The Snore King. 😴😴😴😴 the comments continue the story. 😉
Some morning snuggles and kisses.
Getting along. (for the most part)
Quiet time and snuggles. ❤❤❤
Some lovin' under the Christmas tree. ❤
Violet loves her woobie so very much.
Kyah getting some quality time with the woobie. Violet be jealous. 😝
The full video of our crazy little girl Kyah.❤
More nightly goofy-ness from Ky. Just caught the tail end of it. ❤
She is our very own, best entertainment. Crazy Kyah girl, our home-pack honey. ❤
A great turn out for the Spayghetti dinner. Met some wonderful folks, you can feel the compassion filling the room. ❤ SPAY&NEUTER PEOPLE!!!!!!!!
Kinger just loves to watch his TV shows. He is into Pit Bulls & Parolees and COPS, and has recently started watching Live PD.
Milo and Kyah with a little"buddy time". ❤