toot before you post my picture! THAT is NOT my good side!”

After being an indoor cat abandoned outdoors (NOT neutered) by his owner when she moved, then having Animal Control called to pick him up, then, once he got to FabuCats, having to be quarantined to be treated for ring worm, it might take a little more love, and cuddles, and pets for Tipper to understand that he doesn’t have a bad side! ❤️🐈‍⬛❤️

Neutered, FIV/FELV NEGATIVE, fully vaccinated, dewormed, and treated with flea/parasite prevention, Tipper will be ring worm free and ready to PAR-TAY with his forever family by mid-September, just 4 short weeks away!

Plan a visit to FabuCats soon!🎉🐈‍⬛🎉

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Our only Wish this Wednesday is to be able provide what our FabuCats and kittens need. With bottle babies, medical babie...

Our only Wish this Wednesday is to be able provide what our FabuCats and kittens need. With bottle babies, medical babies and seniors, and 411 precious lives counting on us, we need your help to continue moving forward. We have some big expenses coming at us like a freight train—the electric bill is due Friday and the invoice for our last batch of spay/neuter appointments needs to be paid ASAP—we cannot move forward with more appointments until our current invoice is paid and funding for additional appointments is secured. Even with the entire staff sick and operating so short handed we worked hard to ensure funding was in hand, but we can’t seem to catch a break lately with one costly maintenance or medical issue after another—and more waiting for funding.

As your Wednesday comes to a close, please take a minute to read our 🎉Take a Minute to Save a Life Tuesday🎉 post and donate or do what you can to help us meet their needs. Rescue can be soul crushingly hard—your gift can make it just a little less so. Thank you. 🐈‍⬛❤️‍🩹🐈‍⬛

🐈CashApp: $fabucats
🐈‍⬛Zelle: [email protected]

🐈With credit, debit, or PayPal, tap on the link below: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=9ELFWXRCX7C5N

🐈‍⬛Address for checks, shipping, and deliveries:
554 Flint Branch Church Road
Jesup, GA 31545

Let’s make it 🎉TAKE a MINUTE to SAVE a LIFE TUESDAY!🎉 where all our FabuFriends, AdvoCats, and FabuFollowers take a minu...

Let’s make it 🎉TAKE a MINUTE to SAVE a LIFE TUESDAY!🎉 where all our FabuFriends, AdvoCats, and FabuFollowers take a minute as this Tuesday comes to a close to help save a life by making a tax deductible donation to help FabuCats continue helping to solve a major problem in our community.

🐈‍⬛$35 sponsors a FabuCat or kitten for a month.
🐈$105 sponsors 3 FabuCats or kittens for a month.
🐈‍⬛$350 sponsors 10 FabuCats or kittens for a month.
🐈$800 replaces the 37 yo hot water heater.
🐈‍⬛$1000 pays for much needed electrical repairs.
🐈$1200 pays the electric bill at the FabuCats Clubhouse and Sanctuary.
🐈‍⬛$2400 pays our Spay/Neuter/Vaccine Bill
🐈$5000 renovates 1 of the 3 rooms remaining to be renovated: medical room, expanded kitten room, and quiet room OR builds an 8x20 catio for the Clubhouse—the concrete is already poured!

Their needs are many and those numbers are daunting—some, of course, are to give them an even better quality of life and building for the future—but we now have more than 2600 followers. If each follower donated $4 monthly or just 15% of our followers sponsored one of our 411 FabuCats or kittens monthly, their NEEDS would be met.🎉🐈‍⬛🎉

As this Tuesday comes to a close, please, take a minute to help save a life. If you can, donate, react by tapping love or care (both do more for us with the algorithm than likes), comment, and share with your friends/followers with a call to action from you. Whether, $3.50, $35, $350, or more—every gift helps and is so very appreciated. We realize in this economy $3.50 is extra that many of us don’t have, but everyone CAN do SOMETHING—react, comment, and share with a call to action. Please. And, thank you.🐈❤️‍🩹🐈

🐈CashApp: $fabucats
🐈‍⬛Zelle: [email protected]

🐈With credit, debit, or PayPal, tap on the link below: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=9ELFWXRCX7C5N

🐈‍⬛Address for checks, shipping, and deliveries:
554 Flint Branch Church Road
Jesup, GA 31545

A week ago, as everyone was hunkering down, sheltering from the wind and rain, we were on the road to meet the City of Jesup Animal Control Officer. Three kittens had been seen on the camera of a city garbage truck falling into the truck from a residential trash can being dumped. (Did you know there are cameras on garbage trucks from which the drivers can watch what is being dumped into the truck??? We did not, but it’s definitely a good thing!) The driver immediately stopped everything to try to save the kittens. Unfortunately one of the three had passed. (We believe they had gone into the trash looking for food and/or possibly shelter, but the lid flew off, rain flooded the plastic trash can, and they became trapped.) The driver contacted AC Officer James Manning who contacted Last Chance Rescue Network for Wayne County Animals who contacted FabuCats.

