When “Less is more”
Horse’s natural survival instinct is to block out pain and tension. Being a natural prey in the animal kingdom, horses instinctively mask pain and discomfort to stay alive, avoiding the interest of predators or the possibility of being cast out as the weakest member of the herd. This mindset causes difficulty while assessing pain and discomfort, making it a challenge to pinpoint the direct issues at hand.
This instinct is also a way for a horse, often beyond its normal physical limitations, to do what is required of it. Over time this is a result of physical discomfort or pain in the body.
The horse communicates almost exclusively through body language; from the subtlest level to the most visible. However, most of these signals are overlooked by human beings.
If we are not able to perceive this body language as a possible pattern of discomfort and pain, we often proceed to correct or practice the given exercise, instead of looking for the root cause, leading to the prolonged pain or tension in the horse's body and mind. Tension often rests in the horse's deep-seated muscles, taking a toll over time. The deeper core and postural muscles begin to tighten to compensate for the pain, or to take over for muscles that are unable to do their job.
Therapy helps to improve the horse's overall performance - greater range of motion, relaxation of deep muscular tissues, while overall improving communication between the human and animal. Staying underneath the horse’s natural survival bracing responses, I utilize pressure and passive manipulation techniques on the horse's body in such a way that the horse's nervous system is unable to switch instinctively to a sympathetic state (defense, blocking, bracing), but switches to a parasympathetic state (regeneration, relaxation). In this state, the horse will show where in the body it has tension, pain, long-term discomfort – enabling the ability within its nervous system to release
Une bonne séance de détente bien méritée pour Clown, qui apprécie aussi bien les mobilisations passives que l’appareil de massage!
Merci à sa propriétaire Marie pour sa confiance réitérée
Le petit doyen qui savoure sa séance de relaxation! Merci à sa propriétaire pour sa confiance