We’re having a blast at the Katy Community Expo! Come by and see us 💜🐶🐾 We’re here until 6 today and will be back tomorrow morning. #katyshoplocal #katysmallbusiness #katydogmoms #katydogmom #katydogs #katytxevents #petbusinessowner #petbusinesses #houstondog #houstondogmom #houstondogmoms #houstontx #houstonshoplocal #houstonsmallbusiness #houstonsmallbusinessowner
Just a little Wednesday night cookie therapy 🐶🍪🐾 #petbakery #petlover #petfriendly #dogmom #dogmomlife #dogmomsofinstagram #fyp #houstondog #houstondogmom #houstonshoplocal #houstonsmallbusiness #houstonsmallbusinessowner #katydogmoms #katydogmom #katydogmoms #katyshoplocal #petbusinessowner ##katysmallbusiness #doglife #dogbakery #dogtreatbakery #petlovers #doglovers #dogtreatbusiness #doggiftideas #foryourpage #ilovemydog #dogmomforlife #dogmomsquad
We’ll have them on our website for sale soon!…the sandwiches, not Olive 😂 #petbakery #houstondog #houstontexas #houstondoggroomer #houstondogs #houstondogmom #houstondogmoms #houstonsmallbusiness #houstonsmallbusinessowner #katydogmoms #katydogmom #katytx #katydogs #katydogmom #katysmallbusiness #katysmallbusinessowner #katytexas
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms! Treat your favorite dog mom to something special from our boutique at 50% OFF ❤️ Discount code dogmom…good through 5/16!
#houstondogmom #houstondogmoms #katydogmoms #katydogmom #katysmallbusinesses #katysmallbusiness #petbusinessowner #dogmom #dogmomsofinstagram
#katysmallbusiness #katytxevents #katyshoplocal #katysmallbusinesses #katydogmoms #katydogmom
Come out and support your local businesses braving the chill and damp at Cactus Cove today! Brunch and shopping isn’t a bad way to spend your Saturday. Tomorrow is Easter and we have tons of bright bow ties, bandanas, leashes, and sweet treats for your pups! Don’t show up at your hostess’ house without something special for her furry baby. #heightshouston #heightsshopping #heightsdogfriendlypatio #heightsdog #houstonshoplocal #houstonmarkets #houstondog #houstondogmoms #houstondogmom #houstontexas #katydogmoms #katydogs #katydoglovers #katysmallbusinesses #katywomeninbusiness #katysmallbusinessowner #katysmallbusiness #houstonsmallbusinessowner #houstonsmallbusiness #houstonsmallbusinesses #petbusinessowner #petbusinessowners
St. Pawtrick’s Day goodies are here! Clink the link in bio to order or visit us next Sunday at the Rice Village Artisan Market 💜🌈✨🍀 #houstondogs #houstondogdaycare #houstongroomer #katydogs #katydogdaycare #katydoggrooming #katydogmoms #katydogmom #houstondogmoms #houstondogmom #katysmallbusiness #houstonsmallbusiness #houstonshoplocal #katyshoplocal
Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope your fur babies got spoiled! #katydogmoms #katydog #katydogdaycare #katydogs #petbakery #naturaldogtreats #houstondogs #houstondogs #houstondogmoms #houston #houstondoggroomer #houstondogdaycare #houstondogsofinstagram
Celebrated another year with our favorite furry person 💜🐶🎉
Featuring our brand new flavored biscuits-Peanut Butter and Gingerbread Holiday Biscuits 🎄 🐶 #houstondogmoms #houstondoglovers #houstonsmallbusinessowner #katydogmoms #dogmomsofhouston #dogmomsofinstagram
Our chief tasting officer is ready to try our newest recipe #fulsheartx #fulsheartexas #fulshearfarmersmarket #fulshearmoms #fulshearkaty #fulsheartxmoms #fulshearliving #fulshearlivingmagazine #fulshearkatyareachamberofcommerce #fulshearpets #katytx #katytexas #katydoggy #katychristianchamber #yourkatyareachamber #katydogphotos #katylovers #katydogmoms #dogsofkatytx #dogsofkatytx #katytxbusiness #katypetstore #katypetservices #katymomsnetwork #katymoms #katymomsblog #katymom #firethorne #firethornekaty #firethornetx