My Deaf & Blind Double Dapple Alice

My Deaf & Blind Double Dapple Alice This page reflects the rescued life of a deaf and blind puppy mill survivor and her baby steps toward recovery. PERSISTENCE is the overall key.

My experiences from watching the birth of her mind and rebirth of her life have enlightened me to the other side of rescue- REHABILITATION. This page lends to the rehabilitation and character of a 7 year tenant in a puppy mill setting. Rescued from a puppy mill in Waller County, Texas on May 18, 2011, Alice has made many gains in the recovery arena, as well as setbacks. Her gains coupled with setb

acks are being posted to hopefully help others understand the challenges that accompany the adjustment of these precious babies. Do understand... PATIENCE and LOVE are good starting places.

My Nut for the Day!He gets his snip snip Friday.  Prayers for my little man, Zero. Hopefully he won't be " Patrollin' (f...

My Nut for the Day!
He gets his snip snip Friday. Prayers for my little man, Zero. Hopefully he won't be " Patrollin' (for legs and arms) Ridin' Dirty" anymore🤣🤣🤣🤣


******PLEASE READ******
Hey Guys! I am more than willing to post a link to your page if it relates to something about the Dachshund community or whatever I think is helpful. But please don't spam my posts for followers to get likes for your page.

Spamming the comments on my post about the death of Bubbles was tacky and desperate and kind of trashy. Message me or page owners and we may help you spread awareness.

I have dreaded this post on this page about Bubbles bc it is so apparent that I have finally lost the last of my origina...

I have dreaded this post on this page about Bubbles bc it is so apparent that I have finally lost the last of my original 6-pack of Weeners.

On January 24, I noticed a lick spot under her arm. Took her too the vet and they did her kidney panels and treated her arm with antibiotics. He blood work showed perfection for a baby in kidney failure. Slight elevation in BUN, but she was home and arm was improving.

On Jan 30, I took her back for recheck on her arm and told them she seemed uncomfortable and panting a lot. Like out of breath. This was a new symptom. She was a couch potato, and over past 2 years had become deaf and blind.

The xrays showed a mass so big in her chest that her heart wasn't visible on one angle. It had pushed her trachea slightly over and had consumed- what the vet said was - 75% to 80% of her lungs. YES she was walking around and never panted or seemed in distress! If I had known it she would have been in sooner and visiting Dr. Novosad my vet oncologist. I am so devastated. I missed the tumor. So I decided to let her go. She was panting at the vet. She panted when I got there (she was a drop off) and then when I held her for the very last time, she wasn't panting as she was earlier. I think she knew. I spent about 30 minutes with her.

I told her to go with Olivia (R.I.P. August 16, 2013), Bella (September 22, 2021), Heidi (October 25, 2021), Alice ( December 21, 2022), and Daisy (March 18, 2023).
I kissed her snout and held her as tightly as I could. Swaddled her as I sobbed from all that was within me. Her little head relaxed, and her breathing became shallow as I clung to the last heartbeat I could still feel. At 5:38 p.m. she was gone.

Just getting around to posting so pics of my Little Man. He is super active and sneaky. You would never guess he is deaf...

Just getting around to posting so pics of my Little Man. He is super active and sneaky. You would never guess he is deaf and blind until you look at his eyes or try to call out to him.
I am getting him used to touch. He starts going any which way but loose when he's touched and doesn't know its coming. He absolutely hates his face or head to be touched, so I approach him from the side. He will be 7 months old on March 2. He is such a sweet baby


Houston, We Have A Climber!
I am working on LAP PATIENCE! My arms acts like a thunder shirt, or just holding him snugly when he starts active spazzing out! Or I put him down into his man made cove. Since he is a head-throwing, quick-teeth-piercing, crocodile-kill-rolling, PERSISTENT little man, he keeps me on my toes. He climbs or tries to climb out of the metal cage, so I had to put my 3 foot high plastic cage together. He's sneaky. I won't have time to comb for information online until next week, any advice here is welcome.

He has a vet appt in morning to get his bloodwork and updates done. Scheduling his "snip" as well.


Good Morning, Kids! Here's my pupdate on Mr. Zero. He's a super fast learner. He found the doggie stairs and has been climbing up the mall morning! I put him back down. He slings his makeshift silicon toy around in true badger fashion🤣 His lickmat and chew toys should be here today from Amazon.

So far this routine is working for him, I know because he doesn't whine....

💕Get up and go to his feeding area. He eats and goes potty. About 20 minutes.

💕 He doesn't sit still right away so I let him play on floor. He slings that hand pretty hard. Runs around some.

💕I have put him in his day cage area frequently, 5-10 min, because he will have to stay there until my son can let him out. About 3 times a day. He occupies himself pretty well. But he needs to be busy.