We met Officer Manning by the side of the road, in the wind and rain, and were shocked at how icy cold the kittens were, and yet they were still fighting to live.

We quickly dried them and improvised an incubator. We also gave them dextrose on their gums every 10-15 minutes. It took hours to bring their body temperature up to be able to safely offer food to them. It took a full 24 hours before the little tabby stopped shivering.

A week later, these two babies are just one of the miracles that keep us going. They are on antibiotics and the black and white kitten is also on antibiotic eye ointment, but they are thriving! And they are BIG eaters, so wet and dry kitten food from our wish lists is also greatly needed!

Amazon “Most Needed Now” Wish List

Chewy Website or App—find our Wish List by going to Donate to a Rescue under Menu and searching FabuCats.

Thank you! 🐾💕💖💕🐾

Since TS Debby, we’ve been even more overwhelmed by the increase in requests for help. Without the support of our community—both locally and online—we simply can’t. 🐈‍⬛💔🐈‍⬛

More excellent information from Scooter The Neutered Cat!🎉❤️🐈❤️🎉

More excellent information from Scooter The Neutered Cat!🎉❤️🐈❤️🎉

We had enough dry kitten food for breakfast, but need a FabuFriend or two or a few to come in clutch for our kittens tod...

We had enough dry kitten food for breakfast, but need a FabuFriend or two or a few to come in clutch for our kittens today before supper. While you’re out getting groceries or running errands, please consider picking up a bag of dry kitten food—any Purina dry kitten food variety—to help our fabulous kittens have full bellies and sweet dreams! (In Jesup Tractor Supply, Dollar General, and Food Lion carry Purina Kitten food).

If you have time to drop off at the rescue, that would be fabulous! If not, we’ll gladly come to you!

We do need dry kitten food today, but have also linked our Amazon Wish List and how to find our Chewy Wish List below for continuing help—‘cause kittens gotta eat! Everyday! 🎉🐈‍⬛🎉

🐈CashApp: $fabucats
🐈‍⬛Zelle: [email protected]

🐈With credit, debit, or PayPal, tap on the link below: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=9ELFWXRCX7C5N

🐈‍⬛Address for checks, shipping, and deliveries:
554 Flint Branch Church Road
Jesup, GA 31545

Amazon “Most Needed Now” Wish List

Chewy Website or App—find our Wish List by going to Donate to a Rescue under Menu and searching FabuCats.

Thank you! 🐾💕💖💕🐾

🎉💕💖UPDATE 💖💕🎉 Kit, along with all the FabuCats & kittens & the humans caring for them all daily, are so meowy, meowy GRA...

🎉💕💖UPDATE 💖💕🎉 Kit, along with all the FabuCats & kittens & the humans caring for them all daily, are so meowy, meowy GRATEFUL for all our FabuFriends who donated $676 to help pay Kit’s bill at Coastal Cat Clinic, leaving only $60.49 to be paid by FabuCats!

Sporting a cute little bob tail, Kit is spayed, vaccinated, and has her monthly flea and parasite prevention on board. She has been at FabuCats’ Clubhouse for 10 days and she definitely ranks top 10 among the coolest kitties to ever be a FabuCat—she is a small, older kitten with a BIG personality! Kit loves playing with toys, is very inquisitive, and, while she is “Little Miss Independence,” she does enjoy pets and cuddles. She is initially cautious when meeting other cats, but she quickly warms up and makes friends. Kit is the most chill high energy girl we’ve yet to know. We believe she’ll be just fine as an only cat, but would also thrive in a home with other cats.

Kit is ready and waiting for her forever family, so run, don’t walk, to come meet this fabulous girl. If you want to take her home the same day, go ahead and complete our online adoption application/agreement linked in the comments.

