Graceful Herps is a hands-on business that started like many, and continues on from a hobby to a business that breeds only select captive bred animals. One thing that I/we are adamant about is quality of the animals- that translates to not inbreeding animals, keeping genetics as pure as possible and phasing any animals with potential genetic defects out of the breeding line .We also have a local
veterinarian that is familiar with my animals and utilized when appropriate. The most important thing I can say is we take Quarantine seriously! I enjoyed keeping reptiles and wanted a snake since I was a teenager. Jurassic Park, the Movie (and the book) was a catalyst to my interest in reptiles and their intelligence. One time I remember an employee telling me to be careful with a king snake because it might “musk” on me. The girl obviously was a new one and didn’t realize I came there every Sunday while my family was attending church. I didn’t own a reptile until I was working as a Medical Assistant and made enough to support myself and my hobbies (which at the time included books and continuing education at Western Michigan University). My now husband bought me my first snake, a ball Python, named Porthos. A year later I wanted Porthos to have a girlfriend, so I bought another ball python, Sirene, and also fell in love with a blood python and purchased him a week later. All three of those snakes are still my “babies” even though Porthos is a girl and Sirene is a boy…. That remains a joke to this day. Thankfully I have learned the lesson of probing and or popping snakes to verify s*x. After owning these snakes for a couple years, I started attending local reptile shows, including the Kalamazoo Reptile show and Scotts All Animal Show. I learned about the genetics of ball pythons and started buying a variety of single morphs like spiders, pastels, pinstripes and axanthics. Then Tinley NARBC happened and I met and learned so much about- well everything from morphs to caging styles and substrate to the selection of snakes from long time breeders. Since I do not have years of experience behind me, nor a degree in biology or zoology I have begun a quest to read everything possible from typical published books about reptiles to veterinarian books to magazines from around the world. My library of reptile books is continually growing, as is my communications with herpers and breeders. Another project my husband and I became involved in is a local reptile rescue sanctuary, Critchlows Alligator Sanctuary. We have assisted with some rescued animals and learned about working with crocodilians. Mr Critchlow and his family have taught us a lot about alligators and it was inevitable that we brought a couple home as “foster kids”. Twice a year we travel down to Athens, MI to assist with the seasonal moving of alligators into and out of their wintering greenhouse. At this point in my reptile career, I have now increased my reptile breeding selection to include not only pythons, boas and hognose snakes but also Blue tongue skinks (Tiliqua scincoides), Panther chameleons (Furciferpardalis), Ackie monitors (Varanus acanthurus), Greek tortoises (Testudo graeca) and Crested geckos (Correlophus ciliatus)- (previously Rhacodactylus ciliates). Some of these species like the tortoises will not be available for a few years, but I have high hopes. Some things I have learned along the way: buy quality not quantity; stick to captive bred animals; purchase from breeders that have reputations for healthy, well cared for animals; find a knowledgeable veterinarian, never be afraid to ask for advice; don’t trust internet blogs for accurate information
Thanks for Reading!! Bethany Shunk-Gerstner