It's only been 2 days since he's been here. I remember when Alice got here. She was so petrified of everything. Broke my heart to know she had a crappy beginning for 7 MISERABLE YEARS. At the hands of humans who should know better. But Zero has a chance to make it, even though he was born due to IGNORANCE... humans gotta do better. I am so thankful the Lord gave me this little man.

This is Zero, my new baby! He is a deaf-blind double dapple. He is 5 1/2 months old

This is Zero, my new baby! He is a deaf-blind double dapple. He is 5 1/2 months old

Daisy UPDATE:My Daisy was diagnosed with lymphoma a couple of weeks ago. We took her to the oncologist and he has put a ...

My Daisy was diagnosed with lymphoma a couple of weeks ago. We took her to the oncologist and he has put a treatment plan in place. Daisy will have initial staging and 1st treatment on January 5. We are following the CHOP protocol (pic of the protocol schedule). Have any of you had a furbaby on this protocol for lymphoma? If so, was it successful?

WARNING!!!!!Before you feel the need to chastise, DON'T! I consider myself over protective and super cautious to tge poi...

Before you feel the need to chastise, DON'T! I consider myself over protective and super cautious to tge point of irritating people. This is to make anyone aware of the dangers that can happen with absorption gel packs in meat packages.

Last night Daisy got into the trash. She is a Dachshund. She loves to eat or roll in anything disgusting. The trash she tore into had spoiled raw chicken, slaw, and the bloody gel pack to absorb liquids from meat packaging. We caught her in the act. I guess the gel swells up super fast and she ate most of it from a 3 pound pack of chicken along with a whole rotten thigh. Her abdomen was so tight and sounded hollow.

We rushed her to emergency room and they couldn't induce vomiting. She kept trying to vomit but couldn't. The had to surgically remove the material by cutting through stomach from outside, not by going down esophagus. The pic shown here is her blocked stomach. It hadn't twisted as it could with bloat. We were blessed.

This post is mainly to make us aware especially around this Thanksgiving. Extra food preps and more food trash than normal. Pets get excited at new smells.

My Sweet Street Thug Heidi passed away this morning. She turned 17 in June but still had s***k and personality. She stil...

My Sweet Street Thug Heidi passed away this morning. She turned 17 in June but still had s***k and personality. She still pursued the smell of anything you were eating. Any chance she got to move around, she did. I love and miss you, Baby Luv. Bella's waiting on you💔🌈

I am going through the "firsts since..." now. I know Bella was a dog, but my goodness, how I miss her. I have 5 doxies l...

I am going through the "firsts since..." now. I know Bella was a dog, but my goodness, how I miss her. I have 5 doxies left and this morning, I felt it was ok to stop that constant mourning I had sunk into.

I realized that I now have to clean The Pack's ears because Bella always did it. What an awful job that was this morning! Bella stayed in Mother Mode. Any whimper, she attended to it. On occasion, Alice would let out these distress cries from being alone. If she was on the couch, Bella always laid beside her and licked her face.

When Heidi had trouble repositioning herself ( her back legs are very weak), Bella was the only one that didn't growl snap when she fell over on her. She many times, stayed in place.

She was Docky's (my baby doxie) playmate until she got too sick this summer to chase back. He always got on the other dogs' nerves bc he would bump them with his nose, sometimes pushing them out of place! She would play chase with him when he tried.

She slept with Bubbles. She would lick her face and ears to sleep. They slept like a ying-yang. She would lay with Daisy if Daisy stayed on couch with them. Daisy was a plump cushy pillow.

I am thankful for all you brought to our family, Sugar. I miss you. You STAMPED a pawprint on my heart forever.. My precious special Bella Boo. I love you sweet baby. ❤💔❤💔

I said goodbye to my sweet Bella this morning. She quit eating and drinking yesterday. She wasn't able to urinate this m...

I said goodbye to my sweet Bella this morning. She quit eating and drinking yesterday. She wasn't able to urinate this morning. This was the last picture of her. She went peacefully in my arms. My, how I miss my Bella Boo. I love you sweet baby 💔💔💔

🍗🌭HAPPY SUGAR SWEET 17 TO MY BABY LUV Heidi! I love this master street thug with my whole heart❤❤❤I'm thankful every min...

🍗🌭HAPPY SUGAR SWEET 17 TO MY BABY LUV Heidi! I love this master street thug with my whole heart❤❤❤
I'm thankful every minute I still have her. She will still pursue a snack and knows to the SECOND when breakfast and dinner are. I have to support her with a sling to potty and eat most of time. Since she is totally blind; she is deaf unless a bag rattles. Yesterday before dinner, I had to spot clean the floor with that LOUD CARPET CLEANER before they ate. All of the sudden I hear fussing at the rug in front of her dish over that loud machine. She had wandered from the couch area to there and started fussing🤣! I did stop and give her her dish. She finished and waited patiently to potty after the NOW OTHER 5 are grumbling.
I love having my 6-pack of weeners.