We believe all our feline friends are fabulous—but Kit is just a little bit extra fabulous! 🎉💕💖💕🎉

P.S. We’re 10 days delayed in our UPDATES & THANKS, because all the humans at FabuCats are still struggling to overcome COVID and its secondary infections. We’re going on more than a month of this misery—pray for us, please. The only thing keeping us upright and going is that the FabuCats and kittens need us to. Everytime we think we’ve turned the corner and are truly on the mend, this particular variant must be saying to its buddy variants, “hold my beer.”🤒


Pearl the cat guarding watermelons in Thailand, where our founder “Air” Parichart Elliott was born. Fabulous things come out of Thailand. And, if you don’t follow That Good News Girl, you should—she’s a ray of sunshine in this often dark world! 🎉🐈‍⬛❤️🐈❤️🐈‍⬛🎉

As a recipient of free Canva Pro/Canva Teams for non-profits, we are so grateful for this initiative. If you are a non-p...

As a recipient of free Canva Pro/Canva Teams for non-profits, we are so grateful for this initiative. If you are a non-profit doing great and good work, especially our friends in rescue, and you have not applied for free Canva Pro/Canva Teams, run, don’t walk to https://www.canva.com/canva-for-nonprofits/

Free Canva Pro/Canva Teams for non-profits—now that’s what we call FABULOUS! 🎉🐈‍⬛❤️🐈❤️🐈‍⬛🎉

Thank you Megan Holmes for completing our application for us! We think you’re FABULOUS, too! Your Aristocats miss you! ❤️🐈‍⬛❤️

Our Two-Step Plan has reached an exciting milestone, hitting $1 billion worth of product donated through our free Canva for Education and Canva for Nonprofits programs.

Dr. Ryan and her team at Coastal Cat Clinic define FABULOUS! Congratulations on 25 YEARS of incredible service! 🎉❤️🐈‍⬛❤️...

Dr. Ryan and her team at Coastal Cat Clinic define FABULOUS! Congratulations on 25 YEARS of incredible service! 🎉❤️🐈‍⬛❤️🎉

Dreams really do come true, but not without hard work and dedication. Dr. Lisa Ryan had a vision of opening a veterinary hospital that catered exclusively to cats and this year, she celebrates 25 years of Coastal Cat Clinic on St. Simons Island.


Thank you to Katie Hutto Harris, Kylie McGregor, and Nahalia Kennedy, for helping fill our need for insulin syringes! Ya’ll are fabulous! 😸

More wisdom from Scooter The Neutered Cat!

More wisdom from Scooter The Neutered Cat!

When should you consider these options? ⬇️

✂️Spay/neuter: Many behavioral issues can be solved by getting your cat spayed or neutered! Fixed cats are less likely to spray, yowl, fight, and escape.

💸Apply for Aid: Having trouble affording spay/neuter, medications or food for your cat? Your local shelter may have aid you can apply for to get financial help.

😻Find pet-friendly housing: Apartments.Com and Zillow both have a filter that allows you to only see housing options that are cat-friendly! Use this when looking for a place to move. PetAndHousing.Org also has helpful information!

🏨Book a shelter stay: Many shelters will take in animals temporarily when their people are in crisis.

🏠Rehome: If it’s just not working out between you and your cat, don’t leave them behind or turn them outside. Ask friends and post on social media to find a loving home for them. Or visit Home-Home.Org to find or post a pet.

If you’ve tried all of these with no luck, contact a reputable shelter for advice.

This 🍼🐱FREE WEBINAR🐱🍼 is especially timely. Learn a new skill and help save lives! 💖🐱💖

This 🍼🐱FREE WEBINAR🐱🍼 is especially timely. Learn a new skill and help save lives! 💖🐱💖

🐱💕 𝗧𝘂𝗲𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗧𝗶𝗽: Bottle Feeding & Neonatal Nutrition
Kittens under four weeks of age, or ‘bottle-baby kittens’ need trained fosters to save their lives. Our free recorded webinar, Bottle Feeding & Neonatal Nutrition, hosted by Sarah Stoppleworth, RVT, CFVP, will teach you everything you need to know, from how much and how often to feed a kitten, to how to mix the formula.
👉 Registration is free! https://zurl.co/AjXG

🔍 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘠𝘰𝘶’𝘭𝘭 𝘓𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘯:
🍼 Proper feeding techniques for bottle-baby kittens
🐱 How to mix the purr-fect formula
🌈 Essential care tips for neonatal kittens

🙌 Why watch? Because every kitten deserves a fighting chance! 🐾
Share this to save lives, one tiny mew at a time. 🌟

👉 Registration is free! https://zurl.co/AjXG


Jesup, GA


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