Juno and I explaining the auto sit and heeling a tiny bit.
The trend We listen but we don’t judge Dog Coach addition. Part one… should I do a part 2?
This session was less than 6mins but I had to cut most of it out to fit into a reel. River isn’t very food motived for kibble which has caused us to use chicken and shredded cheese for training. Preferably I would like to use the treat and train for this exercise to be able to reward his behavior faster and to give him an indirect reward where I’m not having to be hovering over him. His parents told me he was not food motivated at all, and the fact that he will take food is a win for me.
My other thing is we now know his association around the door is just the door and it’s not actually his relationship with his mom . He gets overstimulated and stressed over anything relating to the front door. We have to take baby steps to progress into our training and set him up for success. I’ve also set boundaries around doors such as sitting and being released from a sit position to be able to come out or in through the door.
he also gets overstimulated and stressed out on leash when he sees other things in the environment such as other dogs and people when he’s with his mom. Our goal is to introduce engagement, eye contact, and build up his food motivation in the house so that way when we start introducing the outside world into our training, he has already seen those pictures before and he feels like he set up for more success and the communication is clean and clear.
we are also working on crate training and cleaning up his basic obedience.
My step daughter has been very interested in training the dogs in the evenings with me. She is doing such a great job with the dogs and it helps the dogs learn to respect and listen to other people besides me.
This video was 8 minutes of my ranting. I thought maybe you guys would like to hear my rants I think no one cares about but maybe you do? If you do and want more content like this share. If you have questions on potty training or dog training drop them in the comments and I’ll aim to answering them.
Does your SIT mean SIT? Can your dog stay in a sit while you walk away? Can your dog do it in public? If the answers NO then messages us today to schedule a consultation!
Hunny working in engagement
Sassy and working on engagement. She was a little scared the first few days but is coming out of her shell 🐚. We started introducing the heel and autosit.
Ps. Earlier I bent down and she nearly gave me a black eye which is why I was trying to shooo her away but she thought I was playing, so I took the opportunity to play with her to be more fun.
Finished week TWO. We are working on his basic obedience and relaxing. Bagel struggles with being able to relax and self regulate. His potty training is going great and he is a fun dude to hangout with.
Please please please do NOT take two dogs home at the same time. Especially puppies. If a breeder, shelter, or rescue is allowing this they are NOT reputable. There is enough information on the internet to support litter mate syndrome and eduction to know this is a horrible idea. It leads to failure and shows me those people do NOT care about the success of the dogs they are placing in homes. It’s also important that you as a dog owner know that it’s irresponsible to take on two puppies at the same time. I know most people do not research it before they do it but the information is easy to access. Always research before getting a dog.
I don’t make this post to shame owners who didn’t know better because they were failed by the person who gave them the dogs. It’s just frustrating because the failure rate for liter mates in the same household is 90%. It is very prevalentable.
#heaven #dogs #alldogsgotoheaven #belgianmalinois #dutchshepherd #puppy #river #nature
Little Kylie training preview.
We kept our training session on leash short because Kylie gets super distracted and doesn’t have all the exposure to the real world I would like a puppy to have. Our main focus for training has been inside stuff that her mom wanted to work on but we are starting to do outside training. This is how I start all my client dogs on heel.