Happy 12th Birthday, Bella Boo! Last year, I did not think she would be here another year because of her bladder cancer....

Happy 12th Birthday, Bella Boo!
Last year, I did not think she would be here another year because of her bladder cancer. Then she was dx in January 2021 with subcutaneous hemangiosarcoma and on February 9, Dr Novosad said the films showed metastasis to the lungs..... both lungs! Other than p*eing more than usual, laying around a little more, and the slightest of coughs you can't tell she is sick. Weight is stable and she still begs for food. She fights for her place on the couch and the snack rug. Barks at the door and when the others bark for NO REASON Changing her chemotherapy from IV to the metronomic kind- to now treat both made me think that there would be no time to get a handle on the cancers. She made it past the 60 day post dx of HSA. Today she is still thriving.

PRAYERS APPRECIATED 💔My partially deaf and totally blind almost 17 y.o., Heidi, gets impatient at meal time because she ...

My partially deaf and totally blind almost 17 y.o., Heidi, gets impatient at meal time because she has to wait for her food to be prepared. She loves to eat! Today I was trying to pick her up to eat and she added a "Super Man" leap from couch as I was grabbing her. She landed on the floor on her side. She winced a little. Both of her rear legs are weak (she walks assisted with a sling) so she wasn't able to brace herself at all from the fall.
I checked her out, felt her shoulder, ribs, joints. She was able to stand wagging her tail shortly after. She sat on her pillow to eat. She laid on couch in one spot rest of yesterday. She didn't try to move around. I gave her a gabapentin and carprofen so she could rest and ease the soreness I know she has.

Does anyone have info?

Does anyone have info?

I started this blog selfishly.  I was fielding as many as 30 calls per day as my unusual story spread like wildfire.  And each call required me to start from the beginning.  Now I tell people "If you still need to talk to me after reading this blog, I'm available." It has allowed me to manage my ...

💔💔💔Prayers for Bella please:Bella's eye hasn't responded to 2 rounds of topical antibiotics- one with a steroid given by...

💔💔💔Prayers for Bella please:
Bella's eye hasn't responded to 2 rounds of topical antibiotics- one with a steroid given by regular vet. Dr. Novosad will review tomorrow.

Bella has coughed a little more than usual so I have asked for x-rays on visit tomorrow to see about progression. She wasn't due until April 7-ish, but she might not last that long.


❤❤❤Happy Valentine's Day❤❤❤
🙏Prayer Warriors
🏧💰Gifters-money or resources
😭💔Owners that surrendered out of LOVE
📝Policy Makers
💉🩺Vet Teams
🤷🏼‍♀️Anonymous Ones
👥👥👥Anyone Else
That make it possible for transferring LOVE to animals.

Bella has an appointment for staging the hemangiosarcoma on Tuesday. The chemo will now have to kill a -sarcoma and -car...

Bella has an appointment for staging the hemangiosarcoma on Tuesday. The chemo will now have to kill a -sarcoma and -carcinoma which drastically limits treatment. The spleen nodules will be aspirated if still there from last year. They were benign. Other than straining to p*e, she eats, fusses, plays, and piles up with her sisters.... she seems happy and JUST.NOT.SICK If the urethra gets blocked, then there would be no hope as she would have to be rebuilt in the bladder area. I'm not reading a good prognosis past a couple of months and it is a hard recovery if the stent ( her new p*e tube) Prayers for my Sugar. 😭

Bella does have hemangiosarcoma. The histology report confirmed it. She now has Thrombocytopenia, which seems to be in r...

Bella does have hemangiosarcoma. The histology report confirmed it. She now has Thrombocytopenia, which seems to be in remission as her current treatment has a side effect that raises blood platelets. As long as an immune attack doesn't throw that disease into gear, we are good.
She has chemo this morning for the awful bladder cancer. I am sure he will call me with options for her new monster.
I know The Lord has his hand on her. I don't know why she has so many disorders, but I am glad I adopted her so that I could make sure she had the best care.

Thank you for the many prayers for my Bella Boo! Her surgery to remove the blood blister was successful! Waiting on hist...

Thank you for the many prayers for my Bella Boo! Her surgery to remove the blood blister was successful! Waiting on histology to tell us if it is cancer or not. Meanwhile, she is sleeping alone with her sexy satellite dish to keep her from licking😜. Appetite is hoggish and she is whimpering just a little bc she has to stay still. I will keep the collar off while I'm watching her.


Katy, TX


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